

He said he had no intention of stealing it.He just wanted to use it to go shopping.

2016-04-23 23:56:52 | 日記




(2)何のためにそれをしたんだ? 何が言いたいかというと何故そのチャリンコを使おうとしたんだ、許可をお願いしないでさ。










(1)He said he had no intention of stealing it.He just wanted to use it to go shopping.

(2)What did you do that for? l mean why did you use the bicycle without asking permission?
※permission…承認 同意 免許 許諾 ♪パーミション

(3)I'm not the only one who does such things. My friends always do.
※…するつもりである, …しようと思う, …することを意図する, …たい((todo, dojng))

(4)But you know, l don't like the attitude of that policeman. He woldn't even listen to me.

(5)I was trying to explain everything, but he just kept telling me that l was a liar. Maybe he didn't like the coIor and style of my hair.

(6)l don't think it's fair. Besides, the police shouldn't have judged me by my hair coIor. l don't like that. 。

(7)Well, you are small and different from your friends, so you stand out among them.
※stand out…目立つ

(8)You had your bicycle stolen, but that doesn't justify you doing the same thing.

(9)You may not think that you are wrong, but what you did was against the law.
♪ユーメイナーθィンクダーユーアーろン ワッチューディd ワザゲインダロウ

(10)I'll go to the police, anyway, and apologize for what Shoko has done.
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I went to see Japanese traditional art at Shibuya with my wife.

2016-04-23 18:10:16 | 日記

Ukiyoe is great!

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2016-04-23 18:04:44 | 日記

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Not very serious, but l want to tell her the difference between rig ht and wrong, that's all.

2016-04-22 22:09:33 | 日記









(7)Shokoが何かまずいことやらかした?→ 大したことではないけど、善悪の判断を教えたかったの。それだけよ。






(1)If you are biased the way you look at them, then quit being so, because whom can they believe inand trust, if not their parents?

(2)I knew they would be teased by people around them. But l wanted them to be strong, so that they can deal with racist slurs later on in life.
※slur…中傷 そしり ♪スラー

(3)And l, too, have to be prepared, and l am ready for that.

(4)Fumiaki, however, was concerned about his doughter, Shoko.

(5)She was short for age, and sensitive and emotional.

(6)I had always hoped that she would not get into trouble.

(7)Has Shoko done something wrong? → Not very serious, but l want to tell her the difference between right and wrong, that's all.

(8)This, l think, is the perfect chance to do that.

(9)I got a call from the police this afternoon, telling me that Shoko had stolen somebody's bicycle and was riding it around.

(10)A policeman happened to stop her because he thought she was cutting school and just playing around.
※heppen to~…たまたま~する

(11)He didn't know that Shoko didn't have school today because of the anniversary of her school's foundation.
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That should be the most important role for us, regardless of whethe r they are interracial or ...

2016-04-21 22:06:44 | 日記











(9)それが一番大切な役目なのよ親にとっては。ハーフだろうがなかろうがに関わらずね。 私は彼らの母親です。



(1)He thought that their deceased mother had sent Naomi to help him take care of them.

(2)He decided that he marry her who was thirteen years younger than himself.

(3)She took my second son from my relative and started to raise him togehter with my other son.

(4)One month after she moved in with my family as children's step-mother, we had our wedding ceremony.

(5)Everyone is different, so is Fumiaki and so are You.

(6)I feel that Hiro's got a somewhat different sense from ordinary Japanese.
※somewhat…幾分 ordinary…通常の 普通の

(7)Besides, his personality is so outgoing that it worries me. His friends may tease him because of that.

(8)Aren't you biased the way you lookat her?
※be biased~…偏見を抱く

(9)That should be the most important role for us, regardless of whether they are interracial or not. l'm still their mother.
※regardless of…にかかわらず, 関係なく, …を無視して role…役 役割

(10)It was fantastic. Seriously, I've got goosebumps!
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Je suis age de 56.

2016-04-20 23:44:17 | 日記















(1)Je suis age de 56.
♪ジュスィアジェデ サンカントスィス

(2)She had a heart attack.

(3)How are your two children doing? Are they okay?

(4)If you have some time, why don't we go in one of the coffee shops around here?

(5)From your parents' point of view, it would not be permissible for a 20 year old girl to marry a widower with 2 children, and on top of that, live with his ! 
♪widower…ウイドワr 意;男やもめ

(6)Don't you think you'd better reconsider it? I'll give you a call tomorrow at your office, okay?

(7)The next day, I phoned Naomi as I promised.
♪ダネクスデイ アイ フォウンナオミ アザイプロミスt

(8)Sne assured him that she would still like to be tne mother of his two interracial children.
※assure…請け合う 保証する

(9)I thought it was too much of a burden and also unrealistic for her to become my sons' mother.

(10)I was afraid she would have a hard time raising my interracial children.
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Drinking and driving is absolutely prohibited.

2016-04-20 19:11:31 | 日記














(1)Drinking and driving is absolutely prohibited.

(2)He worries about the broblems of his interracial sons will face in Japan.

(3)One day, she reapeared in my life.

(4)She is former student in my school.

(5)She lives near my aunt's house, where she is learning how to sew Kimonos.

(6)There, I happened to see her, who was on her way home from work.

(7)Mr.Nishida, it's me, Fumiaki.

(8)When I was in sixth grade, I learned English at your school.
♪sixth…スィクθ  learned…ラーンt とも発音

(9)Oh, hi, Fumiaki. I didn't recognize you. You've changed a lot. Going home now?

(10)Yes, I am. I'm on my way home from jazz guitar practice after work. By the way, I heard you lost your wife.
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Don't violate the parking and the stopping regulation.

2016-04-14 17:43:50 | 日記














(1)You farted, didnt you!

(2)Oops! I burped/belched! Sorry!'

(3)I have so much to do. Where do I begin...?

(4)Let's call it a day and finish it tomorrow.

(5)What time is the meeting?

(6)I only have an hour before the meeting!

(7)I'm not going to make it!

(8)I forgot to attach the file again!

(9)Don't exceed the speed limit.

(10)Don't violate the parking and the stopping regulation.
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It's not good to rely on medicine too much, is it?

2016-04-05 18:07:11 | 日記














(1)A wisdom tooth is coming out and it hurts.

(2)It's not good to rely on medicine too much, is it?

(3)It's sore.

(4)A new type of flu, again?

(5)The supplement is working!

(6)How can I get rid of this fat?

(7)Which skin lotion should I try this time?

(8)This mascara doesn't stay so long.

(9)I stopped using it.

(10)Awww! I got some freckles!
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The hiccups isn't stopping.

2016-04-04 17:55:37 | 日記




(2)それで、私にあなたの家を掃除してほしいと?→ いいえいいえ、そういうことじゃなくて。もしも郵便が届いたら、私の机に置いておいてほしいんです。それだけです。

(3) あなたはいつ春が来たと感じますか?→ 私の会社は3月の半ば忙しさを極めますが、私はいつも春が来たと感じます。そしてこのハードな仕事のあとの花見の宴が待ちきれません。私は普段通り約2週間は深夜まで働かなければなりません。




(7)それで彼辞職したの?→ どうもそうらしい。





(1)Nothing like that.

(2)So, do you want me to clean your house? → No, no, nothing like that. If you get some mails, just place them on my desk. That's all.

(3)When do you feel that spring has come? → My company gets extremely busy in the middle of March. I always feel spring has come, and can't wait for the Hanami party after this hard work. I usually have to work till midnight for about 2 weeks.

(4)Why do I always get this "You look like a soccer player" comment?

(5)I'm gonna surprise her with this!

(6)Apparently, the flu is long-lasting this year. I should gargle and wash hands good.

(7)He was resigned then?→Apparently.

(8)Ow! I burnt myself. I hope I don't get a mark.

(9)The hiccups isn't stopping.

(10)Too much calorie.
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Just like Fumi! 16days have passed since you quitted drinking, right?

2016-04-03 12:02:43 | 日記



(1) 君良いセンスしているね。




(5)高校時代好きな課目何だった?→ 私は音楽が一番好きです。高校の時特別なバイオリンコンサートがあったの、プロのバイオリニストの。彼は音楽の先生の友達で、とても素晴らしかったわ、本物の音楽を聴けたわ。





(10)あなたは家で料理する? 好きな料理は何? あなたが料理しないと誰が料理するの家で?→私料理するわよ家で。料理好きだし。沢山好きなレシピあるわ。でも肉じゃがが一番好きね。私はごま油肉じゃがに使うのよ。それが良い香りでマイルドにしてくれるの。


(1)You have great taste.

(2)I can't stop late night snacking.

(3)I owe you many things.
※oweは「借りがある」という動詞で、お金にもお金以外のことにも使う 過去形・過去分詞はowed

(4)I have been sleep-deprived for a week. → Why? Do you have a sleep problem?
※deprive…拒む 奪う

(5)Which subject did you like to study when you were at school? →I liked music the best. When I was at high school, there was a special violin concert played by a professional violinist.
He was a friend of the music teacher, and it was so exciting to hear the real music.

(6)Keep up the great work.

(7)You are fantastic.

(8)Just like Fumi!

(9)In addition to cleaning, she asked me to cook dinner. I am not her servant! → You should find another roommate.

(10)Do you cook at home? What is your favorite dish? If you don't cook, who cooks at home? → I do cook at home, and love cooking. I have a lot of favorite recipes, but I would say Nikujaga is the best. I use sesame oil for my Nikujaga, which makes the flavor rich and mild.
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Shoot. It's not about getting drunk.

2016-04-02 17:30:20 | 日記















(1)Damn. I have to stand out somehow.

(2)She looks like my ex. It feels weird.

(3)I can't stand that girl.

(4)I can't see her actual face. Too much makeup, you know.

(5)I'm gonna get her!/She will be mine!

(6)She is pretty forward.

(7)I don't know what to talk about.

(8)You'd better not be just silent.

(9)Everyone's eyes are glaring...
※glare…ぎらぎらする ♪glaring…グレアりング

(10)Shoot. It's not about getting drunk.
※not about to~/~ing …~するつもりではない ~している場合ではない

(11)I'm gonna be just myself.
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I am okay with keeping a dog at home. I just want my son to be resp onsible for what he has said.

2016-04-02 12:58:45 | 日記









(7)夏前に痩せようと思うの。(be trying を使って)





(1)Fumi will support to start up my new business. He is so nice.→Hey, be careful. He is double-tongued.

(2)Your son found an abandoned dog on the way home, and he insisted he takes care of it. If you were his mother, would you agree with it or not? Why?
♪abandoned…アバ-ンダンd 捨て犬 insisted…インツィスティd 

(3)First, I would talk about how hard it is to take care of pets, and if he st
ill wants to keep it, I would say yes. I like dogs actually, so I am okay with keeping a dog at home. I just want my son to be responsible for what he has said.

(4)I go upstairs.

(5)You are a good listener.

(6)She is a good cook.

(7)I'm trying to lose some weight before summer.

(8)Stick around and you will learn something!

(9)I'll just kinda stick around.

(10)You have a good sense of humor.
♪sense of humor…センツォヴヒュームr
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I went to Tokyu Plaza in Ginza! 銀座の東急プラザに行ってきた。

2016-04-02 06:54:29 | 日記

I went to Tokyu Plaza in Ginza!

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I went to Tokyu Plaza in Ginza! 銀座の東急プラザに行ってきた。

2016-04-02 06:52:31 | 日記

I went to Tokyu Plaza in Ginza!

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