

I drank happoushu today after 43 days after.

2016-04-30 19:19:42 | 日記

l bet you don't give a shit, 42days have passed since I quitted drinking.
I tried to drink happoushu today after 43 days after.
But I didn't feel it was tasty.
I can't believe that.
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I'm so busy to make vocaburaly book that I don't have enough time to use it.

2016-04-30 17:10:30 | 日記














(1)He came all the way from Australia.

(2)I have to go all the way to Hiroshima.

(3)He drove all the way back home just to get his cell phone.

(4)You didn't have to go out of your way to get this for me.

(5) You didn't have to go out of your way to do that. Thank you so much!

(6)Little bits and pieces keep coming in, and I can't do the work.
※bits and pieces…はんぱもの がらくた 雑用

(7)I'm so glad I kept doing it!

(8)What is this? It's nothing like what I ordered!

(9)My head is still sleeping....

(10)I can't go home till I finish this. There's too much work!
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You should say something to him

2016-04-30 16:04:11 | 日記








(6)どうしてFumiは、毎週土曜に私を出勤させるのかしら?たまには私、土曜日に休みたいわ。 → 奴に何か言った方がいいよ。






(1)He gave me a 1000 dollar bonus, which cushioned the blow of getting fired.
※cushion the blow…痛手を弱める ♪クシュン

(2)You are a busy bee.
※busy bee…働きアリ


(4)Let me give you a word of advice,
don’t drink so much at weddings.

(5)Can I try these on?

(6)Why does Fumi put me on work every Saturday? Sometimes I want to take Saturday off. → You should say something to him
※You should say something to (someone).…(誰かに)何か言った方がいいよ。(クレームや不満など。)

(7)Do you prefer going to a concert or staying at home and listening to music?

(8)It is very hard to decide because I like both.
At home, I can enjoy music privately and choose my favorite tunes.
At a concert, I can enjoy the real sound of music.

(9)I can tell that he is stressed out.

(10)Can you tell the difference between Sapporo and Suntory?
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My favorite Japanese food is Takoyaki.

2016-04-30 12:39:50 | 日記



(1)博士課程を終えるにはどれくらい勉強しないといけないの? → そうだな、少なくとも9年はかかるだろう。

(2) 私の好きな日本の食べ物はたこ焼きなんだ。最も人気のある食べ物なんだぜ関西では。ボール型のおやつでたこの具が入っているんだ。




(6) あなたはとても熱心な勉強家ですね!







(1)How long do I need to study to get doctor's degree? → Well, it'll take 9 years at least.
※at least…少なくとも。

(2)My favorite Japanese food is Takoyaki.
It is one of the most popular foods in the Kansai area, and it is a ball-shaped snack which contains some pieces of octopus.
We put mayonnaise and takoyaki sauce on them, which makes the taste richer and a

(3)Slim chance you’ll win the lottery.
※slim chance…可能性が低いこと、ほとんど勝算のないこと
※lottery…宝くじ ♪ラルりィ

(4)My mother's miso soup is second to none.
※second to none…誰にも負けない/天下一品

(5)Don’t let down your guard in London, otherwise you might get pick-pocketed.
※let one’s guard down…気を緩める

(6)You're such a keen learner!

(7) In the business world you quickly learn to roll with the punches.
※roll with the punches…(困難や問題などに)柔軟に対応する

(8)I'm sad because he disagreed with my idea.
※disagree with ~…~に反対する

(9)I need something smaller than this.
※something smaller than …=「…より小さいもの」。

(10)I didn't have a clue what everyone was talking about.
※have a clue…分かる/見当がつく

(11)Get to the point.
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Unfortunately we have to call it off due to the bad weather.

2016-04-30 10:11:25 | 日記



(1)明日のピクニック、すごく楽しみだな! → 残念なんだけど、中止にしなければいけないんだ、天気が悪いからね。





(6)Fumiが部署で一番頭がいいわ、間違いないわよ。→ 奴が優秀なのはわかるけれど、ちょっと頑固なところがあるよな。






(1)I'm so excited for picnic tomorrow!
→ Unfortunately we have to call it off due to the bad weather.

(2)Plan a trip with your best friend.
Decide on how long to stay, where you will go, and how much money you will need.

(3)I would like to go on a trip, but I am short for money.
All I can spend is $500, so how about a 3 day trip to nearby places?
If we rent a cottage, it won't be so expensive.

(4)Do you spend time reading about celebrities and their personal lives?

(5)I only read about my favorite celebrities.
I used to read about all the popular celebrities when I tried to catch on trends, but it was a waste of time.
Trends always change, and it is useless to be on all the time.

(6)Fumi must be the smartest in the department, no question.
→ I agree he is smart, but he is a bit stubborn.

(7)Which do you like better, living in the cities or countryside? Why?

(8)I prefer living in the countryside because the cities are too loud.
I also like nature, and hate to be in a crowd.
Nowadays, internet shopping is useful everywhere, so I can't find a reason to live in the cities.

(9)OK, OK. No day off tomorrow...

(10)I think I'm gonna take a liitle break.
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