

It was …. It's on the tip of my tongue, but I can't remember the name!

2016-04-27 22:07:07 | 日記



(1)まさに寝ようとしている時に、友達から電話がかかってきました。→ 間違いないわ。

(2)ところで映画はどうだったの?良かった? → 最高だったよ。本当に鳥肌がたったんだよ!





(7)僕たちはいいときも悪いときもずっと一緒だったね。→ そうね。私、結婚10周年を迎えられてすごく幸せよ。

(8)朝ご飯に何食べる?→ 体に良くないのは知っているけれど、普段は朝食食べないんだ。朝食べると今一調子良くないんだ。眠くなるし、今一生産的になれないんだ。


(10) 数日前に話してた、映画の名前なんだっけ? → あれは・・・。喉まで出かかってるけど、名前を思い出せないよ!


(1)I got a phone call from my friend when I was about to go to bed. → No doubt about it.
※be about to~…まさに~するところだ

(2)How was the movie by the way? Was it good? → It was fantastic. Seriously, I've got goosebumps!

(3)You are having lunch with your friend, but she has been texting with someone else from the beginning. You are a bit uncomfortable. Talk to her.

(4)Hey, if you need to talk with the person, you can go. You have been texting since we met today. It must be an urgent matter, right?

(5)She was turned on by the firemen.

(6)I really had a fantastic time with you.

(7)We've been through thick and thin together. → I know. I am so happy to have our 10 years wedding anniversary.

(8)What do you eat for breakfast? → I know it is not healthy, but I usually don't eat breakfast. If I eat breakfast, I don't feel so good. It makes me sleepy and I can't be so productive.

(9)Give her a break, she just got fired.

(10)What was the name of the film we talked about a few days ago? → It was …. It's on the tip of my tongue, but I can't remember the name!
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