

Pjcky, pjcky, picky!

2016-04-29 10:51:45 | 日記













(11) 僕はどれだけ真剣か理解できるよ。君が結婚について考えていることを。けれども君は思っているんだ。若すぎるし、物事はそんなに甘くないと。


(1)What do you think about smoking? Do you agree with it or not?

(2)I don't smoke, so I don't understand how addictive they are.
Many of my friends have difficulty giving them up.
I think smoking is harmful, but as long as people are smoking with good manners, it is okay.

(3)I'm picky about food.
ex; a pjcky customer…やかましい客
Pjcky, pjcky, picky!…本当にいちいちうるさいなあ.

(4)It was my youngest daughter's wedding day. I got really emotional during the ceremony.

(5)You gonna crash on the couch?

(6)I was very sad to hear about the terror attacks in Brussels.

(7)Do you mean twelve in all?

(8)They got a divorce after drifting apart during their five years of marriage.

(9)You know where I’m coming from.

(10)Your friend wants to get married.
You think he is too young.
Tell him what you think he ought to do.

(11)I understand how seriously you are thinking about getting married.
However, you are a bit too young and things won't be so easy.
You need to be prepared for the hardships.
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