日乗 diary - 空の電波 sky radio wave

2017年12月22日 | 日記

Is there a sky radio wave
And a device for that
Have you got?


I hadn't received any special cards that told me about someone's ... past away, (We tell each other about that if we exchange new year cards) when it was already December. I was easy for that but when it was the middle of December, I have received a few. Oh my. Until last year, the cards always told me they were their grandma or grandpa, sometimes their parents. But I've got one that was one of my classmates. Oh my god. It's difficult for me to tell about my feelings exactly, it's shocked, surprised... my head would have been jumped into another space. Oh, well, you... I think that I will go there and come back here at least in a few days. I'm sure we will meet up somewhere, someday again.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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