オサンポ take a walk - スキマ草 : コーンの先 the top of road cones

2015年06月30日 | 日記
こんにちは これも

Hello from
The top of road cone
Is it also a Sukima-soh?

こーいうの好きなんですが…なかなか出会えません。「真面目にしてる」のが可笑しく思える時ってありますよね。この「草」にしてみれば、自分が生えたところにコーンを…元々なのか後からなのか、置かれて、でもまあ幸いなことに先端が切れているので、日差しも雨も何とか手に入る。でもココ狭くね? とか思いながらも先端目指して生きていく…。「草」にしてみれば「生きる」のは当たり前のことで、境遇や環境に不満ばかり言ってたら、即枯れゆくのみ。そんな「真面目」の表れだと思うけど、絵的には微笑ましい。笑っちゃうんだけど「真面目」、「真面目」だけど笑っちゃう。コメディが好きなのはそーいうコトだからなのかしら?
I like that but it is difficult to find it. "Knuckle down", I think that sometimes we laugh at it. For the plant, which is popping out from the top of road cone, when it started its life, the cone was already there or after, anyway, the cone is cut at the top, so that it has sunlight and rain. It might feel that it is narrow, anyway, it carries on living. For the plant, it is usual, "carry on living", there is no time to say any complains for places... have to live, otherwise "dead" immediately. It shows its knuckle down, but it makes laugh or funny at the same time. I like "comedy", because of that reasons?
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オサンポ take a walk - スキマ草 : 壁から Sukima-Soh : from the wall

2015年06月29日 | 日記

Look at that carefully
The leaves popped out
From the wall

I found some manga that were taped by packing tape. It seemed someone put it for recyclable garbage but it was still there. Anyway, I noticed a Sukima-soh popping out at the back of wall. Why was it there? I guess that they had their reasons. For unknown reasons, anyway, I believe that it made the scenery good. VIVA, Sukima-soh!
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猫三昧 Cat-loving - ご近所猫 neighbour's cat

2015年06月28日 | 日記

I can see a neighbour's cat
On this footpath

駅に行く道には何通りかあり、その中の一本のこの道は住宅街の中を通るので各オウチの庭木や植木タチが楽しめます。たくさんの植木鉢が敷地の外、塀沿いに並べられているオウチも多いですね。その植木鉢から脱走? したんだろうなーと思える、園芸種の草花タチがコンクリや側溝のスキマに根付いてだんだんと自分タチの勢力を広げていき、敷地と道路の境目がぼやけていく…現象も興味深いです。なんてことを考えていて、ヒョイっと猫のお出ましに、慌ててアイホンカメラで激写。ここで猫に会うのは初めてカモ? このオウチの猫ちゃん? それともお隣? ワサワサワサ。草木を眺めている時はココロ静かなんですが、猫に出会うとエキサイト! やっぱり猫がスキ…。
There are many roads to get to the station. One of them is through a housing estate. Many houses have many garden trees and flower pots. I enjoy seeing them. The lines of walls, there are many flower pots. I can find lots of garden species outsides of the pots, the gaps of concretes and so on which seems that they ran away from the pots. They might be getting spread themselves to the ground. Well, when I thought about that during a walk, a cat popped out. I promptly took photos of the cat, then started to think about the cat. Is that the first time to see a cat here? Dose the cat belong to the house? Or next-door? I got excited. When I see plants, I'm calm but when I see cats...get excited. Well, I see, I love cats...
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オサンポ take a walk - 百合 lily

2015年06月27日 | 日記

The sky in a rainy season
There are two of pinkish lilies
They are lively

I took the photo of them around 10 days before. Now the bud one might be blooming. I have a try everyday, even just small things... It would be difficult to have self-confidence sometimes... As I feel that days past so fast. Well, any plants grow and change everyday. Yes, I have to do something everyday!
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オサンポ take a walk - ベリー berry

2015年06月26日 | 日記

The tree berries
Raining in June
Raining, raining

美味しそーなベリーがたくさん実ってましたが、よそ様のお庭になっていたものなので一粒も味わえず、せめて写真にと撮らせていただいたものです。ああ、ベリー! おお、ベリー! (こんなにたくさんだから、一粒くらいありだったかしら?? いやイカン!)
There were lovely berries, so many. I could not eat even one because it belonged someone else. I just took a photo of them instead of tasting it. Oh, I love berries! ( now I rethink that just taking one should be ok? They were so many! No? I know, it is "no". )
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オサンポ take a walk - 花と知る I'm a flower

2015年06月26日 | 日記

I'm here
Then blooming
eastern daisy fleabane

If something is many, I don't look at each one. But, each is each. They are different about where they like, what they look. Also their lives.
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猫三昧 Cat-loving - 外猫:あくび outdoor cat:yawn

2015年06月25日 | 日記

I'm now enjoying
Myself with
The cool evening


During a walking, I found a cat. The cat yawned.


The cat was getting to open its mouth bigger. I took a photo of the moment!


After that, the cat stretched its arm.


The plant was on the cat's face.


The cat yawned again. It was just a bit, I didn't take a photo.


Then, the cat sniffed the plant in front of itself.

で、さっきから写真撮りまくっているあんた、誰や? …って感じで。ス、スイマセン、通りすがりの、ただの猫好きのモンです…。

Well, then, the cat seemed to ask me who I was. Oh, Hello, I'm just a cat-lover, passerby.

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日乗 - dairy 今日はUFOの日、じゃない? it's not UFO day today

2015年06月24日 | 日記

It's not UFO day
2nd July is
World UFO day

I got to know that it was UFO day today a few days ago. I checked it again on the Internet before writing about that on this blog, I found out... 2nd of July is formally known as UFO day. Oh. Anyway, have you ever seen a UFO?
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オサンポ take a walk - ケ・ケムケム woolly worm

2015年06月24日 | 日記
虫 茶色の毛

There is a woolly worm
Brown hair
The rain drops on it are shining

は、初めて見ました。毛深く、そしてその毛が長い! 最初蓑虫? と思ってよく見ようと顔を近づけたら、「なんじゃ?! ケ、ケムシ?!」でも毛の色が薄茶で、まあ、よく見る濃い灰色や黒っぽい毒々しい色の…毛虫タチよりはまあこれなら何とかなる…ギリな外見。マジマジと見ているとその毛深い毛の上に大小のキラキラ光る雨粒を発見。あらまあ。怖いけど興味深い。どんな蝶(蛾?)になるんでしょーね?
It's the first time for me to see such a woolly worm. Hairy! That's very long hair! I though that it would have been a basket worm, but it would not. I got to close more to it, I found it was a kind of worm. I was surprised as I didn't like worm. But it was ok for me anyway because the hair colour was light brown, good one. Usually, woolly worms have black, gray...poisonous-looking. It also has shiny rain drops on its body. Wow! Looks nice. Interesting. What kind of butterfly or moth dose it turn into?
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オサンポ take a walk - 燕の巣 swallow nestle/baby birds

2015年06月23日 | 日記

There is the swallow nestle
A few of baby birds
Are in it

This nestle, I wrote it on 27th of April 2015 on this blog. There would have been 4 baby birds, that have grown up like their parents. I think that they will be big enough to leave the nestle around within 2 weeks. I hope everybody will be, one of my pleasures during walking, will be come down though. Time flies like an arrow. I know as much about that.
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