日乗 diary - 亀の甲より年の劫 Aged people are wiser than young people

2020年08月31日 | 日記




I tell you

Aged people are wiser 

Than young people




代わりに出て来たのが、四十代くらいの笑顔の素敵な女性だった。「なんでしょう?」という感じにゆったりした口調で対応してくれた。この人もヘタクソな英語に戸惑ったようだったが理解しようとしてくれて、最終的に私の知りたかったことを教えてもらえたように覚えている。"Thank you"だけを一生懸命伝えて、その場を後にした△





When I travelled in UK, I went to a tourist informaion to ask about something, I'm not sure that, it might have been, how to get to a place.

Firstly, a young girl who was in her 20s, talked to me but I didn't speak English. She didn't understand what I said, she soon went to the back office. Secondly, a lady who was in her 40s, came out and responded me instead of the young girl. She tried to understand about me, finally I got the information that I wanted to.

I thanked her many times then got out of the Tourist Information. Nowdays, we can have our smartfone, it's very useful, such as Dictionaly, translate, maps and Internet. We wouldn't need to ask people about anything, but it would be good? It seems, we get less opportunities to have communications each other, even if we had some embarrassment.

I think the woman might be a good example to follow her atittude to anybody.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.







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日乗 diary - 駅にリュックを預けずに…。When we left our luggages at the station

2020年08月30日 | 日記




When we left our laggages

At the station

What happened next...




町の観光から駅に戻って来た時、リュックが二つとも無くなっていた。動揺した。盗まれたのか? リュックもろとも、チェーンロックの影も形も無くなっていた△





Around over 20 years ago, Friends of mine and I travelled in some European countries. It happened at a station in a town in Italy. (I forgot the name of town)

I am not sure the details about the day, it would be like this, we arrived at the town in the morning, then we had one day sightseeing there, when it was night, we got on the night train to move to next town. Sometimes we did it, used the night trains instead of staying at hotels, to save our money.

We wanted to leave our luggage(rucksack) at the station. There was a service station but it was not free, it costed us 4-5 dollars, I guess. We wanted to use the money for our lunch. We decided to leave our luggage under the sighboard, using with our shakes locks.

We went out of the station, then came back after sightseeing. our luggage disappeared. We were surprised. A friend of mine asked someone about our luggage, that were in the service centre. 
The station staff were worried about if our laggege belonged to a terrorism. We had never thought like this ideas.
So they cut our shakes locks and checked it out. Those luggage was just for tourists. 
They just gave us our luggage, didin't blame anything. We were happy with that but we had never done like this, from next time, we left the luggage at a service centre.
*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.


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日乗 diary - 旅にビーサン。 I bring a pair of beach sandal

2020年08月29日 | 日記




I bring a pair of beach sandal

When I go abroad

It's for bathroom









When I go abroad, any countries, I take a beach sandal with me. It's for bathroom, taking a shower and using a bathroo. Other countries, normaly hotel rooms has only one bath room, a shower and toilet get together into one room. Many people are OK with thier  barefoot to enter any bathrooms. I cannot do that. I need a sandal to enter in there. In Japan, we can buy it just ¥100(with tax) at a 100 yen shop. It's very cheap and light, it wouldn't be heavy stuff for our laggage. I recommend you, when you go back to Japan, you could give it to someone who you know in a local town, when you become friends, as a souvenior. There are beach sandal that are made in Japan. They are expensive than ones that are in 100 yen shop but it would be a nice Japanese souvenior.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.


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日乗 diary -ベンザがナイ。 there is no closet seat

2020年08月28日 | 日記




There is no closet seat

It is in overseas

It happened in the past









When I was a student, I tavelled in some counries in Europe. When I used bathrooms, I was surprised with something... it means, sometimes it happened, toilets didn't have closet seats... It never happened in japan.

I had to think about how to use it, if I had this toilets. I tried... I sat on the edges of toilets. When the toilets didn't seem clean, I didn't sit on the edges of toilets, I just did "air sitting". Sometimes, I got on the edges with my foot. My friends and I was wondring, how the local people used those toilets?? It was mystery, we didn't have any opportunities to ask them about that.

It was one of different cultures from ours. It would be fun of travelling if we could know /learn these kind of differences. But it was over ten years ago, nowadays, it would be difficult to see  "no closet seat" toilets...

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.

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日乗 diary -ホイ、ノウ Hoy, no

2020年08月27日 | 日記




Hoy, no

It's spanish

It means, it's no, today









When I was an university student, I had travelled in some Europian countries, the episode comes from a town in Spain.

We wanted to visit at some ruins. We had to go by bus to get there. Using bus was not easy for us, but finally we found the right bus to go there. When the bus arrived at the bus stop, we asked the bus driver for making sure, he said, "Hoy, no" in spanish. We didn't understand spanish, we didn't understand what he said. As we intented to get on the bus, he stopped us, then said again, "Hoy, no", slowly, he tried to make us understand what he said. We thought that the bus was wrong, didn't go to the ruins, we gave up to get on it.

After that, we found and understood what he said, he wanted to tell us, "It's not opened today". I really thank you, the driver. During our trip, the drivers were so kind to us!


*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.

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日乗 diary -人生初の、生ウィンク It's the first time for me to see a real wink

2020年08月26日 | 日記




It's the first time to see a real wink

in Roma, Italy

I saw it!









When I went to Italy, I saw a young couple on the fence made of stone from the bus. I was in my 10s, it was the first time to go abroad, I earned money by myself for that with working as a cafe staff. The bus was provided by the tour company, this bus was, slowly getting to run. The boy of the couple looked for me, the girl looked back. When we caught our eyes, the boy smiled at me and then winked. I was very surprised but I smiled at him, too. I thought that Italian was so nice and cool. It was only a moment we saw each other but I never forget this moment. 

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.


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日乗 diary -捨てられない小さなお菓子の缶。 I cannot throw it away

2020年08月25日 | 日記




I haven't thrown a can away

It's from France

A traditional sweets



裏を見るとFRANCEの文字だけは分かり、フランスに行った時にどこかで? とは思うものの、どういうお店で買ったのかも覚えていない。友達からお土産にもらったものではないと思う。何度も思い出そうとするが手かがりさえも思い出さない。キヨスクで買ったような気もするぐらいである△


蓋に書いてあるアルファベットの文字をプツプツと打ち込んだ。するとすぐにそれと思われるサイトがヒットした。「メゾン・ドゥ・ラ・プラリヌ マゼ パリ店へようこそ」との日本語が△




I have got the can in the photo, I forgot when & where I got it. I guess that it might have been during my trip in Europe in France?

I didn't have any idea to check it out on the internet. Today, I've done it. Ha ha! It was easy to find it out, I've just found it on the internet, it was just a moment!

If you are interested in it, you could check, Mazet confiseur.

I was lazy....

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.




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日乗 diary - カラテ! Karate!

2020年08月24日 | 日記




We, Japanese

used to be good at










Many years ago, the people in foreign countries believed all of japanese could play Karate. So, we could have tried to show them our karate, when we travelled in other countries, if some people would have annoyed us, by trying to chat with us because they wanted us come to thier hotel or restaurant, etc, in this like situation, we could have let them away with our karate. But we could do that only on the streets where some people should be there.

In some country, when friends and I travelled, a man who was keeping talking to us on the street, but we were not interested in his presentation. We wanted him go away but he didn't. One of my friends tried to show him her karate performance, he was surprised and scared a bit with her karate. He soon left from us.

We were also surprised with that. It had been the first time to try it for her and us. We thanked the image that other countries' people had that Japanese could play karate.

But it happened many years ago. Now the people know about us. It will neve do it again.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.

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日乗 diary - ノック式ボールペン A Click-action ballpoint pen

2020年08月23日 | 日記




Click-action ballpoint pen

more popular than

Baiipoint pen(with cap)









The Click-action ballpoint pen in the photo is made in Japan, its name is BOXY by MItsubishi pencil. It was booming around...over 40 years ago. It's been still selling, one of longtime seller products.

When I was travelling with friends in Spain, we were student, we went to somewhere, a small town  at the station. I asked something a man who was in his 30s, I couldn't/cannot speak spanish, I handed a memo and my BOXY pen to him, as I expected he was going to write down his answers.

When he returned the mome to me, he put the pen in his chest pocket then took out his pen in the pocket, gave me that. He patted on his chest pocket. I thought that it meant, "Let's exchange our pens!".

Oh, I was a bit surprised but I was OK with that. He seemed happy. I guessed that the pen must have been unusual or/and expensive at that time in Spain. The pen he gave me was a big from France, it was unusual for me and the pen had a good quality to write letters. So, it was a win-win exchange.

Nowadays, Click-action one is more popular than not Click-action one. I use it everyday. So, I never forget this little momery in the trip.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.


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日乗 diary - ジャムの蓋 a lid of jam

2020年08月22日 | 日記




A lid of jam

Sometimes cannot be opened

I try to open it, even it's tough






このままではジャム無しパンである。寂しい。その時二人づれの英国紳士が目の前を通りがかった。英語は単語だけだったが、思い切って頼んでみた。その内の一人が開けてくれた。Thank youは言えたと思う。二人は何事も無かったようにまたおしゃべりしながら歩いて行った。さすが英国紳士、親切だった。嬉しかった。このくだりの部分は何度でも思い出すが、何味のジャムだったかは、覚えていない。




I like jam, sometimes I buy jams that are made in foreign countries, if they are on sale at a shop.

Sometimes, it happened that the lids were stuck so I couldn't open them, I checked it out on the internet,

We put it in the hot water, then a lid will be opened easily.

Whenever I got those troubles, I remembered some happening in my trip in Britain when I was an university student. I travelled in Britain with a friend of mine during our summer holiday. We were backpackers, hadn't got enought money so we didn't go any restaurants, we bought bread and jam at a supermarket then ate them at a bench in a park.

That was in somewhere Lodon. When I openend the lid of jam, I couldn't do that. My friend tried it but she also failed. Two English gentlemen were passing by us. I tried to ask them(I could't speak English, might have used gestures and one phrase) if they opened my jam. He was OK then He was succeeded to do that!

I was really happy with that! I believe that I must have said, "Thank you". He really saved me! Such nice gentle men! I remember this episode but I don't remember what taste was.

*I'm not sure if my grammars that are correct.



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