オサンポ take a walk - 草花 plant & flower flowers スキマ草 popping out plants

2014年10月31日 | 日記

Some plants are popping out
From a narrow space
It's Friday!

よ~やっと金曜日だい。ハロウィン❓関係ないね。勝手なニンゲンの勝手な想像力でさ、狭いスキマに住んでいる草タチを見て、キュウクツでナイんカイ❓とか思ったりとかするけど、とある本に寄ると全然事情は違って、これは彼らの生き残り戦略だそーで…。でもあまり必死な感じの印象が無くむしろクスリと笑っちゃう微笑ましい状況が多い気がするのはコレまたニンゲンの勝手な想像❓そーだよそーだよ勝手な想像をしよう❗️今日で仕事が終わりでこの間買った宝クジが当たったから、美味しいモノ食べてかえーろ⁉️ (全部現実の反対…)
It's Friday, isn't it? I'm so tired...with my current job. Halloween? I don't care about it. Well, I've got some imaginations on this plants... I named them "plants that popping out of & living in a narrow space". I thought their lives have would be tough? But, actually it wouldn't, they survive with that environments. As human beings, I have lots of imaginations for them. But it's wrong. They seem to live naturally, as themselves. I've got something feelings of funny when I see them. They make me laugh sometimes. Yes, let's have a wrong assumption! My job is going to be finished today, and then I've got a win over a lottery so I will have a delicious dinner tonight! ( it's completely opposite of the real )

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映画三昧 Film-loving - 「アバウト・タイム」 About Time

2014年10月30日 | 日記

Back to the past
Please go back
At that time

水曜日だにゃ~何かあるかにゃ~とチョット前のコトですが、検索してみたら出てきたのがこの映画。お? なんだべ? と思ってチョイ調べてみたら、「フォー・ウエディング」とか「ノッティングヒルの恋人」「ラブ・アクチュアリー」を書いたり撮ったりしてる人の作品だと知りヒトリのこのこ出掛けて行ったら場内思ったよりヒトがいた。映画は切なくも笑いありの可愛らしい内容です。極悪人が出てこない映画がヤッパいいですね。今季のドラマの中で、バカリズムという方がやはりタイムトラベルを題材にお話を書かれていますが、コメディならアリですかね。
One day, it was some Wednesday, ( for girls, we can watch any films for 1100 yen ) I was looking for a film which I was interested in, I found "About Time". It is directed by Richard Curtis, I like his works. I went to see it in the theatre, there were so many audiences more than I expected. The story is something nostalgic, a bit sad, but funny,warm and lovely. There are no evils at all in the film, that's good. In this season, Bakarhythm ( who is a comedian but he is also screenplay writer ), writes a series of TV dramas, its theme is also time travel. I think if it is comedy, it would make sense.
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猫三昧 Cat-loving - 外猫 outside cat

2014年10月29日 | 日記

She's got her own house
She is sleeping in there

先々週くらい?の仕事帰り、とある場所でまだチョット大人前的な若い(と思われる)猫を見かけ、最近はほとんどこの辺では無かったことなので珍しいな、と思ってました。通りすがりにチョット近寄って様子を伺うと、目がショボ~となってて眠いダケなのかどーなのか、うむ? と思わないでも無かったのですが、いやいやきっと夜のオサンポに出ているだけ、と考えるようにして、「じゃあねお元気で」と声を掛けてその場を立ち去りました。その後の数日間、その場所を通る度にいるかな? とキョロキョロしたりしてたのですが、その日以外は見掛けず。そしてある日、近所の商店街の中でどなたかに作ってもらったらしきおウチを得て、安眠してました。そうか…。拠り所が出来て良かったとは思いましたが、そーなるまでにどんな事情があったのか。まあ、ここなら安心だからと過去は振り返らないコトにしました。
Around a few weeks ago, I saw a young cat ( it would be ) in some place. I haven't seen any cats for years, so that I thought what happened. I got close to that cat, her eyes ( might be ) didn't open properly, looked sleepy. Uh? I thought something ... But I talked myself she was just taking a walk at night. I said to her, "Take care, hopefully see you again", then went home. After a few days, whenever I passed around there, I looked for her but I couldn't see her. One day, I found her sleeping in her own house in the evening. Someone made it to her, very nice. I thought I know someone who likes cats, feeds and take care of them. So I was released from my conscious. So it's now ok with her but before...what happened to her. Anyway, no one could know, "now" is important. She is fine now. That's good.
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オサンポ take a walk - 飛ぶ蜘蛛 flying spiders

2014年10月28日 | 日記

The flying spiders
Look at them carefully
There are also small spiders?

空飛ぶ蜘蛛シリ~ズ。こんな空高いトコロに、電線と木を上手く利用して上手く巣を張ったりするんですね。へぇ~、と感心して写真に撮り家に帰って拡大してみたら、巣の持ち主の周りに見えるホコリッポイものは獲物? と思っていたけどそれが子蜘蛛ッポク見える。黒い点点から放射状に細い脚のようなモノが飛び出しているヨ~ナ。子蜘蛛タチに栄養を与えるために、セッセとこのよーな場所に巣を作ったんでしょーか? そう考えると頑張った(?)ワケも分かるよーな。ッテ、ニンゲンが勝手に考えてますが、合ってます??
It's a series of flying spiders. I thought the spider is great, it would be good at building its web in such a high position. When I was back to home, I looked into it carefully, making bigger, I found it there were small spiders in the web. Firstly, I thought they were something foods to the owner of web, the big spider. But it wouldn't be. If so, I understand why the big one made its web in there. Because it is for feeding its children. Oh, such a good mum! Well, a selfish mankind thought like that, is it correct?
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オサンポ take a walk - 夕暮れ空 evening sky

2014年10月27日 | 日記

In the evening
Sky and electrical wires
One of their favourites is

It's a series of telegraph poles and wires. From around this season to winter, well, any skins have tough time, but looking up in the sky, it becomes much fun while taking a walk. Air is getting dry every each day, but it makes the shapes of the wires and poles be clear. There are contrasts of bright sky and their shades. Oh, it's amazing, my eyes are caught by them, I stop my bicycle then take photos. It's my habit to take a walk. I believe that I can get to know change of seasons from walking, we live together with them. I recommend doing that. (←Billy-san, it's correct ?!)
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オサンポ take a walk - 木 tree & 空 sky

2014年10月26日 | 日記

In autumn evening
There are branches which have no leaves
It is melted into the sky

I like writing so that I'm doing my own blog. I have been trying to be something, I know it's a big challenging. I finished my challenging work then went out to the post office by bicycleI, I found the tree...it had branches without leaves. It looked like meting into the sky. I like evening, the sky has various colours and many things have shade and shadow for the sky. Well, I was happy with my finished work, even though I've got tough time to do that. If you would like to feel "I've done it", something like that, you can't give up until have finished. I'm easy to get tired but I have to work as an office clerk during weekdays because I need money but not too much otherwise I will exhaust, no work no money, also it's bad. I only use my days for the challenges at weekends. Well, I don't have to do the challenges but if I don't, I feel something like empty in my life. It's just my own task but if there is some other purposes or encouragements to me, I can get more power to do that. Why I think so, because of autumn?

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オサンポ take a walk - 草花 plant & flower 菊に似た like chrysanth

2014年10月25日 | 日記

I put it on the flower
I ask the widow if they deliver it to
Then it will go to moon

It happened something...bad, I am not feeling well today. If I could go to moon, my feelings would be better, then I could return to the earth. When you see the earth from far away, like on moon, the blue earth can be seen like floating up in cosmic space. Even if we can't go to there, we can see it on the picture. But I think it is difficult to understand what space and atmosphere are. Well, it is...the same as mind/thoughts of people. We never know what someone thinks... I know, it's not fun if it is too easy to understand about something. If it is very important, it will be difficult to get it. If you can get it easily, it is not very important. I understand the theory though...
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オサンポ take a walk - 木 tree & 街灯 street lamp

2014年10月24日 | 日記

Now summer had gone
Under the light
There are gathered early autumn

写真は秋っポクはないですが、撮影時期は数週間前です。そー言えばまだツクツクボウシが鳴いていた頃かも。さすがに最近は鳴き声を聞きません…。で、人工物に見慣れてしまっているせい、というか写真で見ると、なのかはよく分かりませんが、人工物と自然物が一緒に写っている写真(=え・絵)って悪くないな、と思う今日この頃です。この絵も、街灯の周りに葉っぱがちょっと覆い被さっているだけ、のことだとは思うのですが、両脇にいる葉っぱタチが、「ようよう最近の調子はどうでい?」(何故か江戸っ子)と、街灯に訊いているようにも思えて、何か微笑ましい…みたいな想像力? があって…コレ、無駄な想像力ですかね? この想像力を何かに生かせないモンですかね?
This photo wouldn't be like autumn... I took it around a few weeks ago. Some cicadas were singing at that time, in these days, no cicadas. Well, as I get used to see artificial materials because they are anywhere, or when I see natures and artificial materials together in photos , I feel them, and would not be bad, like it. Also this photo, there are artificial ones and leaves which are taken together, I think it looks not bad. Well, if someone describes about this picture, there are just the street lamp and leaves, but for me, they are some characters, they are having conversations. Leaf 1, " How are you doing?", the street lamp said, "Oh, I see, not bad, but...", something like that. Do you think that kind of my imaginations are useless? I wish my imaginations could be used into something... I hope.
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猫三昧 Cat-loving - 元気 Genki

2014年10月23日 | 日記

My feelings in the morning
Is not bad
I'm working for my duties

、今日は何故かフニフニ鳴きながらそばに寄ってくる。肌寒いのに起きたんかい? とネコはやっぱり分からん。少しの間そばで丸まって寝てました。そして朝食中にお得意技の、座っているニンゲンの腰の辺りをテでチョンチョン、をして何かをアピール。なになにメシ? さっきあげたのいらんゆうたやにゃいの。お膝? 寒いの? コタツに入ったらええやん。あぐらをかいたら乗ってきました。こんな時にオプション出されても素直に喜べまへん。猫の体温でじんわりあったか~い~ホワワ~…とかしてたら遅刻してしまうねん! ニンゲン相手の接客なのに猫の都合でするしないを決める猫…。猫の都合次第で接客されても、嬉しくなるニンゲン。ニャンだかにゃ~。
It's the latest photo of Genki-kun. I took it this morning. In these weeks, he hasn't come out of his basket but he did it today. Then he meowed, came close to me. While reading the newspaper, he stayed by me. When I had breakfast, he tried to get my attentions for something... with tapping on my back by his paw which was his specialty. Want to come on my lap? Feeling cold? You've got the warm Kotatsu( Japanese one of heating things, a table type ) , would you like to get inside? When I sat in a cross-legged position, he got on my lap. Wow. He did his one of options, get on a lap. He made my lap warm...feeling good...but I had to go to work! I could not take time to do that! I would be late! He services me anytime he wants. It is just his decision. I'm happy with his service...even it is not a perfect time for me. Meow.
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猫三昧 Cat-loving - 玉吉 Tamakichi & 元気 Genki

2014年10月22日 | 日記

It's raining today
All day long
So that we will be sleeping

The photo was taken in the other day. They will be sleeping all day long because it's raining today. So I used it for today's blog. I envy them, especially when it's raining or it's chilly in the morning. I think they also think about something, but anyway, they are allowed to stay at home because that is the job to them. Their job is service, the duties are "demanding food, play and cleaning their toilets". They make the people work for them with pleasure. There are some options, make them stroke, get on a lap, sleep with the people, when the people call them, they reply, and so on. No one persuades them to do anything, they just do what they want to do. Their masters are themselves. Why am I thinking like that... Because I would not like to go to work which I don't like... I think about it strongly, especially like this rainy morning...
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