お菓子 sweets - 韓国産 健康ドリンク A powder drink for health

2014年09月30日 | 日記
飲んで 健康に

You put the powder into a cup
Pour the hot water
Stir it then drink
You will be in good health

I've got the tea stick from a colleague of mine who went to South Korea a half month ago. 감사합니마(Thank you)! It's good for your health she told me so. I think that the photo of package also told us. I especially like "Corn tea" in South Korea. It is made of corn, has a light scent and a bit spicy. Someone would think the taste is weak, but for me, it's a good point. I can drink it a lot, because it doesn't stay the taste in my mouth longer. So it's a good drink for a work place. It also has tea bag, it's convenient . I wish that someone will give me as a souvenir.
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猫三昧 Cat-loving - 外猫 outdoor cat

2014年09月29日 | 日記

I see cats
Cats are running away from me
They give me their cautions, "Hisss"

オサンポ中に猫に出くわすと、いつでも嬉しいんですが、向こうがそう思っているとは限りませんね。今回のこの二匹の猫ちゃんも…白猫ちゃんの方も"め"が合った瞬間にピタリと歩みを止めてしまったので、これ以上は無理か? と思い、去られる前に写真をと思い、撮らせてもらいました。何とかゲット。グット。白猫ちゃんに気付くと同時に左手にあるどこぞのオウチ様の物置の上にも、昼寝中の猫ちゃんに気付き、お!今日は大漁だ、と喜んでいると、シャー!シャー!とバリバリ威嚇されました。いやはやすんません、そりゃ昼寝の邪魔しちゃ怒りますよね。えへえへ、写真だけ撮らせて下さいね、なんてやっているほんの数十秒の間に、案の定白猫ちゃんの姿は消えていました。いつもいつも「一期一会」のキモチでオサンポしてます。
Whenever I see cats during taking a walk, I am so happy. But cats are also happy? I never know. I saw those two cats on that day; I found the white cat(she?) first, when she caught my eyes, she stopped walking, then stared me. Oh, I took her photos quickly before she left. Thanks, I got them, good. At the same time, I found the other cat(he?) on the shed on the left hand side. After taking the photos, I turned to him then took photos, he seemed unhappy with it. He gave his "Hisss" a few times while I was taking his photos. Oh, sorry I interrupted your nap. After that, I turned to the white cat, but she had gone already. Oh, yes. I always think about "once-in-a-lifetime encounter".
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オサンポ take a walk - 虫 insect 青虫 green caterpillars

2014年09月28日 | 日記

There were many green caterpillars
On the trees
They are eating leaves

虫は基本苦手です。ですがまあ、多少は"虫"によっては、というところはあります。この青虫君たちは限界ギリの範囲です。去年の今頃だったか、同じ場所で、毛虫の気配を発見したことがあります。「葉が齧られている」「黒いゴマ粒みたいなフンが地面に落ちている」黒いフンを地面に見つけたときとかは大抵"ギョッ"とするくせに、危険(?)が少なそーだと判断すると何がいるんだろうとつい植え込みなどを覗きこんでしまう悪いクセ(微妙な好奇心)があります。しかし去年のその時には何も発見出来ませんでした。そして今年。同じように「齧られ葉っぱ」と「フン」を見つけ、「おいおい誰かいるのかい?」と覗いたら、あらいるあらいる、ギョ!ここにもいる、と最終的には6匹ほどを確認。基本怖いんだけど、この青虫君たちはボディーの色が何とも言えない明るい緑色でキレイだし、毛が無くって毒々しくないし、でも正視するのはちょっと…なのでチョロチョロと視線を外しながら見るんですがそんな見方をしても驚く発見があるからえーっとまた見てしまう。この後頭部辺りに黄色の王冠かヘアーバンドのように付いているものは何でしょう? やっぱ擬態? 花粉ッポクも見える…のでマネしているんでしょーか? だとしたらすごい。そうでないとしても、なんでこんなにラメが入ったような黄色でキラキラしているんでしょう? よく見てみたいけど、よく見ちゃうと怖い、ううっーと思いながらもまた見てしまう。しかし長い時間は見られない。うー気持ちの整理に忙しい。しかししかしボディーの最後についてるシッポみたいのも何かオシャレだし、裏返っている姿を見ると、足が何かかわいくて、枝を掴むのに最適な形で、これで足の本数が多いのも分かるでしょう? なんてアピールされているよーな気分になってくるし。凄いなー凄いなー彼らの計算しつくされいるように見えるボディーの作りに賞賛の嵐。それらにどんな意味があるのとか、どの種類の青虫君なんだろうとネットで調べてみようと思いましたが挫折。図鑑のように詳細に情報を載せているサイトがありましたが、見ること叶わず。限界超えちゃいました。あは。興味のある方はコチラへ→http://butterflyandsky.fan.coocan.jp/shubetsu/yochu.html

I would not like any insects or warms like that... But some of them would be ok with me. Just some. I found those green caterpillars on the trees, oh, am I ok with them. Yes and No. I think their bodies were fresh green colour, so it's not disgusting. No hair didn't give me scary emotions. You know, some caterpillars have poisoning-looking hair on their bodies. But honestly, I was scared about them, but I was interested in them, my mind was busy, interesting and scarring in the same time. But anyway, I found few great points on them. Especially, I looked into, it seemed yellow crowns or hair bands on around their occipital areas. It's shiny and bright yellow, so beautiful. Why? How? It seemed pollen. Is it copied from pollen? Is it mimicry? If not, they were so artistic. And then, it seemed like a tail, it's also fashionable, about their legs, it's cute, it seemed functional, easy to hold a branch. And their back told me how they need to have many legs. Wow! Amazing! I was impressed them so I would like to check them up on the website which gives us a lot of information about them but I gave up. My bound to them was reached here. If you are interested in, you could visit at →http://butterflyandsky.fan.coocan.jp/shubetsu/yochu.html
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日乗 diary - カフェ難民 difficult to find nice cafés

2014年09月27日 | 日記

There are only Mac or Doutor
As cafés
Near my house

オサンポの途中に寄れる、いい感じのカフェが家の近くにあったらな~~~といつもいつも思っていて、カフェのために引っ越し! タイと思うこともしばしばですが、現実はイツモ思うヨーには行かず。おかず。で、前からあってごくたまに利用していたマックがこの度全席禁煙になったとかで、それが夏前だったので、冷房の効きが弱くなってから行~こうと思ってて、で行って来ました。コーヒーだけと思ってたんですが、各種メニューの割引き券があったのでその中から「きのこリゾットボール」なるものをチョイス。¥199のものが¥189で¥10引き?と思いましたけど、コーヒーはタダ券利用だったのでホホッと。揚げたてをご提供! なのか待つこと5分。あちゅあちゅのものを席に運んでいただきました。容器のフタを開けると中には二個のボール状のものが。油が手につかないようにとかってナフキンで取り出そうとすると転げそうになり、危ない。危機を上手く乗り越え、一口齧ると思ったより硬く感じました。なんでやろ? と思って中身を見ると玄米風のごはんが周りに。あ、それで~。でもきのこ"リゾット"~と言う割には硬めだぞ、揚げてるから? きのこも少なめ? まあまあそんなんディテールにこだわってもネ。マックに行ったのは創作活動のためですバイ。目的に集中!せねば。
I would like to have nice, cozy cafés near my house, when I take a walk. I only have Mac or Doutor (https://www.doutor.co.jp/about_us/company/detail3.html) something. I went to the Mac which had only non-smoking seats. Before it had the smoking room but no more now. That's good. I was going to have only a cup of coffee, but I got discount coupons for any menus, I ordered one of them. ( if you are interested in it → http://www.mcdonalds.co.jp/quality/basic_information/menu_info.php?mid=9018 I've no idea it's only sold in Japan or not ) Anyway, I enjoyed myself --- but I wish I would have nicer, more cozy... Cafés near my house...
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オサンポ take a walk - 草花 plant & flower flowers スキマ草 popping out plants

2014年09月26日 | 日記

In the autumn winds
Are blowing, like inviting us
We are here

以前にもこのブログで、様々な「スキマ草」(means, popping out or living in a narrow space) たち→ご興味のある方! こちらのような本も出ているようです→(http://book.asahi.com/reviews/column/2014061800001.html)を紹介していますが、最近にも"出逢い"が。まあどこを歩いていても「スキマ草」には出逢ってまいると思いますが、"ちょっと面白い"という視点で探すとなると意外と無かったり。なので、「これちょっと笑える」的なスキマ草に"出逢えた"時は、それだけでハッピー! とっても安上がりに見えますが、結構な幸福感を味わえます。
I showed you many "Sukima plants" in my blog. ( if you are interested in "Sukima plants", there is a book which Introduce them to you →http://book.asahi.com/reviews/column/2014061800001.html ) I see many when I walk outside, but it is difficult to find "funny" things. When I see "funny", I'm happy. It costs nothing, but I'm full of happiness.
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オサンポ take a walk - 草花 plant & flower flowers 紫陽花 hydrangea

2014年09月25日 | 日記
紫陽花は どこ
までも も~

We are still blooming
We are hydrangea
Our season is not only rainy one

Hydrangea's flower season is quite longer than we think. I read about it in some book or article in the newspaper. I was surprised a little bit as we had an image that Hydrangea's flower season is around rainy season. Later a few years, I cared it but when I found them, yes, they had flowers but they were almost dried. Finally, I found the hydrangea which had raw flowers last weekend. It told me, "I'm still blooming!", I thought. Has it still been there?
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オサンポ take a walk - 彼岸花 cluster amaryllis

2014年09月24日 | 日記

The cluster amaryllises
In red or white
It seems busy

Higanbana(cluster amaryllis) is a phrase reflecting the season of autumn. So it's Haiku. About Higanbana, it has no leaves, pops out of the ground by myself suddenly. It seems "dependence", strong. Or, it falls down from the sky then sticks on the ground by someone. It surprises us, has a flower around equinoctial week in September. In Japan, some people is afraid of them because it is very red and the time, they imagine it connects to the people who passed away. But it just tells "Autumn has come", even though some cicadas are still singing. In addition, there is liquorice, it's
garden species.
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オサンポ take a walk - 虫 insect 蝉 cicada

2014年09月23日 | 日記

Those are many cicadas in summer
There are also lots of insects in autumn
They are singing in chorus

The sunlight and temperature, they are like autumn's. We can still hear many cicadas' songs from over the trees and also many insects's songs in autumn from the underground. Their songs would be in chorus. There would be the tail of summer touches the first finger. I said like that as I'm a poet. While we hear cicadas' songs, there would be the summer...even though the summer is getting less its existing. I think that we, human beings, never know exactly when the season begins, nor ends. They, creatures without humans, must know about that. Because they need to know it for their lives. Viva, Nature!
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ホンヨミ Book-loving 「たのしいムーミン一家」 Finn family Moomintroll

2014年09月22日 | 日記
ほい フィンランド

It's Moomin
It's Finland
North Europe

「ムーミン」シリーズ。ムーミン、は知っていても、お話は実は読んだことがないかも…? と思って読もうと思って図書館から借りて来ました。実はムーミンは、ムーミントロールという長い名前で、カラダが黄色で前髪があるムーミンの彼女は、ミンミンという名前じゃない、とか、あれま、と思うこと多し。一つのお話が元になって色々と発展していく過程で、付け足されり引かれたり。でも元がしっかりしていれば、原作の魅力は損なわれない。そんなお話が書けたらいいですなぁ~。
It's one episode of "Moonin" series. I know "Moonin" but I cannot be sure if I read the books. That's why I borrowed it at the library. We call Moomin, but his real name is Moomintroll, Minmin is Little My. Oh! When the series become cartoon films and the theme park, sometime they are adapted. But if the originals are great, the originality never change.

(Just an aside, some cicadas are singing today, too)
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猫三昧 Cat-loving - 外猫 outdoor cat black cat

2014年09月21日 | 日記

There are many singing insects in autumn
It's getting cooler each day
There is also a black cat

夜はだいぶだいぶ涼しくなって来ましたが、昨日も今日も日中は天気が良かったせいか、まだツクツクホーシが鳴いていました。蝉は羽化してから約一週間の命、という風に言われていると思いますがそれは飼育下のことで自然界では一ヶ月程生きているのでは? とも言われているそーです。そうだとすると、まだ夏の暑さの残る八月の終わりころに羽化した蝉が、少しずつ秋の気配が濃くなっていく中でも、懸命に生きているんだなーと思うと、蝉にとってはもう少し気温が高い方がいいのかなーと思うと、多少暑さが長引いてもいいか、という気分にもなって、君もそう思う? と夕方に会った猫に聞いてみました。
It's getting cooler each day. I'm happy with it. Today and yesterday, we had fine days, some cicadas were still singing. It is said that after emerging from a pupa, they live for a week. But some said it is when they live in captivity. When they live in nature, they would live for a month, some said so. If so, the cicadas that emerging from a pupa in around the end of August, have still lived long in getting cooler each day. As for them, it would be good if the temperature is a bit higher. Do you think so? I asked the black cat.
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