オサンポ take a walk - 草花 plant & flower cactuses

2014年05月31日 | 日記

May sunshine
The flowers of the cactuses
Are growing

よーく見ると面白いなあと。このサボテン(でしたよね?)自体が薔薇の花みたいなのに、同じボディから別の花を咲かせているよーデ。このサボテンと同じような姿の花なら何となく分かった感じがするのですが、全然違う。こーくるかい? て思ったずら。しかも茎の出処が真ん中とか、からでなく、よく見ると一枚内側の辺りから出て来ているずら。植物不思議。
It would hear something like, "boing", there are the long culms from the body of cactuses. Look at them closely, I find some funny points... That cactuses are like "rose", but the flowers are much different from them. Why? If the flowers would be like "rose", I accept. But they are not, I'm so surprised. What more, the culms are coming out of the between the first leaves from without. Why doesn't it come out of the centre ? Mmmmm, I think there are a lot of mystery things.
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オサンポ take a walk - 虫 insect

2014年05月30日 | 日記
見れば 虫 葉に

I was seeing the hydrangea, I found an insect that clung to the leaf

お、紫陽花が咲きましたね、と思って眺めていると、あまり見たことのない感じの白っぽい虫が葉裏のフチにしがみついている様子。葉っぱは風に揺れに揺れていたもんですから、チョイ必死に、とイメージしました。その時は気付かなかったのですが、今写真で見てみると、虫のしがみついている葉っぱは紫陽花でなく、すぐそばに植わっている別の植物らしい。しかも食べてますね。食事中に風が強くなってきてしまったけど、食べる方優先してたらもっと風が強くなってしまって身動きが取れなくなった---とか、とか? うむ。一寸の虫にも五分の魂。何と言う名前の虫なんすかねー。
Oh, that hydrangeas have bloomed, I was seeing them, then, I found an insect that was clung to the edge of back of the leaf. Oh? The leaf was blowing by wind strongly. The insect seemed for dear life. I thought that story--- when the insect was eating the leaf, then wind started blowing, but the insect was going on eating, then, he noticed the wind was getting stronger while eating, now he couldn't move anywhere. Anyway, I think I haven't seen the insect before, what is his name?
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猫三昧 Cat-loving - 外猫 outdoor cat

2014年05月29日 | 日記

The cat who lives in the neighbourhood
He is getting out his face
From the fence

塀と壁の隙間から、沈む夕陽を眺めている。この時間のこの場所で、この景色を見ること。一日の中で、私が大切にしていることの、一つです。---、とかだったりして、と勝手に想像してしまいました。動物と一緒に生活していると、当たり前のことかもですがニンゲンとは異なる発想力をお持ちのようで、と感嘆感心することしばしば。どうしてそうするのか?! とワケを訊きたくなることが多いんですが、言葉での交流は永遠に不可能。ああ、何故我々は言語を別つことを選択したのでしょーか。
I am seeing the sunset from between the fence and wall. It's one of my important things, to be here at around evening, to see sunset. I imagined that cat might have thought about that in his mind... When we live with some animals, we might know their different ways of thinking. I always appreciate. Then, I would like to ask them about the way of thinking, but you know, it's impossible ...forever. Well, why did God divide our usage of language?
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オサンポ take a walk - 草花 plant & flower Rose&Ladybug

2014年05月28日 | 日記

The roses are whiffling
Also a ladybug
Is whiffling

When I find beautiful roses or sweet flowers, I get close to them to watch more details. This time, I found a lady bug. Well, I'm OK with ladybug, but if it was caterpillar or something like that, I would scream. Some kind of insects, I'm OK with them but the others...I'm not OK. I would like to be "Naucicaa" ( you may know "Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind ) , if it would be difficult, I would like to be a parson who is OK! with insects.
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オサンポ take a walk - bird 燕 swallow

2014年05月27日 | 日記
育ったよ もうすぐ

Those baby swallows
Are growing
They will leave their nestle soon

Oh well, it's wonderful their growing so fast... I found that nestle around just two weeks ago. The baby birds were so baby but now they have grown enough like their patents. I think the time that they leave their nestle, it will come soon... I'm happy their fledging, although I would like to see them more time.
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オサンポ take a walk - newt \ gecko lizard イモリ ヤモリ

2014年05月26日 | 日記

Is that newt ?
Or, is that gecko lizard?
They stick onto the wall.

夜の壁にイモリヤモリ。少し離れた壁にもう一匹の影が見えました。もしかしたらつがいカモ?と思いつつ。今サクっと両者をネットで調べタラ、井守屋守とそれぞれ漢字で書くそーな。ちなみに井守=両性類、屋守=爬虫類。井守は井戸にいるから、ということで、では今日のこちらさんは屋守なるかな? ちなみにヤモリは鳴くそーで、キュキュ?みたいなとかだったよーな。それをどこかで聞いたことがあったよーな。
I found two newts? or gecko lizards?
on the walls. The another was on the other wall. I thought they might have been a couple. I quickly checked out about the difference newt and gecko lizard on the internet. Newt is amphibian, Gecko lizard is reptile. Newt lives around waterfront. So, something I found on the wall was newt. Did you know they sing? I think I might have heard their songs...even I forgot when and where.
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オサンポ take a walk - bird 鳥

2014年05月25日 | 日記
朝 鳥が鳴く

Ki-yo, Ki-yo,
Some bird is singing
On the tree
In the morning

Some Saturday morning, when I was walking to the station, I heard some bird were singing on the tree. I looked at up there to find it but it was difficult to find and see it because it moved fast and also there was backlight. When I hear bird's signings, I think it means their greetings, "Hello" to me. But actually, it means "caution", they think I'm a invader. Oh, am I ? No! Definitely not. I do nothing. I just take a photo---.
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オサンポ take a walk - 虫 insect てんとう虫 ladybug

2014年05月24日 | 日記

There are many white flowers
The ladybugs are on the flowers' bed

Many flowers are blooming over one another. Some ladybugs are walking over that. The size of the flower is around 7-8cm. Lady bug is around 0.5mm. What view do they see? You know, we are only human, nothing else. I think that it would be good --- sometimes we have a different point of view like other creatures.
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猫三昧 Cat-loving - 外猫 outdoor cat

2014年05月23日 | 日記

The cat of the park was getting close to me and said Hello.
Then the cat ate some grasses nearby and was gone.

公園に行くと、その入り口付近の土手から、「にゃー!」と挨拶してくれながら駆け寄ってきてくれて、足元にスリスリ、「こ、こんつわ~」と熱烈歓迎に、軽く戸惑い喜んでいると、その猫はすぐそばの塀の上にぴょんと飛び乗り、「うん?」っと草ムラの中を覗くので、「うん?」と一緒に覗くと、「うむ?」と言う感じで振り返り、目の前の草をむしゃむしゃ、と食って、おもむろにそのまま塀の上を歩き出しちょっと行って止まって、そこでグルーミングなどをして、してました。うむ。活発なにゃんこ、ってことね?? もう少し様子を見ていたかったですが、公園の後は本屋に行こうとしていたのでそこまで見てて、サイナラしました。またねー。
When I went to the park, I saw the cat who was running up and said Hello to me from the bank then getting close and nuzzled my legs. I was happy with the cat although I was a bit shy to. After that, the cat jumped up on the wall then looked into the grasses, then looked at back then started eating some grasses then walked forward then stopped then started grooming itself. Oh, the cat was so lively! I would like to see the cat more, but I was going to the bookshop afterward, so I said Good-bye to the cat. See you again !
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オサンポ take a walk - bird 燕 swallow

2014年05月22日 | 日記

In the swallow nestle
There is a family lined one deep
It's raining today

最近の朝の日課で、燕の巣を見てから職場へというのがありますが、その日は朝から雨、という日のことでした。燕はどーしているかな? と傘を傾けて覗いたところ、目があまり良くないので多分ですが、雛に混じって親鳥も一緒に巣にいたよーな。雨降りの時はやっぱエサ探しを休むのねん。燕の巣の構造状(壁などにくっ付けた半球の上半分を切り取ったようなもの)、巣の中の燕タチは壁側を背にして、半円状の淵に顔をだして一例に並んだようになるのですが、下から見上げると顔だけが見えて、その様子が何とも面白い。そうしてる時って、たいてい眼をつぶってるし。黙念、って感じで。他の鳥で、巣の中の雛とかの姿を見る機会ってほとんど無いですよね・・・? 専門家でも無い限り。そーいう意味でもとっても身近な野鳥だにゃ、燕。
One thing in my daily life, in these days, I see the swallow nestle before going to the office. At that day, it was raining, I thought if the parents were in or out of the nestle. Because the parents were not always in it. Well, my eyes are not good very much so I could be sure but the parents would have been in. They were lined in one deep with their baby birds. I love to see them! We only can see their face, they close their eyes, it seems like quiet thought. I think we are difficult to see other bird's nestles and then the inside of the nestles. But we can see swallows'. They are great nature but they are so close to us. Isn't it?
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