旅 Trip - フィンランド go to Finland / Helsinki - オマケ情報 Added information

2015年01月31日 | 日記

Those hangers are
Expensive ! ( 6-pack, 2.99 euros )
In Finland

日本なら100円ショップで買えそうな衣紋掛けが、6本 2.99ユーロ(¥420~¥450)。日本は5本セットだと思いますが、フィンランドが6本セットなのは1ダースの半分、って感覚なんすかね。日本に¥100ショップがあって良かったとしみじみしちゃいました。
Like those hangers, in Japan, we could buy for ¥108 ( 5 packs ). ( ¥8 is tax ) I'm happy that we have ¥100 shop!
It's the last day of January. It will be finished about my travel in Finland on my blog. I would like to go to Finland again, in a different season. Kiitos!
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猫三昧 Cat-loving - 元気 Genki

2015年01月30日 | 日記
にんげん 仕事

The cat is sleeping
Human beings have to go work
Even it's raining and snowing

冬の寒~い朝、雨だろーが雪だろーが、お仕事です。昨日は霜柱、今日は雪。冬ならではの自然現象を楽しみたいキモチもありますが、ツーキンの朝にそんなキモチの余裕は…。余裕の持てる「ソンナニンゲン二ワタシハナリタイ」by 宮沢賢治
It's so cold in the morning, we have raining or snowing sometimes but have to go to work. We got frost crystals yesterday morning, we are going to have snow today. I would like to enjoy myself with winter, but if I have to go to work, I cannot. I would like to be a person who could enjoy herself with seasonable happenings even if it's a cold morning. We have one of famous poets, Kenji Miyazawa said like that, in one of his poems, "Ame ni mo makezu".
If you are interested in him, you could visit at→
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日乗 diary - 霜柱 frost crystals

2015年01月29日 | 日記

In the cold morning
I step on frost crystals
I go to work

♫冬の朝は寒いんだよ~♫ ♫朝焼けがキレイな時は~♫ ♫縮んだココロが溶けるよに~♫ ♫あったかい気持ちにしておくれ~♫ ♫霜柱だって踏まれるために夜作る~♫ ♫今日もお仕事行くんだよ~♫
It's a so cold morning today.
♫it's cold in the morning during winter♫ ♫sometimes we can see morning glow♫ ♫I would ask it please make us warm♫ ♫please cheer us up♫ ♫as frost crystals, they grow up night, they don't care if they would be stepped on♫ ♫we are going to work as usual♫
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旅 Trip - フィンランド go to Finland / Helsinki - オマケ情報 Added information

2015年01月28日 | 日記

marimekko and the cafe ( CAFE ALVAR A. ? ) collaborated to produce the sustainable take away bag.

I found the bag at the airport in Helsinki when I went back to home. The size was around A4 paper. The pattern is called "unikko". I was really surprised when I knew "unikko" had many kinds of colour patterns.


I prefer to this pattern. I found it in one of marimekko's shops in Helsinki.
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旅 Trip - フィンランド go to Finland / Helsinki - オマケ情報 Added information

2015年01月27日 | 日記

Those are the airline foods
Of Finnair
Supper and breakfast

帰りの日の夕食と、朝食です。ボリュームは全部食べ切れるぐらいの量で、その方がいいカモです。オヤツは、ハーゲンダッツのアイスクリーム。ハシバシに見えるのは、マリメッコデザインの紙ナプキンや紙コップ。ビジネスクラスになるとコレが、紙コップは「陶器」になるよーです。「いつの日か と、夢を見る グレードアップ」

Those foods are for supper then breakfast. They were not much, I thought it was better than very much. The dessert was a Haagen-Dazs iced cream. You might find marimekko designed paper napkins and paper cups on the trays. If your seat was " business class", you would be offered it with pottery. " I'm dreaming that it will happen some day"
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オサンポ take a walk - 菜の花 field mustard

2015年01月26日 | 日記

The field mustard's
Soft yellow
Won over cold winds

The flower was just in the small flowerbed under the street tree. The season for this flower is usually spring. It's still winter, I think. There might be some remained seeds of last year. It seems the flower doesn't care about the cold wind, might have guts? I will do the same as this flower!
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旅 Trip - フィンランド go to Finland / Helsinki - オマケ情報 Added information

2015年01月25日 | 日記

Sweets for dogs
Look like wild
In Finland

このよーなモノは、日本では見たこと無いよーな…。所変われば品変わる、デスカな。しかし何の骨? まさかトナカイ? 何はともあれ、「ワイルドだ!」と思ったデス。
When I found those bones which were probably for dogs, I was so surprised. I don't think that we have like bones as snack for dogs in Japan. Wow. So many countries so many customs. What bones are they? Would it be reindeer? Anyway, I thought it was wild.
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旅 Trip - フィンランド go to Finland / Helsinki - オマケ情報 Added information

2015年01月24日 | 日記
ムーミン ジュース

Oh I see,
I found a canned of MOOMIN juice
In a slot vending machine

No many slot vending machines in Finland, I think. I found a Moomin canned juice in that. I would like to try to taste it, but it was 1euro = around ¥150, Japanese yen was weak to Euro. I cared to use my money, I gave up. But now 1 euro = around ¥140... It's just one month, but there is the big difference.
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旅 Trip - フィンランド go to Finland / Helsinki - オマケ情報 Added information

2015年01月23日 | 日記

Those are SUSHI toys
For cat
I was surprised when I found

海老(?)やら鉄火巻きやら太巻きやら、右手手前は何なのか? の、寿司ネタがセットされた猫用オモチャを、とあるペットショップで発見しました。(メイド・イン・フィンランドのものかどーかは分かりませんが…) 買ってみたかったですが10.90ユーロもしていたのであきらめました。(当時のレート換算だと、1650円くらいです) しかし気に入ったかなぁ? うまく遊んでくれたら、絵面的には面白かったかも知れませんが。
I found a SUSHI toys-package for cat, they are shrimp, tekka(tuna)-maki(roll), futo(many kind of foods)-maki(roll), and something( I have no idea what it is ) at some pet shop. ( I have no idea if they are made in Finland ). I would like to buy it but I gave up because it costed me 10.90euros. I'm now sure if our cats loved it. If they played with them, It would look funny, because cats eat "SUSHI".
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旅 Trip - フィンランド go to Finland / Helsinki - オマケ情報 Added information

2015年01月22日 | 日記

Those books are Japanese manga
It's "cool Japan"
It's in


I knew that Japanese comics were so popular among European countries. I couldn't believe it but when I saw many Japanese comics were selling at the ordinary supermarket, I did it. I opened a book, the letters in the book seemed Finnish ( or, must be Swedish? ), not English. It means many Finnish people normally read Japanese comics. Wow! Ours are so popular the same as Disney comics.

When I went to Tampere in Finland where Moomin Valley Museum was, I found a book shop, its name was "MANGA" ( means comic in Japanese ). It was closed so I cannot be sure but the shop sold only ( or most of ) Japanese comics.

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