オサンポ walk - 植物plant : 露草咲く some dayflowers are opening

2021年05月31日 | 日記



今年の梅雨入りはどうなんだ? っぽいですが、雨の中でも平気で咲いているツユクサを、眺めながらやり過ごしましょう。

Dayflower has been in Japan from a long time ago, they are original from Japan. Many plants sometimes are beaten by the exotci species, but the dayflower in Japan has still servived. They've got guts!

Blur flower is fewer than other colours. I get a good feeling like looking up a blue sky, when I see their pure colour of flower even it's in a rainy season.

How about this year? when we start having a rainy season?? Well, let's pass away the time on these humid days with seeing their flowers...

*not sure about my English...

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オサンポ walk - スキマ草Plant : 壁のスキマ草たち the plants that live in the narrow gap on the wall

2021年05月30日 | 日記








I like seeing some plants that are poping out of a narrow gap on asphalt, wall, fence and so on.

I found some on the wall on that day.

About the first picture, there is the oxalis that are living in the crack is at an angle, at the end of them on underneath, there is the fern that is having bright yellow green leaves. And also, next to the fern, there is something lovely plant that I'm not sure its name.

About the second picture, there are also the oxalis and a dandelion that seems nearly out of season.

About the third picture, there are aslo the oxalis and the fern, this time they are together like group planting.

The last picture is taken another wall the same day. There is, looking like an Adiantum raddianum. The wall is white, the fresh green adiantum? is bright to the wall.

*not sure about my English...


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オサンポ walk - 植物plant : 今年は会えた、蛍袋 I saw many Campanula punctana

2021年05月29日 | 日記


花を下向きに置いて上から手のひらで叩くと「トッカン!」という大きな音がするので、そこからのネーミングとか?!  うーん??  という感じなので試してみたいですが・・・ここら辺りでは最近、見かける量が減っているような気がしていて、気が引けます。



Last year, I couldn't see this flower in the picture. I missed them. I thought that thier season is mid-summer but actually, it's between late May and July. 

I wish I could see... a firefly comes into the inside of the flower, his(her) lighting makes the flower a lump at night...


*not sure about my English....

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オサンポ walk - まちのオモシロ(?):No.1 - I found something funny in a town

2021年05月28日 | 日記

メガネをかけた瞳の中に、吸盤が! 他の場所でもいけそうですけどね。




The adhensive disc is on the eye!! I think that it would be put on another place.

Just for your information, I'm not sure if I would have No.2... it depends on if I was with a little luck...

*not sure about my English...




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オサンポ walk - 虫bug: スミレにツマグロヒョウモンを想う Thinking of Argyreus hyperbius when I see violets

2021年05月27日 | 日記






In a few years, I've seen many Argyreus hyperbius(orange with black dots on thier wings) during summer in the neighbourhood.

I hadn't seen them before so I checked it out then I knew that they eat violet. I've got an idea that I see many violets that become weed around here.

But here are the gardeners who cut weed frequently, so the violets are cut, too. Was there their egg or not? There are only a little remainders of the violets' stalk on the ground. I feel sad.

Like the picture, whenever I find a violet that has still their fresh leaves, I try to search their caterpillar(baby) but there were no babies. Eggs haven't eclosed yet?

Can I also see many Argyreus hyperbius this summer ?

*not sure about my English...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ八十一

2021年05月26日 | 日記






A bindweed pops out from the wall.


The sentence above means nothing.

I've been in very bad condition...

*not sure about my English...

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オサンポ walk - 植物plant : 多肉の花の面白き funny flowers that belong to succulent plant

2021年05月25日 | 日記


花が咲いている? と思ったのですが、その花の茎?の出し方がユニークですね。本当に植物は種類やら様子やらが様々で、興味が付きません・・・。

I thought that the flowers were from one of the succulent but I'm not sure about its name.

How they are opening of their flowers...look unique, don't they?

I always appreciate their styles that are different from the others.

*not sure about my English...

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オサンポ walk - スキマ草Plant : 側溝の中からこんにちは Hello from the cover of side ditch

2021年05月24日 | 日記



同じスキマと言っても、側溝や排水溝に住んでいる植物たちは、かなり(?)厳しい環境に置かれているのでは? っと心配になったりします。大雨などが降った時に水没しますよね。





is this flower begonia?

I'm interested in seeing & finding platns that live in a narrow gap on a wall or concrete.

Even if it says the same as "narrow gap", to live in a side ditch, especially under the cover of it, must be hard to live there. When it has heavy rain, the plants must be became submerged, I'm worried about them. How do they survive from that?

I appreciate them when I find that they live in the inside of a side ditch.

The second photograph, I took it from further point than the first one.

*not sure about my English... 

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日乗 diary - 落としモノ 手袋273 lost glove

2021年05月23日 | 日記




I enjoying photographing gloves that are dropped on any road.

Except winter and summer(people use gloves to UV), they would be for work.

This pinky glove would be also for work?

*not sure about my English...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ八十

2021年05月22日 | 日記






When a drama isn't interesting.


I've got tired more than that.

*not sure about my English...

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