オサンポ walk - 虫bug: 夜の蝶 a butterfly at night

2021年06月30日 | 日記



I found a middle-sized butterfly that would have been cabbage white at night. There was a little bush that was so close to the crossover, so here was bright even it's night and many cars always passing.

The butterfly would have been born near the town so she(he) might get used to live there??

*not sure about my English...

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オサンポ walk - 虫bug: 紫陽花の葉にいた蝉の名は what is your name, a cicada on the leaf of hydrangea

2021年06月29日 | 日記




I haven't seen this kind of cicada many times in my life.

I thought that this cicada would have been Euterpnosia chibensis, but the patterns of wings were different.

What is your name...?

*not sure about my English...

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オサンポ walk - 植物plant : オオバコ だい! I'm Che Qian Zi !

2021年06月28日 | 日記





I watched a TV programme that introduced that plant. A primary school child researched it and reported at some workshop.

By that, I changed my ideas to them, I was impressed about their how to live, it is to be stepped by someone or something(such as a car), then they spread themselves. In these day, we can meet them. We might step on them unconsciously. But it is thier aim, that's good. We have to do it more than ever.

Next picture, the focus is futher than the first picture. They are run down by a car.

*not sure about my English...

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オサンポ walk - スキマ草Plant : スキマにいても花も実も even if I am in a narrow gap

2021年06月27日 | 日記

花は白くとても小さく、釣り鐘タイプと言うのかしらん? の花のその後は、5ミリほどの実がたわわに生り、それは緑色から濃紺色へと変化してゆく。



The flower of it is very little and white, it looks like a bell, its berry of size is around 5mm, it turns from green to deep navy.

There is a narrow gap on the asphalt that was made by a steel pipe, the Sukima-soh(plant) has unfaltering lived in there.

I'm impressed with that but I've no idea about that plant's name.

*not sure about my English...


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オサンポ walk - 虫bug: 虫のタマゴと思いつつ I am thinking that it would be an egg of insect

2021年06月26日 | 日記




今年はせめて、存在を覚えていてその後も見てみよう! っと思っています。

It is around 1cm, like fluff, something like an egg of insect.

The sizes are different some of them, I frequetly see/find similar ones during this season.

What things will be out of it... I am keen to the moment that something gets out, but I always missed, and then I easily forgot about the eggs...

This year, I will try to remember them. Then, I will see out the egg.

*not sure about my English...

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オサンポ walk - 植物plant : ヘクソカズラがもう咲いて A Paederia scandens is already blooming

2021年06月25日 | 日記




Flower of Paederia scandens is lovey. But they have bad smell itself...

I took some then brought them at home. Looks lovely, when you wouldn't smell it...

*not sure about my English...

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オサンポ walk - 虫bug: 交尾中? のとある昆虫、それだけ two insects are having embrace??

2021年06月24日 | 日記


この模様と同じ虫が近くにまあまあたくさんいて、やはり交尾中? のようでした。



I found many insects around the same as the two. They would have been also having embrace.

I'd like to know their name.

*not sure about my English...

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オサンポ walk - スキマ草Plant : スキマ草に、気をつけて When you get close to a Sukima-soh, watch out the surround

2021年06月23日 | 日記






I love to see/find any plants that escape from a flowerbed or live in a narrow space on a wall something. It is one of my hobbies.

However, sometimes, no, all the time, you have to be careful when you get close to them. Because, a few weeks ago, when I found that pansy in the picture, then got close, a bicycle passed fastly before the nose of mine! What a dangerous moment was!

Honestly, it was nearly, an accident would have happened. Just a second, it would have changed my future.

Pleaes everybody, watch out for the surround when you start to walk.

*not sure about my English...

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オサンポ walk - 植物plant : 時計草という名の、奇妙な。 It's Granadilla, so unique

2021年06月22日 | 日記





The flower is Granadilla, that came from around the tropical areas (Latin America. etc...). A long trailing vine. About the size of the flower is around 7-8cm.

From a few years ago, I've seen them in my neighbourhood. It's gorgeous but a bit weird.

I was lazy to find out the name but this year, I was succeeded. There are many different types of flowers. You could enjoy finding others!

*not sure about my English...

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オサンポ walk - 植物plant : 合歓の木も咲き始め a silk tree started to bloom

2021年06月21日 | 日記




I remembered that name last year, since then, I've loved to see them. This tree is one of pea family, thier berry is like pushed(flatted) kidney bean with hull. I really want to see it this year.

Most of the time, I juse see flowers, then, stop to care them. It dosen't make sense? I'm getting to have another ideas, I have to see all instances.

*not sure about my English...

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