オサンポ walk - 植物plant : スキマ草 Sukima-soh--ヒルザキツキミソウ Pink evening primrose

2024年04月30日 | 日記


I am happy to see the plants that I can see them at the fixed place every year where they live in.

But this flowers, I think that it would be earlier than usual, about their blooming...

*not sure English...



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オサンポ walk - 植物plant : 藤の花の蕾 Buds of Japanese wisteria

2024年04月29日 | 日記



The photos are a bit darker, it might bit a shame but there were many buds with sakura(someiyoshino) also blooming!

*not sure English...


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オサンポ walk - 植物plant : カラスノエンドウの群れ groups of bush vetch

2024年04月28日 | 日記


*I thought that they were so number of them on the increase... too many?

*not sure English...


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オサンポ walk - 鳥bird : ペアっぽい鳩たち They seemed to be a pair of dove

2024年04月27日 | 日記


In the morning, when I went to work, I found them with scurrying.

*not sure English...


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オサンポ walk - 植物plant : ヒメオドリコソウ〜 purple dead-nettle

2024年04月26日 | 日記

今年はなんとなく、あまり会わなかったような…? たまたまいるところを、通らなかった…?

I haven't seen them many times... I just didn't walk on the pavements, there were I could see them??

*not sure English...


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オサンポ walk - 植物plant : スキマ草 Sukima-soh--花びら纏うたんぽぽ the dandelion has got many Sakura petals

2024年04月25日 | 日記


We had got so many sakuras' petals, where have they gone...?

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詩 poem - 「東京のスズメたち」 Sparrows in Tokyo

2024年04月24日 | 日記

朝、駅を出て 交差点を渡る
その信号機からよく スズメの声が聞こえてくる
チュン おはよう! なのか
チュン いってらっしゃい! なのか
季節を問わず 鳴いている

都合よく考えれば わたしへのエールと
今日もスズメたちに 背中を押してもらって
仕事へ 行くよ 行ってくるよ
と、見上げて心の中で 返事をする
スズメたちもきっと ここで生き抜くのは大変だろうと
勝手に想像して わたしの思いを 重ねている

ありがとう スズメたち君たちは
とても大きい よ

Morning, I came out ot the station, walking over the junction

I hear sparrows's songs many times from the traffic light 

Their songs, "Good morning"?

Their songs, "Go for it with your work"?

Whenever season, they are having songs


If I think about that like advantagous, their songs are like yell to me

I think that they would encourage me with their songs

That's why, I can go work everyday

I also say something, "I'm OK" to them in my mind

They must be also so hard to live here, I guess

I feel the same thoughts of them

That thoughts make me cheer up a little bit


I thank them for being there and songs

They are so tiny but very big that means existence

*not sure English...


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オサンポ walk - 鳥bird : 鳩の羽冠(うかんむり)??? A dove has got a crown

2024年04月23日 | 日記

たぶん、綿毛? がキレイに抜け切らずに、ちょうどたまたま、アタマのテッペンに留まっちゃっている、状態かと…?

I thought that its down must have been pulled off naturally, but staying on that dove's head??

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オサンポ walk - 昆虫insect : ありがみみずを An ant was bringing an angleworm

2024年04月22日 | 日記


That ant only theirself, was bringing a dried angleworm. There was no human who didn't know ants were how to live.

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オサンポ walk - 植物plant : 蛇苺 false strawberry

2024年04月21日 | 日記


I am so happy when I see the plants/flowers that I can see them in the same areas every year.

*not sure English...


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