The World Cup Brazil 2014 - Brazil vs Chile

2014年06月30日 | 日記

I've cried in sympathy with the result of
Brazil vs Chile
1-1 (3-2)
イヤハヤ。やはりと言いますか、決勝トーナメントの試合の様子が一次リーグ戦と違って来ましたね。負けたら終わりの真剣勝負にゃ! 昨日のブラジルとチリの試合、結果はとっくに出ている時間に結果を知らずに再放送を観ていたのですが、延長戦に突入するに及んで、「えーブラジルがコンナところで終わるの」とドキドキしてきて、まともに試合を観られず。PKに至っては結果が出てから観たもんね。PKの様子は夜のNHKの「デイリーハイライト」で観ました。いやあブラジルじゃあ、死人が出たとか? ブラジル人じゃなくってもあれダケドキドキするんだから、ましておや。そして今朝方のギリシャ対コスタリカ戦! アディショナルタイムに入った土壇場で追いつくギリシャ! しぶとい! 延長戦が観られなくて残念。またブラジル対チリ戦のよーにPKにまでもつれ込むのかにゃ?! 結果を気にしつつ仕事へ!
Well, contents of the matches of The World Cup have changed. All the teams are now serious about getting a victory. Yes. Come on!! I was surprised the result of Brazil vs Chile. And, today's morning, PK again! Greece vs Costa Rica!! Come on, both!
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猫三昧 Cat-loving - 外猫 outdoor cat

2014年06月29日 | 日記

I'm following a cat
But the cat is running away
Then the cat looks back at me

I love cat. So, whenever I see cats, I would like to greet them. But you may know, they have also many various personalities. Friendly, showing wariness, a cat keeps same distance from and still and so on... This cat was a "showing wariness" type but he/she allowed me to take photos. Thanks, meow!
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オサンポ take a walk - 草花 plant & flower 朝露 morning dew

2014年06月28日 | 日記

There are many morning sews
On the leaves
They seem like bubbles

正解に言えば朝露ではなく、朝に降った雨の落としモノかも。どちらにしてもひときわ大きな水玉に惹かれました。それがそこにあったのは、どれぐらいの時間だったのでしょう。普段いちいち意識しませんが、実は毎日が森羅万象との一期一会ではにゃいのか・・・? なんてナことを考えてミタリ。
It's actually rain drops in the early morning, not morning dews. Anyway, I found a big bubble on the leaf. How long has it been there? Until I found? We might not be conscious about anything we see in our daily life. But the universe, we just see only one time... Next time it will be changed. Mmm, I think deeply.
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The World Cup Brazil 2014 - まだ続く Still going on

2014年06月27日 | 日記

That McDonald's' set
It's refer to the World Cup Brazil
I wouldn't like those foods very much
But I ate because I love football

決勝トーナメントに進出するチームが揃いましたね。しかしポルトガルも一次リーグで敗退とは。むぅ。で、日本がいないとワクワク感が薄まりますが、これからは負けると終わりのガチンコ勝負。各チームの本気度ドキドキ感が格段に違ってきて、く~生放送で観たいですね! マック食べたってこの飢餓感は埋められませぬ。
Well, now, we have just got all the qualified teams of The World Cup Brazil. I was a bit surprised Portugal has just been kicked out. Oh, my. OK, there is not our Samurai Blue in the 16. So we don't feel nothing but the other teams are serious about going to win! The matches must be excited more than previous. Oh, I wanna watch their matches on time! If I eat that Mac-set, my hungry feeling wouldn't be filled.
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The World Cup Brazil 2014 - Japan vs Colombia

2014年06月26日 | 日記

The Samurai Blue
They didn't get a win
At the World Cup Brazil

W杯ブラジル、一次リーグ最終戦の対コロンビア。相手はリーグ突破決めてるし、主力温存してくるだろーから、ガンバレば勝てっしょ? 的な超安易な楽観主義は通用セズ。(ショボーン) まあ確かに日本代表は世代送りする度にチョットずつ強くなってきてるとは思います。しかし世界レベルの真剣勝負の中では、図太く勝ち抜くチカラがまだまだ足りないってコトなんでしょーね。でも世界の強豪と言われるイングランドだってスペインだってイタリアだって負ける時もあるワケさ。そして今大会で決勝トーナメントに進んだチームを見ると、やはり南米・中米有利、という気もするし。蒸し暑そーな気候も勝敗に影響してないでしょーか? 次の2018年W杯はロシアだぞ!ブラジルより涼しいはず! そー思うと、今回の開催がロシアだったら、ロシアの気候に身体が順応しているであろー本田君が、もっと調子を上げられたカモ知れない? むむ。勝負の神様は時に気まぐれを起こすよーデ。何はともあれ、ここでこの悔しさを味わったことは決して無駄にならないハズ。あの「ドーハの悲劇」の後、日本は強くなったじゃありませんか。また強くなる! ニッポン!
Oh, we lost the match of Japan vs Colombia, 1-4. We were defeated completely. ( shocked ) we, thought that they've got the qualify to the final 16 already, they would have changed the members from the mains, they did, so we would have won. But it wasn't. We didn't reach the top level of the world. Oh My! But our Blue Samurai have been becoming stronger than every year, I believe so. Well, you know, England, Spain and Italy were also kicked out! The teams which have got qualifies are mainly Central America and South America's. Next World Cup 2018 is held in Russia. OK, it's good to us! It must be cooler than Brazil ! Come on, Japan! Never give up!
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ホンヨミ Book-loving 「舟を編む」The Great Passage

2014年06月25日 | 日記

I read a book "The Great Passage" -Japanese title is "Fune wo Amu".
I'm going to find any words into some world.

It was made into a film. I saw it on TV, then I was interested in it, so that I borrowed that book at the library. It's a story about some of people who make a new dictionary. The people are crazy about dictionaries, words and vocabularies. There are also the other people who support them willingly. The author wrote the all people with her deep heart. It's easy to read, I enjoyed myself.
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オサンポ take a walk - 草花 plant & flower clover

2014年06月24日 | 日記

Those clovers receive
The last of rain drops

There are a unit of clover on the ground. We can see them anywhere, like gaps of concretes or something. So they are usual. We would pay an attention to them in our daily life. However, something happens sometimes, it happened on that day. I noticed the unit, then I also noticed the rain drops on the leaves. By following those noticing, I've got an idea. The unit receives the blessed rain drops from the sky for the ground, they make the drops leak into.
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オサンポ take a walk - 虫 insect

2014年06月23日 | 日記

There was a shadow of night
A locust ran out of the bush

燕の巣を見つけて夜がやわらかくなった、と感じたその後の同じ夕方にバッタ君。右側の植え込みから、バタバタ~と出て来たので、なんだ? クモ? とギョ!とキェ!の間ぐらいで驚いていると、いやいやミドリ色しているよ~。やわらかかった空気が一瞬硬くなりかけたけど、大丈夫でした。クモはダメでバッタはオッケーなの? ハッキリした理由は私にも分かりマセン。スミマセン。
At that night, after finding the swallow nest, I felt that the wind became tender. The same night, when I walked by the bush, a locust ran out of it, I was surprised as I though it was a spider firstly. But it was not. The tender wind almost became hard but it stopped. Because it was the locust. Why is locust ok but spider is not? Well, I've no idea.
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猫三昧 Cat-loving - 元気 Genki

2014年06月22日 | 日記

I put my hands on the edge of basket
Then taking a nap
On Sunday

The cat, Genki, gets his hands together always. His body is thin and face is so small but his hands are bigger because he is a boy? Before we had a girl whose body shape was so similar to Genki, but her hands were so slender. Genki is hairy, so fluffy, so that his hands look so lovely, especially he gets his hands together.
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オサンポ take a walk - bird 燕 swallow

2014年06月21日 | 日記

I found the baby swallows in the nest
At night
I felt something soft in the wind

今日の先ほど、近所のドラッグストアに買い物に行った帰り道、商店街の一つの店先に燕の巣を見つけました。ポワポワっとした子ツバメらしき灰色の羽が巣からのぞいている様子。親鳥はどこかな? と周りをキョロキョロと見回してみましたが見つけられませんでした。まだエサ探しですかね? その日のとある夕刊にたまたま都市部の燕の雛鳥のことが載っていて、雀と同じように無事育つ幼鳥の数が減っているとか。鳥も住めないよーなトコはニンゲンも住めないのではデハ? 出来る限り共存共栄共生で、ありたいですナ。
I went to the drag store in this evening. When I came back, I walked through the shopping centre then found the swallow nest where a few of baby birds in. I thought the parents were not there, I looked for them being around but not, they could have hunted. I read about their baby birds in the evening newspaper, their numbers have been decreasing to grow safety around the urban areas. If birds can't live there, human beings also can't do. We all should live together.
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