オサンポ walk - 浴びる朝陽桜 the Sakura tree has got the morning sun

2016年08月31日 | 日記

The typhoon has gone
We survived
Getting the morning sun

また来るのか!? と身構えていた台風10号でしたが、この辺りは大事になることもなく通り過ぎて行きました。やれやれです。
台風の過ぎた次の日に晴れると、空気がきれいになっているとかのせいで、普段より空がより青ーく見えたり、夕陽が鮮やかだったりと、そういうものを目にすると、「破壊と創造」ってこと? みたいな、インドの神様を思い出します。しかし曖昧な記憶なので今ネットでクイックチェックしてみましたら、シヴァ神は破壊を司るとあってあれ? 創造は? っとチョット戸惑いましたがまあそれはそれでそういうコトで…。インドには「破壊」の神様がいる、そういう発想に驚いて、覚えていたんだと思います。わ。

It's coming again!? The typhoon No.10, came through around the area here, it didn't give us any damages (not so serious). I'm happy with that.
After it has gone, when the next day, if it's fine, the sky is clear, clear blue and the evening sky is also clear, because typhoon takes any dusts in the sky when they go away. When I see that kind of sky, I remember that one of India Gods, Siva, the God symbolizes breaking. When I knew it, I was surprised with the meaning of God, it's "breaking". Indi people's idea is impressed.

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オサンポ walk - スキマ草 : 定住2 settle down2

2016年08月30日 | 日記

I decided to live here
Did I?
I forgot it

2016/04/20に載せた「定住」スキマ草です。ここの家主とこのスキマ草の関係がいいなぁ思っています。もしかして栄養剤をあげてたり?? もうかなり家の敷地をはみ出して来ていると思いますが、どこまで大きく成長するんでしょーか。どこまで成長を放っておく(?)んでしょーか。ホホ。

It's the same Sukima-soh "Settle down" that I upped on this blog on the 20th April 2016. I impressed with their relationship between the Sukima-soh and the owner of the house. I'm wondering if the owner would give a nutritional supplement to it?? It's got over the border into the public space. The owner...until when, will keep seeing it... (I enjoy seeing)
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オサンポ walk - 鼠走る a rat running

2016年08月29日 | 日記

A rat boy
It was the third times
I've ever seen rat

いやはや、仕事が終わってへぇ〜っとなって歩いていると、右手の建物のスキマから濃い茶色のネズミが一匹走り出てきて目の前を横切り、そのまま左手にある建物のスキマに走り込んで行きました。え?! ネズミ?! 夕方とは言え、まだ陽の明るさが十分あります。え?! ネズミ?!

When I was walking after finishing my work, I was a bit tired, a rat was running out of the gap of the building at the right hand side, ran straight into the gap of building at the left hand side in front of me. What?! RAT?! It was evening but still light. What?! RAT?!
I thought it was a photo opportunity, I tried to focus my iPhone camera on the rat that was moving in the dark, my eyes could see but the camera couldn't. There is a brown round one, it's the rat. It was the third times to bump into a rat, but it was the first time to see it, clearly and identified it for a bit long time in my life. The place where I saw the rat has been developed, many buildings were demolished, so the rat might have lost its den, it might have a trouble to find a new den? (I upped the place on my blog a few weeks ago)
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オサンポ walk - スキマ草 : デカイ gigantic ... I came back

2016年08月28日 | 日記

I will come back
As long as
Here is my root in the soil


It's getting......to grow up every day. I think it has guts. If someone disliked it, he(she) would be upset to it. I'm just a passenger, I enjoy seeing its vicissitudes(?) when I pass by. It seems, the building will not be destroyed, just will be renovated. I'm wondering if a new owner, what he(she) would think about this Sukima-soh... I hope the person will like it...
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ホンヨミ Book-loving 「不明解日本語辞典」the dictionary(?) of unclear Japanese

2016年08月27日 | 日記

It's kind of ambivalent?


This book is written about some of "unclear Japanese". It's only in Japanese.
The writer loves Japanese, he sometimes finds "unclear Japanese" in his daily life. When he gets it, he starts to look up it not only in dictionaries, in other books as a reference. I laughed a lot drying reading, his writing is like a comedian, full of wit. Also, you could learn the scheme of words.
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日乗 diary - 夏の雲 a cloud in the summer

2016年08月26日 | 日記

The cloud in the summer
I ask it to
get cool down

暑くて不快でイヤダイヤダの昨日でしたが、低めに浮かんだ、夕陽をほんのりと浴びたモクモク雲は、あらなんか素敵、な雲でした。オレンジと黄色、茶色? の混ざり具合が絶妙なんですけど…。ほんの一瞬ですが、暑さ忘れて見とれました。そうそう、その一瞬が早くずっと〜になって欲しいんですけど…。

It was boiling & hot & humid, feeling bad, yesterday, I found the solid mass of clouds in the sky that got the evening sunlight softly. The colours were orange, yellow and brown? mixed sensitively, lovely. Just a moment, I forgot the humid summer when I saw it. I hoped it will be cool down soon...
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日乗 diary - スペインお土産 souvenirs from Spain

2016年08月25日 | 日記
Muchas gracias
(Thank you very much)

Thank you
For the souvenirs
From Spain

ご近所の方にいただきました。踊り子さんは、マグネット、ミニ扇子はこれは、フラメンコダンサーが踊る時に持つ扇子の、お土産ヴァージョンなんでしょう。フリルやデザインがきらびやかでいいですね!いやあこれがこの時期ホントに便利で、小さいから携帯にbueno(good)、扇ぐと結構な風が来ます。Muchos gracias!

I've got them from a neighbour of mine. The flamenco dancer is magnet, a small fan is also from flamenco, it's used by woman when they dance. It's for souvenir that is good to me, especially during this season, summer. It's easy to put in my bag, when it waves, it gives me a cool wind. Bueno! Muchos gracias!
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オサンポ walk - ニョロニョロ現る Hattifattener (from Moomin) appearing

2016年08月24日 | 日記

A Hattifattener is appearing
A fine day
In the summer

夏の日以外にも出て来ているのかも知れませんが、今朝初めて気が付きました。そういうことって割りとありますよね? いつも目にしているのに、それをハッキリと認識していなく、ある日ふとそれに気付いて愕然とする…。それが見逃してもナンボのもんじゃいならいいですが、すんごく大事なことだったらどうしよう…。でも例えすんごく大事なことだとしても、気付いてないならそれに気付けないからそれが大事なことだとも分からないからいいか…?って?????ニョロニョロ?

This Hattifattener ( in Japan, we call it "Nyoro-nyoro". I've never seen it, I noticed it this morning. Something like this kind of phenomenon, I think that it might happen sometime? I see it nearly everyday but I don't notice, one day, suddenly I recognize it. It's ok if I miss it, it's nothing but if it's important or worth, I should not miss it. But if I don't notice it, I don't understand it's important...?? Nyoro-nyoro?????
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日乗 diary - 落としモノ 手袋54 lost glove54

2016年08月23日 | 日記

In the summer
A pari of glove for
Something dropped

バイク用? この壁の裏側は工事中なので工事用? 両手合わせてまとめてポケットに入れてたら落ちちゃった…とかですかな?
何か用の手袋ですね? 何用なんですかね??

Are they for bike or motorbike? Behind the wall, there was under construction. So, is it for a worker? What is it used for? What kind of glove are they? Someone might have put them together then put in the pocket but dropped out??
(Look at them carefully, that seems an Alien would have designed??)
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オサンポ walk - スキマ草 : デカイ gigantic ... I shall return

2016年08月22日 | 日記

It's gone
But it got back
This Sukima-soh


I thought this Sukima-soh had its root...it's got own new leaves, showing "I'm still survive", I'm impressed and respect for its' guts. It never gives up. I'm here, that's why, I will live here. I've got some feelings from it, I'll do it, too.
(You could have many different ways of thinking...impressions to one thing, I believe)
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