About the two photos above, I photographed today, Sunday 25th of Sep.
I found very little two white flowers. They were so lovely!
I've been still searching its name, with the flowers must be easier than just the leaves but it was difficult to find its name.
I'm afraid if it would be invasive species...but anyway, I will keep on watching it.
The second photo is about its full picture.
*not sure about my English...
Even though I am busy, I do something such as my "creative" activity.
I've been busy since the end of August.
So, there is not enough time to write sentences, I try to draw some illustrations as a creative activity.
My illustrations are...like childish but anyway, I will keep on going.
I think that it will be around the end of next February.
*not sure about my English...
Peace needs a lot of money to keep it?
But it is necessary!!
*not sure about my English...
The plants that are in the photo above, it was taken on Sunday 11th of September.
It pasted around 1 month from the previous No.3. Time flies.
They have nearly the same shape of leaves that are on the top of extending stalks. They are five in the photo, there was one but was dead.
They've been having only one leaf each ones. They sometimes fall down but pick themself up, they repeat it. They survied all from the tyhoon and heavy raining.
Are they going to grow up more...I will observe them.
*I'm still not sure about their name. Let's call them as Tanabata, means 7th July. It means that I found them on that day.
*not sure about my English...