オサンポ walk - 桜が散っている Sakura flowers(Japanese cherry blossom) are falling

2021年03月31日 | 日記


The petals are someiyoshino blossom(Prunus yedoensis). Next time, I can see their full bloom, a year after. Only once a year....


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オサンポ walk - スキマ草Plant : いつか踏まれるんじゃないか(someday it will be stepped on)4

2021年03月30日 | 日記


The plant was covered by many petals of Sakura flower!


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オサンポ walk - 桜の花びらを受け止めて white flowers received a petal of Sakura

2021年03月29日 | 日記

ノースポールでいいのでしょうか? その花の中心に、桜の花びらが雨粒を伴って落ちていました。

There  were white flowers in the flowerbed. One of them had got a petal of Sakura flower.


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スキマ草Plant - 乾燥へ春の慈雨 it is fruitful rain for the dry land

2021年03月28日 | 日記



Many Sakura(Japanese cherry blossom) are blooming now, they wouldn't like to get heavy rain but the dry land would need to get rain. It was raining today.

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オサンポ walk -ソメイヨシノなど、桜満開 Sakura in full bloom

2021年03月27日 | 日記



There were white ones, too. In my neighbourhood, there are a lot of Sakura trees that've been in full bloom. I saw many ones on the way to and from shopping.

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スキマ草Plant - ドクダミと with a doku-dami

2021年03月26日 | 日記


It must be doku-dami, some unknown plant that had little tiny light blue flowers, they were together or competition, at the one sinkhole on the wall.

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スキマ草Plant - 排水溝のフタ a cover of drain ditch

2021年03月25日 | 日記


「フタ」の中を覗くと、そんなところに? といった驚きの世界が広がったりしていませんか。夏などの季節は「フタ」から緑の葉や花まで、飛び出していたりしますね。



When I was waiting for the bus, I found the cover of drain ditch on the road. There might be many plants at the margin of that.

When I see into the inside and under the cover, I will be surprised as I would find there are some plants living. When it is summer, there are green leaves and flowers poping out of the inside over the cover.

I believe that plants lives in there, must have guts.

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スキマ草Plant - スミレの花が咲く頃 it's a time to open violets' flowers

2021年03月24日 | 日記



この花の繁殖力と温暖化が相まって? なのか、スミレが好きだという、オレンジ色の羽を持つツマグロヒョウモンという蝶を、よく見かけるようになりました。




I see many that kind of violets might be garden speices on the street, anywhere in these days. I'm happy to see them but...

There are many Argyreus hyperbius in summer nowadays because of? grobal warming and that violet. Their children love violets, that's why?

I love to see many butterflies are flying but, more popular butterflies that I've seen from my childhood seem to be getting less, I'm worried about that.


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オサンポ walk - 虫bug: 春だからアリ There are ants because of spring

2021年03月23日 | 日記






I have found many doors that started to open of ants on the ground. I also started to care about that.

Whenever I see ants, it reminds me of some famous line from some famous anime character said,

"I never waste anyone's lives to kill." (it would one of translations)

I always not to try to step on them by accident.

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スキマ草Plant - ハナニラかと it would be a spring starflower

2021年03月22日 | 日記



大柄な鳥のカラスなどが球根を食べて? その球根の食べ残し?を食べこぼしている?? それともフンと一緒に出している???






About the first photo, a few years ago I noticed this flower then I remembered its name around last year.

I'm wondering how dose the flower spread themselves as they are bulb plant.

A big bird such as a crow might eat their bulbs then spead some leftover ones? Or spread some with their poo?


About the second photo, seeing the flower from the far away, that is.

I really appreciate where they are, as the place doesn't seem to a good place to live but they are living. At the same time, I've got a mixed feeling. I'm happy to see them like at there but I'm worried about their number, if they would destroy our Japanese ecosystems.

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