オサンポ take a walk - 桜 Sakura/Japanese cherry blossoms 2

2015年03月31日 | 日記

Sakura, it's blooming
We now worry about when
It will be falling

桜が咲いた。咲いた途端に散るのを惜しむ。でもこの感覚は何か間違ってるんじゃないか、と思いつつも、散ることを知っていて眺めるのと、知らないで眺めるのじゃ全く違う感慨をやはり持つのだろーなーと考えると、ニンゲンって複雑。「にんげんだもの」(by 相田みつを)
Sakura bloomed. At the same time, we begun to worry when it will be falling. I think that it's a wrong idea. But when you see Sakura flowers, if you don't know Sakura fall soon, you would have different ideas from you know Sakura fall soon. I think that we, human beings would have many various feelings in our minds at the same time.
"We are, after all, just human beings" ( by Mitsuwo Aida )
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猫三昧 Cat-loving - 元気 Genki / 甘えタイムit's time to depend on

2015年03月30日 | 日記

I know it's morning
Everybody is "busy"
Allow myself to be coddled

I don't care if it is morning, lunch or night. I live in the house with you as a beloved cat. When I would like to play or have food, just tell ( order ) you. I don't care what you are doing and if you are busy. You human beings do the same, don't you? You know, I am kept by you, you have to have the responsibility to me. Well, can you play with me now? "...oh, yes, of course"
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オサンポ take a walk - 桜 Sakura/Japanese cherry blossoms

2015年03月29日 | 日記

Begun to bloom

I knew that it was going to rain in the afternoon by the weather forecast but I had got something to do, when I noticed it, it begun to rain. I would like to buy canned foods that were on sales until the end of this month for my cats, you know, they are heavy so I would like to go to the shop by bicycle but it was raining but I went to there by bicycle, before that, I took the photo of Sakura above, that was near my house, the weather forecast told us it would rain this weekend, around the weekend, Sakura will have full bloom, oh my god, around this time, we usually have some rainy days, why? When I took the photo, I was thinking like that.
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日乗 diary - トイレットペーパー toilet paper roll

2015年03月28日 | 日記
ハロー キティー!と

When we open the door
We will meet
"Hello, Kitty!"

いやあ家のトイレでキティーちゃんに会うとは。サンリオはユルいんすかね? キティーちゃんがオケツ拭きに使われテ。コレ、ミッキーマウスではあり得ないだろ~な~と思いました。しかし昔々はこんなん絵付きのトイレットペーパーなんて、とっても高かったハズ。今じゃ安売りレベルなんすね? 印刷技術が発達してコストが下がったとかデスカ? いやはや長く生きていると様々な雑念がわいてキティー…。
Wow, I didn't think that I bumped into Hello Kitty at the bathroom in my house. Well, there was Sanrio's copyright on the papers, is the company OK? with...people wipe their own seat of honor. I think that Disney never allow Mickey Mouse to do that. By the way, around 10 or 20 years ago, we had the similar ones but it was special, and very expensive. Now its cost gets down? Like on sale at cheap price. It might be a technology for printing pictures on toilet paper developed? I see...I think a lot about anything... Because I've lived for a long time? not so long yet though...
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オサンポ take a walk - 金星 Venus

2015年03月27日 | 日記

There are Venus
And my school
In ultramarine

小学校の校庭から深く暮れた西の空を眺めると、どこにいても誰でも分かるであろう"金星"が、いた。金星は地球の内側を回っているらしく、その巡り合わせにより、見せ方を変える。それは特別な時間帯、朝と夕方。朝? 朝、朝。朝7時から開店しているカフェに、朝行こうとすれば、見ることが出来ますカナ。
When I was in the school playground, I saw the western sky, I found Venus. It's easy to everyone. You may know that Venus circles the sun, it's closer to it than us. It depends on time and date, it changes when we could see it. Mainly we could see it, only early morning and early evening. Morning? Yes, early morning. Well, I know a cafe, it opens from 7am. When I go to that cafe...
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オサンポ take a walk - 白木蓮 Yulan magnolia

2015年03月26日 | 日記

There are,
the hazy moon, the Yulan magnolia
and myself

While I was walking outside in the evening, that Yulan magnolia was blooming, we could see the moon over the tree. I saw that the plum Japanese plum tree got along with the moon. The Yulan also. I stopped at them. Silent. The moon actually, is far far far away from here. I was under the tree. I felt something like a sense of co-presence. It was my gain for today.
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オサンポ take a walk - ノースポール/クリサンセマム パルドサム/North Pole/Leucoglossum paludosum

2015年03月25日 | 日記

When we look up,
Just look up.
When we look down,
Just look down.

おそらく"スノーポール"という名前の花だと思うのですが。順々に咲いていく過程を詳しく見ていくと面白いと思いました。最初の蕾の状態の時は、何か宇宙船のデッキの扉のよーに、ガッチリと組み合わさって閉じているけど、それが徐々にゆるんで来て開いていくと…。と、ここまで書いて改めて写真を見たのですが、コレって、並べた写真通りに咲いてますかね? ハテ?
It would be " Snow Pole", I think. I am interested in the process of flowering. At the beginning, the bud is like a door of a space ship. It seems sticking together but it is getting to open...
Oh? I just noticed something about the order of the photos... Is it correct?
Anyway, what I would like to say is that they think about functionality but they don't design. As for human, I think that it is well designed. VIVA, natures!
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猫三昧 Cat-loving - 元気 Genki / テ paws

2015年03月24日 | 日記

There are cold winds
I'd like to feel a sense of warmth
Even early cherry blossoms have came out

I heard some cherry blossoms ( Sakura ) in Tokyo have begun to bloom. Some people were excited. It seems this spring has come but the winds are still cold... The cherry blossoms near my house haven't bloomed yet. We, Japanese love Sakura. During the Sakura season, we talk about Sakura a lot.
"The cherry blossoms have begun to bloom. They remind me of many things happened in the past"
( Basho Matsuo )
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ホンヨミ Book-loving 「パノララ」panorara

2015年03月23日 | 日記
パノラマ パノララ

Panorama, the Panorara
And the red shed

The novel is about...
The strange (unusual) house, the two of strange families, a bit strange woman(28), the company and the workshop for film. I had something the similar feelings with the woman. There are many characters in the story, they say many things, I found one line in them, it was " you have to do that with your serious mind". Get serious!! Get serious!!
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オサンポ take a walk - 梅 Japanese plum tree

2015年03月22日 | 日記

Many Japanese plums are now getting out of season.
The sun light is getting to be stronger.
Each everyday.

おー梅が綺麗に咲いて…アチコチで色々な種類の梅の花を楽しんでいたかと思っていたら、気付くと春の雰囲気が濃くなっていてそしてまた気付けば早咲きの桜が咲き始めていたりして。「♫めーぐぅーる~ めぐる季節の中で~ あーなたは~ 何を 見つけるぅだろう~」(by 松山千春「季節の中で」) 詩人になりたしと思えども、詩人の道は険し。
Oh, there were lost of different types of Japanese plums trees blooming... I enjoyed seeing them. Now, the spring has been coming, we could see cherry blossoms which are early flowering. I remember some song composed by Chiharu Matsuyama, "in the seasons", the part of lyric is in the changing season, what things you will find... (something like that).
I'd like to be a poet, I wouldn't think it is easy.
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