オサンポ walk - 霜月、のニンジン色 a carrot colour in November in autumn

2017年11月30日 | 日記

In the end of November
I met a brilliant carrot colour
Of a flower


When I looked up in the sky, there were lots of clouds, it's a cloudy day. But this orange flower seemed that she(?) didn't care about that. She made me wake up. Nice!

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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日乗 diary - 落としモノ 手袋144 lost glove144

2017年11月29日 | 日記

A rider
Dropped his/her gloves
Feeling sad


I'm not sure if the pair of gloves belonged to the rider. Just I guessed. I imagined that it would have dropped from a jacket or rucksack.
I dropped the small cover bag for my umbrella from the pocket of my jacket in the morning. I thought that I could have picked it up when I went back to home that evening but there was no the bag...I'm disappointed. It didn't my expectation...

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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オサンポ walk - 謎の小さい通行止め (?)5 the closure (small)

2017年11月28日 | 日記

It's a fuss?
Has been settled
It seems


I upped the same topic on my blog on the 22nd October 2017. It seems that there was not much differences between them. So, the matter was settled? I'm still interested in it but I will not be here many times from now on...see you someday—-.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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オサンポ walk - スキマ草 : でかい gigantic3 (種明かし/tell the secret)

2017年11月27日 | 日記

You used to be big
Hic jacet


I upped this "Sukima-soh" on the 10th August 2017 on my blog. Since that time, it seems that it's been sleeping... never woke up.
It used to be big! (If you had time, you could check my blog on the 13 July 2017)
About the second photo, you could find a silver metal post at the front, the Sukima-soh was under there. The shop would be an office for some funny text book for primary school student, to study Kanji (漢字 かんじ). Study together with Unko(うんこ poo). Ha ha...

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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日乗 diary - 落としモノ 手袋143 lost glove143

2017年11月26日 | 日記

That's is
For a work
The pair of glove


Morning and night, nowadays, it's getting colder but I've not seen many gloves on the roads or anywhere. I should say, it's good! Because no one lose their gloves.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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オサンポ walk - 霜月、秋の緑ランプ a green street lamp in November in autumn

2017年11月25日 | 日記

In the autumn evening
There is a green street lamp
That is lighting on a road

秋の夕暮れ時に外を歩いていると、晴れている日は空が本当に澄んでいて、見てて見飽きない。シャープな夕陽がダイレクトにモノモノを照らし出して、普段と違う風に見えるのを眺めるのも楽しい。そしてランプ。真っ暗な中で見上げるときと、まだ空に明るさが残っているときと、とでは、ランプの表情が違うように思えるのも想像力を掻き立てられる。...ませんか? 秋サンポ、「いいね!」

When I am walking outside in autumn evenings, if it's fine, the sky is really clear, never get bored when I see it. The sharpen everything sunlights light onto things, that would make different them than usual. About the lamps, I feel something differences than usual about them when it's evening or night. It inspires me sometimes. Going for a walk in autumn, "Good!". (Isn't it?)

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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オサンポ walk - スキマ草 : 壁に生きる3 living on the wall

2017年11月24日 | 日記

It's in
Make the wall greens
With us chrysanthemum

写真だとちょっと分かりにくいですが、マジで本気で壁から“吹き出して”いるようで、大変ウケました! 菊(ですよね?)も根性ありますなー。

It would not be good photos, to understand their situations. The chrysanthemums are like a "fountain", belching out of the wall. I love to see them. I appreciate their guts.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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スズメ見なくね?32 we haven't seen many sparrows

2017年11月23日 | 日記

A sparrow in the morning
Eating a piece of bread
I took another way

路地っぽい道を歩いていると、突然一羽のスズメが脇から飛び出して来て、口に何かをくわえている様子で。行く方向だったところに落ち着いてパンくず? を食べ始めたんで、そっかと思って迂回した、朝なのでした。

When I walk on the small road, suddenly one sparrow got out at the side, he(she) took something like a piece of bread into his mouth. He got down on there where I was going to, he started eating it. I gave up to go the way, took another way. That's was one of my mornings.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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オサンポ walk - スキマ草 : 壁に生きる2 living on the wall

2017年11月22日 | 日記

No sure since when
I have been here
Looking down you

ベニシアさんでなく、ベコニアさんですか? どこからやって来たんです? 種になって飛んで来て? そんな排水口の僅かな土とスペースで大丈夫なんですか? って大丈夫だから生きているンすよっ! はあそうですよね。それにしてもなんでも、眺めはいいでしょうね? まあそうっすね。朝は朝陽を独り占め、日中はニンゲン眺めてなんぼして、夜はお月さんとランデヴー。あらま、結構なご身分ですこと…。

Aren't you Venetia, are you Begonia? Where did you come from? Flying as seeds? Is there enough space in the drainpipe? Have you got enough soil? I'm totally OK! That's why, I've been living here! Oh, yes, I see. Have you got a nice view? Yeah, in the morning, the sunlight is on only me, during daytime, I look down you humans and think about you are not much, at night, the moon and I see each other. Oh my god, you enjoy an elegant lifestyle...

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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オサンポ walk - 霜月、秋の水面3 surface of water in November in autumn

2017年11月21日 | 日記

On the surface
Coming closely autumn
With no sounds

水面すいめんすいれん睡蓮…モネ? 的な? 確かフランスにモネの元邸宅の美術館があってそこにいつか行きたい、そこに行ったらそこから近いはずのモンサンミッシェルにも行きたい…。とこれもたくさんある中のひとつの「いつかきっと」…。なんてことなどを、一つの事象から、色々なことを思い出してそこから連想が始まり考えが飛散して行き、頭の中ではモネの庭を訪れている。しかし身体はここに留まっている。何も動かず行動を起こしてもいない。何故頭だけならそこに行けるのか? 不思議。しかし頭だけ“行って”も、行ったことにはならない。何はともあれ、身体も本当に行くには行動をしないといけない。水面を見ながら、考えている…。
Surface = suimen (in Japanese), Water lily = suilen (in Japanese), I am thinking about suimen, it sounds like suilen. When I think about water lily, I remember Monet. I'd like to visit his house that became a museum. It has a great wonderful garden that I'd like to see. One thing reminds me a lot of things that trigger other things...with my memories and remembering. Only my head can visit his garden but not my body. I'm still here, never move, nor go anywhere. Why? Why? I have to visit there with my body, otherwise no one says to me, I've been there. I have to DO. I'm thinking with seeing the surface...

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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