オサンポ walk - 夏の夜の星 the star in a summer night

2018年07月31日 | 日記

In the summer night
There is a red right star
It's Mars

見つめていてふと思ったのはあの赤い星が何? と分からない古代のヒトには、考えようで吉・不吉に分かれるのは理解出来るな、でした。いつもや毎年見られるワケでなく、時々現れて、消えていく、けど、あの星なになに…? と考えても分からない。ただただ不思議…だったんでしょうかね。

Well, it's Mars, the star in the photo. You wouldn't think so. It's Mars that I saw yesterday. It's time, Mars is in the closest position to our earth. The News said. It's so brightened because of near. It's red and bright, it might be easy to find it(it's at east, a bit south side, and low position). It's planet, so isn't coming and going, stable. I felt see each other, face to face.
I was thinking about ages ago, the people didn't understand what Mars was, why we cannot see always or every season, only sometime. Is it good luck or bad luck? Wondering, wondering....

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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オサンポ walk - 夏の夜の月 the moon in a summer night

2018年07月30日 | 日記

In the summer night
It seemed fire works
But it's full moon

花火? かと思ってしまっていやいや、と眺めていたらワキの方から花火の音がしてきたのであらあらと思って音のする方へ行ってみましたら、花火が遠くで上がっていました。あらま。ホントの花火が。たまや、かぎや。

Is that fire work? No, no, it's moon, I was seeing a bit, I heard some sounds of fire works from a far side, oh? I walked to there then I found there were a few of fire works at the far away in the sky. Oh, I didn't know I could see real ones from here. Good! Nice!

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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オサンポ walk - 混雑(蝉の抜け殻写ってます) crowded exuviae

2018年07月29日 | 日記

It's crowded
At the edge of leaves in summer
There are many exuviae


If they would have being emerging at the same time here, what would have happened their wings? Could they even theirs?
By the way, the typhoon was gone, we are now having a humid & hot summer again. Many cicadas are lively singing. It seems to get back yesterday's one.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.

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ホンヨミ Book-loving 「にっぽんのカラス」(Japanese crows)

2018年07月28日 | 日記

Anyway, let's try
To know them,

本を読んで冷静になって基本動物好きなのであれなんですが、しかしちと数が多いかなぁと思う点で、上手い感じにこの辺りに生息する数を減らせないかと思うのですが…。ニンゲンが彼らに対して上手くやる、ってヤツですね。今は、近くにいるカラスを追いかけてみてます。するとニンゲンのことはイヤらしく、一応逃げて行きます。カラスはヒトの顔を覚えられるらしいので、「やっべコイツ、追いかけてくるヤツだ」と記憶したら、どうするんでしょうね? (というのを知りたいと思い、やってみてます)

I know that they are crow but I didn't know what they were (like). So I read the book to understand them. (It's only in Japanese)
I understood about a part of them, I basically love animals, but there are too many crows in the area...so, I'd like them to move into other areas. Humans have to be smarter than them. At the moment, whenever I meet them, I chase them. They seem to dislike humans (just me?), they run away. It said that Crow can remember humans's faces. If they remember my face, what will they do next?? (I'd like to know that, that's why, I'm doing it)

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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日乗 diary - 落としモノ 番外編:傘袋 another story: a small bag for umbrella

2018年07月27日 | 日記

The bag for umbrella
Dropped then picked up
Now being with a sunflower


When I passed by here, somehow I liked this angle, so I photographed. On that day, I saw a few of "dropped bags for umbrella". I think that I frequently see/find "dropped" the bag in these days. The bags are light. And, when it has got an umbrella inside of it, it's ok but when an umbrella is pulled out of the bag, the bag becomes nothing. How can I find a space for the bag inside of... a handbag/knapsack/etc?? I've got an experience to drop/lose the bag. Does anyone know a tip-off about we can keep the bag forever???

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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オサンポ walk - 抜け殻になる前 before becoming a exuvia

2018年07月26日 | 日記

Before becoming a exuvia
The pupa is getting the headlights
On itself during eclosion behaviour

車が通る坂道の歩道に置いてある、車止めに渡してあるロープです。に、蝉の幼虫が留まっていてこれから羽化すっかな、ってところだと思います。このロープは何本か張ってあって他でも何匹か見ました。羽化後組とこれから組。なんでこのロープを気に入っているんでしょうか? 不思議です。
There is a sloping road where cars running. The rope has a pupa of cicada on itself is a part of the car stop by the road. The pupa was going to become adult during the night. There were other ropes that also had many pupas and exuviae. I'm wondering why they like these ropes? I see some on there every year.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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オサンポ walk - 落語鑑賞 Went to see the Rakugo (show)

2018年07月25日 | 日記

Even it's global warming
We can consume
By laughing with Rakugo


However, for laughing, we have to go out of our houses. In these days, it's been crazy hot in Japan. Now it's hard to go out of house. I can tell you, it wouldn't be easy for laughing to go out!

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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オサンポ walk - カラスがいっぱい There are many crows...

2018年07月24日 | 日記

There are many crows
It's been hot in these days
They are OK with hot


There is only one crow in the photo but there were many at that time, they soon went away when I tried to photograph them. When I step closer to them, they seem to dislike me then go away. It means, they still don't like humans as who dose bad things to them. But when I take some distance from them, they are soon back to the same place. Cat-and-mouse game. I'm thinking... how we make them keep out of the areas...

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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オサンポ walk - 抜け殻を an exuvia of cicada

2018年07月23日 | 日記

The exuvia of cicada
A pupa came out of that
Now singing on a tree

地面からすぐの、コンクリ道路のちょっとした段差のところで羽化したみたいですね。(右下に抜け殻が) 高さが余りなさそうですが、カラダの長さに足りていたんでしょうかね。

I found the exuvia that was on the side of the concrete road. I guess, its height doesn't seem to be enough to their height. Was he(she?) succeeded to become adult?

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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猫三昧 Cat-loving - 真夏の夜の、a midsummer's night

2018年07月22日 | 日記

She(he?) is running away
A cat at the midsummer's night
Running away


She is running away because of the hot days. What? The right reason is "I wouldn't be friend with a person who doesn't give me any foods". It's been HOT in these days, I'd really like to TELL you about that. I tried to use the cat episode.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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