自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百五十四

2021年10月31日 | 日記







Cat-Loving people who love round shoulders.

(In Japan, about "round shoulders", we call it "cat shoulders".)


I'm not sure if it is ture.


*not sure about my English... 


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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百五十三

2021年10月30日 | 日記





Even if they don't give me their "Good morning", they are also humankind.


The same as humankind, and Japanese. They didn't hear me or/and was busy. There would be many reasons. Others are others, I am I.

*not sure about my English...


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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百五十二

2021年10月29日 | 日記





In the early morning, many ants come out of their nest.


When I walk on the footpath for work in the morning, there are many ants that come out and in the nest and have got the sunlight. Their tiny bodies were shining. That’s really worker ant! I was impressed!!

*not sure about my English...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百五十一

2021年10月28日 | 日記






L cannot be M.


It is about size for clothing. My waist is bigger than before but my height is still the same as my own one. So, L is a bit big for me. However, M is ... some parts of M are a bit tight.

That "a-bit tight" wants L but my arms and length of legs are M. M should wear M!!

*not sure about my English...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百五十

2021年10月27日 | 日記






For crickets, they are worried about if there wouldn't be autumn.


I think, around days in October, I usually listen to songs of crickets at night that are so loud, when I come back to home. It wouldn't be the same as usual. Suddenly it changed from a bit humid to cold. The babies of them haven't been born. I guess.

*not sure about my English...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百四十九

2021年10月26日 | 日記






Life is patient.


We sometimes use English when we say/describe something. If it would be better to be said in English instead of Japanese. For Japanese, English or other foreign languages/letters sounds cool. Patient means Gaman suru(我慢する/がまんする/ガマンスル). Gaman sounds like a bit heavy,  patient sounds light for me. So I prefer to say "patient".

*not sure about my English...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百四十八

2021年10月25日 | 日記




やたら運がある日と、全然運がない日、ってないですか? それが短期間の間に続けて起きたりして、ギャップがあり過ぎるのも何だかな…と思ったりします。


It's a full-lucky day and a non-lucky day.


Everything is so lucky today! On the other hand, it's the worst day in my life. We would have both of day? It might happen in two different days short term. There are a big gap between lucky day and worst day. I wouldn't like the gap of that...

*not sure about my English...

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オサンポ walk - スキマ草Plant : 「ワタシはどこにいるでしょう」(スキマ草曰く) Where am I?(by Sukima-soh)

2021年10月24日 | 日記




もっと公園シュウが強い場所になったのだと思っていたら、商業シュウが満ち満ちていた(for me)。 かなりアタマをやられていたところに、このスキマ草と出会ってちょっとホッとした。タンポポ系? タテモノやバショがどんなだって、スキマ草はスキマ草。いつでもマイペースで緑化運動に励むのだ。


Answer: I am in a gap of between the wall and floor where belog to the building at Miyashita Park in Shibuya.

I'm not sure when I came to the park last time... my memory of the park is old and clean, but sometimes they did. 

The park had been rebuilt last summer. I just knew there were the long park and a Starbucks. When I went to there, I was surprised. There were more restaurants(casual), shops, and high-priced designer brand shops. WOW. There was not only a Starbucks, many shops, and big buildings. I was shocked by the difference from what I thought about that.

I found the Sukima-soh(a plant in the photo), I was happy to see it. Because it was the park. So, there must have been lots of trees, flowers and so on. The Sukima-soh seemed to have been trying to plant trees. Good.

*not sure about my English...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百四十七

2021年10月23日 | 日記




ときどきですが、寝付きが悪く、夜中に目も何回か醒めてしまうことがあります。なんで? 夜は寝るためにあるんですよね? この眠れないには実は意味がある? ナイ? あるなら教えて欲しいし、ナイなら寝かせて〜。


Is there any reason when I cannot sleep?


Sometimes, I have a problem with falling asleep, and wake up a few times during night. Why? We have night because of sleeping. Dose it have some meanings with "cannot sleep" ? Nothing? If there would be something, please tell me. If not, please give me good night.

*not sure about my English...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百四十六

2021年10月22日 | 日記






Life depends on preparing.


I've been thinking of that in these days. I had to look forward, more preparing to happen. After happening, then noticing it, it is too late. Sigh...

*not sure about my English...

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