オサンポ take a walk - 草花 plant & flower 百日紅 crape myrtle

2014年07月31日 | 日記

In summer morning
The crape myrtle looks
Cooler than the others

Now the crape myrtle is blooming, it is near the station. I like trees, but it's difficult to remember their names, especially when they haven't got any flowers. I'm not a specialist, even they've got flowers, it is still difficult to identify them. That crape myrtle is behind the weeping Sakura. So I didn't notice it. But it's blooming, at the top points of long branches, there are many small flowers which are blowing by wind, they look so cool. That's why, I could notice it, otherwise, not. Wood is always calm, I think that they welcome us anytime when we notice them.
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ホンヨミ Book-loving 「かもめのジョナサン」 Jonathan Livingston Seagull

2014年07月30日 | 日記

I reread "Jonathan Livingston Seagull"
Published by Shincho Co., Ltd.

写真が暗くてスミマセン。最近出版された「完成版」でなく、昔に買って読んだモノ。この頃は新潮文庫の(キャラ)パンダの"Yonda?"君が活躍中でした。夏の新潮文庫100冊! とかいう選書の中から2冊選んで帯に付いている応募券を送ると"Yonda?"君ストラップがもらえるという。2、3個もらいましたねぇ。で、買って積読本、というのも多いのですが、これはヨンダと思ってたんですが。「完成版」が出たという記事に触れ、再読してみよーと思って読み始め、あれ? 読んでなかった? いや、読んだよ~な、このかもめの写真に見覚えがある、あれでもこんな話だったっけ? とかとかで読み終わって。今「完成版」の方を図書館にリクエスト中でーす。
It's a book of Jonathan Livingston Seagull. I bought the book around 10 years ago. This year, I heard that the final edition has been published. I picked up my book at the bookshelf, I reread it. During reading through the book, I couldn't be sure if read it already. Did I just but it then put it in the bookshelf? But I remembered those seagulls' photos... Is the story like this? Mmm, well, anyway, I read it all. Now I have requested a final edition version at the library.
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オサンポ take a walk - 虫 insect 蝉 cicada

2014年07月29日 | 日記

Summer festival at night
A cicada is emerging from a pupa
With perfect composure

We had a summer festival in local area at night. After finishing it, there were still many people. That cicada didn't care about our human's event, it was concentrated on itself. There was still noisy, but it didn't care at all. I would like to be it. I hope it all the time.
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オサンポ take a walk - 草花 plant & flower 向日葵 sunflower

2014年07月28日 | 日記

In summer
On the face of sunflower
I see some mathematical formula

「波紋と螺旋とフィボナッチ」という本を読んだ時に、ヒマワリの種が出来るトコロに(ここではカオと呼んでます) 、フィボナッチ数列が現れているとか。フィボナッチ数と呼ばれる数があって、その数と同じ螺旋を見つけられるとか。へーほーふ~んってな感じで、ヒマワリに会えたときに見て見ようと思っていて、数云々はへーほーふ~んですが、カオの中の種になる部分が綺麗に螺旋というか弧を描いているのを確認して、今まで適当に認識してたというか、規則性なく種が並んでいると思っていたので軽い衝撃。まだまだ世の中にへーほーふ~んがいっぱい。
Some book tells you when you see a sunflower, you will find Fibonacci numbers. It has many seeds on the circle, look into it, you could find many spirals. It said that it follows Fibonacci numbers. I didn't notice about that, I thought the seeds gathered randomly. I was surprised. There are still many "wonders" in the world.

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猫三昧 Cat-loving - 元気 Genki

2014年07月27日 | 日記

It's summer!
While I am sleeping,
I lengthen my body

It's like impressionist art drowning? Wound'n be? The cat, his name is Genki, is sleeping and lengthens his body at the darkish corridor. It's Just how it is. I always look at cat, so when I see that kind of his behaviour, I think summer has come. In winter, he never does that. It is like seasonal tradition.
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オサンポ take a walk - 虫 insect 蝶 butterfly

2014年07月26日 | 日記

The butterflies were flying
On the Kasatori Mountain

笠取山の笠取小屋でお昼休憩していると、Hana-sanのリュックにとある蝶(今ネットでサクっと調べてみましたが、ヒョウモン族の蝶とかでしょーか?) が、度々止まりに来て何かを吸っている? 感じ。ご本人は「汗よ」とか言ってましたがそーであれば塩分摂取してたとか?? ふむ。歩いている最中に他の蝶たちもよくヒラヒラと近くに来てました。夏バテ気味のヒトビトを励ましてくれてるんだ。と解釈してましたが、単に塩分摂取したかったのかい?
When we had lunch break at
Kasatori Hutte on Mt. Kasatori, I saw some kind of Argynnini on my friend's rucksack. It seemed to suck something on her rucksack. She said, it must be my sweat. Well, it was sucking salt? During hiking, other many kind of butterflies come to us. I thought they encouraged us, because some of us were suffering from the summer heat... But well, they just wanted to suck salt from our sweats?
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日乗 diary - ウルトラマン Ultraman

2014年07月25日 | 日記

Summer has come!
So that Ultraman also has

夏だから、子供向けイベントでもやりましょうかね? 何がいいのかね? 妖怪ウォッチとか? 何? 妖怪何? 妖怪ウォッチ。妖怪はあれ、お化け? はあ。ウおっち? 何? 時計? はあ。じゃあピカチュウは? ピカチュウ? 雪アナは? 何の穴だって? いやまあじゃああれあれ、ウルトラマンがいいんじゃないっすか? おーウルトラマンね! いいね! ってなワケで、かどーかは知りませんが、近所のミニデパートにウルトラマンと宇宙恐竜ゼットンがいました。
"Well, it's now summer, let's have some event for children?" "Have you got any idea?" "How about Yokai Watch?" "Yokai what?" "Yokai Watch" "is Yokai monster?" "Yes" "What is watch?" "Well, how about Pikachu?" "PIKACHU?" "How about Yuki-Ana?" "Ana? What hole?" "Yes, well, oh! That's it! Ultraman must be good!" "That's good!" ... I don't know there were like those conversations, then they decided what event they would have was ... I saw big figures of Ultraman and Space dinosaur Zetton at the small department near my house.
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オサンポ take a walk - 草花 plant & flower スキマ草

2014年07月24日 | 日記

One plant is living in a gap
It has five white flowers

アチコチでホントに、"スキマ草"を見掛けると思いますが、そーいう中でもこのよーな出物に出くわすことがままあると思います。出物? 言葉の使い方があっているのか? ってまあまあ。こんな風に花を咲かせている園芸種らしき草花を見掛けると、種の時代に元いた場所から離れて、ここに落ち根づき成長して花まで咲かせたのだね、とヒストリーに思いを馳せれば感慨深し。今ココにあるために、短くはない時間が費やされている、んですねぇ。
You can see any grasses or plants in gaps on roads or walls. Among them, we could see lovely flowers sometimes. I imagine about that flower's history...such as, when it was a seed, it left from a planter or flower pot, it fell down and stayed here, grew up and now having its flowers. Oh, there is a long story, it has it to be itself.
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オサンポ take a walk - 草花 plant & flower ヤマユリ gold-banded lily

2014年07月23日 | 日記

Outside of the grove
There is a gold-banded lily living
At the borderland

近所で咲いていた山百合です。林や森のフチなどで見掛けることが多いと思っていたら、やはりそーいったトコロに住まうのがお好みとか。周りの草タチに囲まれながらも何とか顔を出している。でもあんまり必死な感じはしなくて、まあこんなもんでええやろ的な、あきらめとかじゃなくって、泰然自若風な雰囲気。とは穿ち過ぎ過ぎか。そーなりたいと思っていて常にはかなえられず、稀にかなえられて歓喜する...。どこかで聞いたよーなフレーズ。(参照:新明解国語辞典 第5版)
It is a gold-banded lily that I found near my house. I see the same flower outside of wood or grove sometime, they like to live that kind of places. About the lily, she(he?) was popping up itself among tall grasses. But the lily looked still, with great presence of mind. I would like to be. I'm trying to be like that all the time. Though it would be difficult.
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オサンポ take a walk - 虫 insect 蝉 cicada

2014年07月22日 | 日記
カナカナ 夏

robust cicadas and evening cicadas
Has started chirping
Summer has begun

There are a few small groves and a river near my house. So, they give me a chance to meet small creatures, I think. But you know, a big city Tokyo, I heard a robust cicada chirping a few days ago before I heard it in my area. I feel a bit strange because I thought I could hear it in my area earlier than in Tokyo. Well, about an evening cicada, I already heated it, I haven't done in Tokyo. There would be a timing that I missed their chirping in the both areas. Some of insects, they can live anywhere even a big city Tokyo. Oh, I know, the two ( or one? ) of swallow's parents raise their baby birds in Tokyo. So it can be.
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