ホンヨミ Book-loving 「劇場」the playhouse

2017年09月30日 | 日記

I waited again
Until I could borrow a book
At the library

感想をひとことで言おうとするとムリがありますが敢えて言えば、「辛い」。(何故「辛い」と「幸い」の漢字はこんなに似ているのでしょう? たまたま?) 今「辛い」ヒトはまんま、「辛くない」ヒトは他人事と思って気軽るに読めることでしょう…。ホホ。

昔は名前の読み方も不確かだったのに、(マタキチ?) ここに来て何故か又吉ブーム(?)到来風。




I'm taking about some novels written by Naoki Matayoshi. Naoki, is a comedian, he loves reading books, has read so many books... now he challenged to write two novels, his first story has got a Akutagawa prize by the publisher.
Now he appears in some TV programmes, not only comic shows, but educational ones. When he was just a comedian, I wasn't interested in nor didn't care but now I read his books and watch his TV programmes. The first catalyst was, a woman colleague gave me his two books, they are essay. Thank you! I Since then, a part of my world has been expanding. That's interesting.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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オサンポ walk - 秋、ツクツクボウシ some cicadas in autumn

2017年09月29日 | 日記

Some cicadas are still singing
Among falling leaves
Listening to it


You can see the root of Sakura tree at the far, it had some cicadas that were singing. I heard other cicadas' songs from other trees. When we listen to cicadas' songs, we think it's still summer here?

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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ミニ三昧 : イワコー消しゴム :並べてみる / love miniature - IWAKO erasers, set out

2017年09月28日 | 日記

IWAKO's erasers
I set up them
Off the top of my head


なんかこんな風にただ並べただけなのに、いつもと違って見えませんか〜? きちんとしてみる、ってやっぱ案外大事なのかも知れません。

このブログを始めるキッカケの一つが「断捨離」でした。(当時は"断捨離本"わんさかの「断捨離」ブームでした…) そんなブームにあらよっと乗って始めた「断捨離」も道半ば…。「断捨離」でスッキリして「きちんと」したい、と思いつつ道半ば。よし。ようやっと涼しくなって来たし、また「断捨離」始めて色々なことにスッキリ!しよう!(今度こそ…)

I think that they are just set up, but look better than usual. Don't you think so? "Tidy" would be quite important.

I've got a few of reasons to start this blog. One of them is "Danshari". (= Let's throw away things that you don't need anymore) At that time, "Danshari" was a movement. There were many books about it, they strongly recommended doing "Danshari". I got on with it, did a bit but not completed. Now I'm thinking I have to start doing it again! Yes, I will do!

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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オサンポ walk - 秋、ひっくり返った小クワガタ a small stag beetle turning over in autumn

2017年09月27日 | 日記
Saved a small stag beetle
From it was struggling
With turning over

Under this, there is a small stag beetle, if you wouldn't like any insects, please be careful.


I bumped into a small stag beetle that was in trouble with turning over itself at the front porch of a drugstore. Someone would have said, "Rescue him(her), quick!" I understand. But I photographed him before that for my blog. Thanks.


I was a bit nervous to pick him up by my bare hand, I did it with a tissue.

周りは草木のほとんど無いところだったので、どうする? っとちょっと考えて、2、3分歩いたところに公園があるのでここよりはマシかも知れない、っと思いそこまで頑張って連れて行き、適当に選んだ木の幹に載せました。小クワガタはひとまずジッとしていました。まずは状況検分ですかね。何にせよここでお別れ。お達者でー。
しかし、クワガタって、いるもんなんですね? 記憶にある限り町中で見るのはホボホボ初めてのような。君、野生しているの? どこかのプラスチックケースから自ら脱走してきた?? それとも???(一つの可能性として→飼い主が散歩に連れて来て落っことしていったとか? ←でもそれダメじゃん)

Around there, there was very few plants, where was it good to him? I'd got an idea that it must have been best for him, going to a park with him where I took a few minutes walk to, then released him. I thought the park was better than here. I brought him in the park, put him on a branch. He was still there. I thought that he might have checked about himself and the park, what's going on him. Anyway, my mission have done. Take care of yourself, I said to him.
I feel strange why was he there? I haven't seen any other stag beetles in a town before. Do you survive in the wild? Did you escape from a plastic case? Or? (There is one possible→ There was an owner who went for a walk with him, during that time, the owner dropped him by accident? It's too bad!)

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct
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オサンポ walk - 秋、オシロイバナとコガネムシ(?) four o'clock flower&a gold beetle(?)in autumn

2017年09月26日 | 日記

A gold beetle(?)
When he(she)'s sleeping
He is holding at the edge of leave

There is a insect(gold beetle?) on the photo above. I zoomed up him on the photo. I will show you it under this. If you don't like that, please be careful.

画像がちょっと不鮮明ですみません。よく見ると葉っぱの上にコガネムシ?が乗っているんですが、そのコガネムシ?の右手が、葉っぱの端を掴んでいるように見えませんか? 掴んでいるように見える葉っぱの先が、持ち上がっているように見える…から、そうなのかな? と思っているんですが。
寝ているんでしょうかね? ふいの風に飛ばされないようにするため、端に手をかけているんでしょうか?

Sorry for the photo that wouldn't be clear. If you look at it carefully, there is a gold beetle on the leaf. It seems, the right hand of itself is holding at the edge of the leaf. The edge looks like being up a little, that's why, I think so.
Is the beetle sleeping? Just in case, for trying not to be blown away by wind, it's holding?
Or, it's just reached there naturally when the beetle rolled over?( I'm kidding :)
I think that their world is much different from ours. I found this their behaviour, happy to see it and feel lovely, I'm excited. I'm wondering if it's one of usual their behaviours...?

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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オサンポ walk - 秋、オシロイバナ four o'clock flower in autumn

2017年09月25日 | 日記

I met a group of four o'clock flower
Haven't seen until
Waiting for the crazy hot summer has gone


ほおほおとむかーし昔にこの種を、取って潰して中身の白い粉を取り出して…遊んだことを思い出し、数粒いただいて参りました。(近所に撒くためにです) そんなことをしていると、昆虫(コガネムシ系?)のちょっと面白い場面に出喰わしました。

The crazy hot summer has gone(haven't they?), I can walk around in my neighbourhood. I knew there is a group of four o'clock flower. When it was hot, I could stop walking, just passed by, but now I can see over them. I noticed they have got their seeds.
I see, I see, I remembered when I was child, I played with them, picked it up, crashed, I took white powder from them. I got some, I would have scattered them on the ground in my neighbourhood. During that time, I found an insect that was doing a funny thing.
In my next blog, I will tell you.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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オサンポ walk - 謎の小さい通行止め (?)2 the closure (small)

2017年09月24日 | 日記

The small wall has been changed
But it's already broken
Something(or someone??)passed through??

上の写真は今週始めに撮ったもので、石も相変わらず置いてありますがほとんど効果がないのか、向かって左側のフチの辺りに既にカベの長さの1/4程の破れが横に走っているのが見えますね? 場所は中途半端な下部分ですね? これは何を意味するのか…。


横一線だった破れがそこから方向を変えて、地面まで届いてしまっていますね? よって扉型の穴が開いてしまっている。うーむ…。ここを何が誰が通っているのか…? 一体何が? 誰が? 何をどうしているのか?!

Since I found this mysterious small wall, I never stop thinking about that, what's happening.
Whenever I see it, it changes little by little. I guess, it seems a battle of a human vs a small animal(?). I upped this on the 18th July 2017, it's the first time. Next photo is the first one at the top of the page. You can find the differences between today and the 18th July. The cardboard wall is bigger than the 18th, the packing tapes were changed from silver to green. There is still a small stone...is it useful?
In the first one, the wall has a tear on horizontal. (I photographed it at the beginning of last week)

The next one, I photographed it at the last weekend. It had nearly one week.
The tear is now going to the ground, vertically. The hole seems like a door. Who passes through this door? What's happening? I'd like to know that!!!

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.

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オサンポ walk - 秋、鳩のふくみ声a dove's song in autumn

2017年09月23日 | 日記

Early morning in Autumn
A dove on the tree
Is singing



I haven't heard sparrows' songs in these days, when autumn has begun, they go to rice fields, to eat rices(?), I read it on the book. I miss them, I hear crows' songs sometimes, I believe that it's their fault there is no sparrows. In this morning, I heard a dove's songs from the tree, I was happy with that. I only hear autumn insects' songs but no cicadas. I know some people don't like doves because of their poo but I think that dove is better than crow. When dove is there, sparrow is there. But when crow is there, sparrow is not there.

The photo is a puddle that I photographed in this morning.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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オサンポ walk - 蝙蝠とツクツク two of bats and some cicadas

2017年09月22日 | 日記

The evening in autumn
Two of bats
And some cicadas


I was still listening to some cicadas' songs, it's evening, two of bats were flying over me. They got close to me a few times, I tried to photograph them but I failed.
In this pale blue sky, could you find the cicadas' songs and the bats' trails...?

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.

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オサンポ walk - 枯葉とツクツク many falling leaves and one of cicadas

2017年09月21日 | 日記

Some cicadas had been still singing
It seems that they are seeing off
This summer

毎年繰り返し思うことがあります。暑い夏は苦手なので最中は早く終わってくれ!と願うばかりなのですが、本当にこれで終わる、という頃に蝉たちの声を聴くと、そっかそうなると、君たちとは来年まで会えないんだね…などと考えてしまい、ホッとするのと別れの寂しさがない混ざって、何とも言えない複雑な気持ちになったりします。「やったー! 夏終わり!」っと蝉の声なんかあったって耳に入らずあー秋だ秋だと単純に喜べるような性格だったら、もっとラクに生きられるんだろうな…な……とかまで考えてしまう、そんな今、季節の狭間です…。ね。

I found many falling leaves on the ground. But on the trees, there are some cicadas that are still singing.
I've got the same thought that comes up in my mind every year at around this time...between the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. I don't like summer. During summer, I only pray for finishing summer. However, when I feel, summer will be ended sooner, some idea comes into my mind, I(we) have to say "see you next year" to cicadas. I like listening to cicadas' songs, just I don't like crazy humid&shot summer. So I miss cicadas'. I've got the mixed feelings, happy for ending summer and sad for good bye to cicadas.
If I were a person who doesn't care about cicadas' songs then just being happy for ending summer, I could live my life easier...

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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