plants popping out of narrow spaces
I read a book about that
I pay an attention more than before
「スキマの植物図鑑」(中公新書) 塚谷裕一氏著 を、図書館にリクエストしていましてこの間"やっと"きました。(図書館のカウンターの方にも言われまた…"待ちましたね"…はは) この本は買うべきでは? と思ったんですが、「断捨離」中につき我慢。当分は図書館を書庫代わりにして読みたくなったら借りよう、と決めています。この本は新刊本のせいか、それとも意外にも? こー言うモノに興味のある方がいるということなのか、リクエストが結構入っているので、しばらくは借りられないかも知れませんが。この著者の方は大学の先生でいらして、同じような興味を持っても学術的にきちんと勉強なさる方となかなか名前も覚えられない当方とで、ずいぶん道が別れるなぁ~と少ししみじみしましたが、でも同じ興味を持つ頭の良い方がいるお陰で、スキマ草の見方が少しですけど進化した気がしています。それで良し! ですかな。
My recommendable book is http://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/aw/d/4121022599/ref=redir_mdp_mobile/377-2124946-6266015
"The botanical details of Sukima-soh ( means plants are popping out of narrow spaces ) " it's only in Japanese.
I requested the book around two months ago at the library, I've got it around a week ago. I had waited it because it must have been a popular book for anybody, I didn't know it. The author is a teacher of university. When he was child, he's got into them then studied a lot, now became a botanist. As for me, I'm also interested in them, but I would not remember their names...not so many. I thought there were big differences between he and I. But anyway, he wrote the book, I can use it for checking them while walking. That's good. Very good.
plants popping out of narrow spaces
I read a book about that
I pay an attention more than before
「スキマの植物図鑑」(中公新書) 塚谷裕一氏著 を、図書館にリクエストしていましてこの間"やっと"きました。(図書館のカウンターの方にも言われまた…"待ちましたね"…はは) この本は買うべきでは? と思ったんですが、「断捨離」中につき我慢。当分は図書館を書庫代わりにして読みたくなったら借りよう、と決めています。この本は新刊本のせいか、それとも意外にも? こー言うモノに興味のある方がいるということなのか、リクエストが結構入っているので、しばらくは借りられないかも知れませんが。この著者の方は大学の先生でいらして、同じような興味を持っても学術的にきちんと勉強なさる方となかなか名前も覚えられない当方とで、ずいぶん道が別れるなぁ~と少ししみじみしましたが、でも同じ興味を持つ頭の良い方がいるお陰で、スキマ草の見方が少しですけど進化した気がしています。それで良し! ですかな。
My recommendable book is http://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/aw/d/4121022599/ref=redir_mdp_mobile/377-2124946-6266015
"The botanical details of Sukima-soh ( means plants are popping out of narrow spaces ) " it's only in Japanese.
I requested the book around two months ago at the library, I've got it around a week ago. I had waited it because it must have been a popular book for anybody, I didn't know it. The author is a teacher of university. When he was child, he's got into them then studied a lot, now became a botanist. As for me, I'm also interested in them, but I would not remember their names...not so many. I thought there were big differences between he and I. But anyway, he wrote the book, I can use it for checking them while walking. That's good. Very good.