オサンポ take a walk - 草花 plant & flower flowers 置いてき花? left a flower?

2014年11月04日 | 日記

A single flower
Is at the corner of the flowerbed
It's telling about Autumn

この花壇はバス停に向かう途中にあります。季節ごとに植えられる花タチが違い楽しいのですが、結構、ある日突然的にまだまだ花に勢いがありそーだと思える時期に、ホントに突然的に彼らとの別れが来ます。一期一会、毎日が勝負です。ここにはほんの数日前まで、黄色のマリーゴールド風の花がワッサワッサ~と咲いていて、元気だね~だったのですが、ある日突然更地になっていて、「まただ…」と思っていると、ふと気付くと、花壇の隅にバラ?一輪。化身? いやいや。大方、誰かが花を買って帰る途中、モゲたかなんかで落ちたのを、ここに置いてった、とか…でしょーかね?
That flowerbed is along on the footpath to the bus station. Someone takes care of it, changes flowers every season. I enjoy seeing that. But I have to say good-bye to them suddenly, without any notice. Someone digs out of flowers even they are still lively. This time was the same, there were lovely flowers in it a few days ago, but it disappeared. I thought that it was again... Yesterday, I was noticed one single rose (?) at the corner of the flowerbed. It emerged? It would not be. I guess, someone who bought roses and something happened then the one dropped, then he or she picked up it then put it there. What do you think?
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