オサンポ take a walk - 草花 plant & flower 黄葉 turning yellow

2014年11月25日 | 日記
黄葉す ハロー

Just one leaf has turned yellow
It's like saying Hello

下の方の一葉だけ、黄色に色付いていて、駅そばのスーパーに行く前に銀行寄って郵便局寄って、ついでにCanDo (¥100shop) 寄って…と色々何気に用事はあるんだけど、オサンポもしたい…と思いながらも日常のスルコトに追われ、ゆっくり草木の名前を調べたり覚えたりとかも後回しになってしまい…そんな気ぜわしく感じる時でも、小さな事象でも見逃したくニャイ、と、ココであった一葉の黄葉に秋だよ、と改めて告げられて、ああそーだ、と空を見上げることが出来たと思えば今日はコレでヨシ、となってソレダカラかどーかは分からないケド夜もぐっすり寝られてヨカッタ。
I found only one leaf turned yellow of the small tree. I was walking to the supermarket, the post office and a ¥100shop. I was busy, so sometimes I can't enjoy taking a walk, just becoming "a walk", I would like to check flowers' names, but I haven't got much time to do that. I wouldn't like to miss any small incidents from nature, I found it yesterday, the one yellow leaf which told me, here is autumn, isn't it? I was happy with it, then I looked up the sky. I wasn't sure but I slept well last night, because of that?
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