
F1 中国GP 決勝 アロンソ コメント

Fernando Alonso says his retirement from the Chinese Grand Prix was "especially painful," as he was running inside the top 10, after vaulting forwards during the early stages of the race.

Alonso surged past midfield rivals on a damp track and maintained his position through the changeover period to slick tyres, running in the points, before a driveshaft issue halted his MCL32.

"We started from P13 in very tricky conditions, and after a few laps we were running in sixth position," he said.
"That was a big surprise and was thanks to an amazing couple of laps.

"I was hoping those tricky conditions would continue as other cars were spinning off here and there, and we maximised our opportunities as we were overtaking 'for free' at some moments.

"But then, when the track started drying out, we started to lose a little bit of ground even though we were still able to hold onto P7 for some time.

"Today we proved once more how hungry we are to get a good result, but unfortunately we're still not strong enough to finish the races.

"The lack of winter testing means we're paying a big price now, but hopefully we can improve quickly."

Team-mate Stoffel Vandoorne also failed to reach the chequered flag, with the Belgian suffering a fuel problem after a loss of power. 

"It's a shame that neither Stoffel or I could not get to the end today, and especially painful because I was in the points, but all we can do is learn our lessons and be a little bit better in Bahrain," added Alonso.

McLaren's double retirement means it has dropped to last place in the Constructors' Championship


↓    ↓      ↓
誤訳は ご容赦を。

Fernando Alonso says

フェルナンド アロンソは(以下に様に)語った

                                his retirement from the Chinese Grand Prix was "especially painful,"

           中国 グランプリでの リタイヤは     ’特別な苦痛’であった と。

                                                                            as he was running inside the top 10

                          彼は トップ10内で 走っていたからである                         

                                                                            ,after vaulting forwards during the early stages of the race.

                                                                             レースの序盤に 上位へ進出した後の事だ。




Alonso surged past midfield rivals on a damp track

アロンソは 濡れたコース上で 中団のライバルを抜き去り



    maintained his position through the changeover period to slick tyres

    スリック タイヤへの交換の間中 自分の順位を 維持した       

, running in the points,     before a driveshaft issue halted his MCL32.

 そして ポイント圏内を走った、ドライブシャフトの問題で 彼のMCL32が 止まる前までは。





                     slick tyres  → 路面が乾いてるときに使用する溝無タイヤ




 We started from P13 in very tricky conditions,

僕たちは とてもトリッキーなコンデイションの中 13位からスタートした



after a few laps


we were running in sixth position," he said.

僕たちは 6位を走ってたんだ    と彼は語った。




"That was a big surprise

 それは 大きな驚きだっし



   was thanks to an amazing couple of laps.

  (それは)驚くべき 数周の ためだったんだ。



"I was hoping


         those tricky conditions   would continue

        このような トリッキーなコンデイションが 続くことをね

        as other cars were spinning off here and there,

        他のマシンが あちこちで スピンしていたからね、



we maximised our opportunities

僕たちは この機会を 最大限活用したんだ                 

                      as we were overtaking 'for free' at some moments.

                      この 数瞬は 僕らは自由に オーバーテークしていたからね。





"But then,


when the track started drying out,

トラックが 乾き始めた時

we started to lose a little bit of ground

僕らは ちっとだけ 悔しい思いをし始めたんだ

                     even though we were still able to hold onto P7 for some time.

                     しばらくの間 7位にとどまることができていたんだけどね。





we proved once more

僕らは もう一度 わかったよ

               how hungry we are to get a good result,

              僕らが 良い結果を残すことに どんだけ貪欲かってことをね、






we're still not strong enough to finish the races.

僕らは いぜんとして レースを 完走するほど 強くないんだ。



"The lack of winter testing   means  we're paying a big price now,

冬のテストでの(走行)不足によって   僕らは 大きな代償を払うことになったんだ                   



hopefully we can improve quickly."

うまくけば 僕らは すぐにかいぜんできるよ。




Team-mate Stoffel Vandoorne also failed to reach the chequered flag,

チームメートの ストフェル バンドーンもまた チェッカーフラッグに届かなかった

                          with the Belgian suffering a fuel problem after a loss of power. 

                          この ベルギー人は パワー低下の後 燃料系の問題を 被ったため。



"It's a shame


         that neither Stoffel or I could not get to the end today,

          ストフェルも 僕も 今日完走できなかったことは(恥ずかしいよね)




 especially painful


 because I was in the points,

僕は ポイント圏内に いたからね、




all we can do         is  learn our lessons and be a little bit better in Bahrain,"

僕らができる すべての事は    このレッスンから学んで  バーレーンで ちょっとだけ良くなることなんだ      

                                              added Alonso.

                                            と アロンソは加えた。



McLaren's double retirement  means

マクラーレンの ダブル リタイヤは(以下のようなことを)意味します

                    it has dropped to last place in the Constructors' Championship

                    コンストラクターズ ランキングで ビりに落ちたことを(意味します)


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