目標水準は、欲求水準の高さで決まる 欲を抑えれば枯れるだけ 2019年11月13日 | 経営論 The level of a goal is determined by the height of the ambition. If you keep ambition low, you will only wither. « つまずいたことが終わりでは... | トップ | 残存者利益より先駆者利益を狙え »
11 コメント コメント日が 古い順 | 新しい順 The level of a goal is determined by the height of the ambition. If you keep ambition low, you will only wither. (TCF Bangladesh-Iqbal) 2019-11-14 12:25:20 Cultivate high ambition on mind. 返信する The level of a goal is determined by the height of the ambition. If you keep ambition low, you will only wither. (TCF Bangladesh (Nurul Kabir)) 2019-11-14 13:36:43 The level of a goal is determined by the height of the ambition. If you keep ambition low, you will only wither.Yes, goal will be higher then we can achieve near about, but not so high. Goal must be (SMART) . 返信する Unknown (東真奈美) 2019-11-14 17:46:33 欲求水準が高ければ、目標を高く設定して、達成するために成長し続けます。欲求を抑えれば、目標がなくなり、衰退するだけです。 返信する The level of a goal is determined by the height of the ambition. If you keep ambition low, you will only wither. (TCF Bangladesh (Jasim Uddin)) 2019-11-17 12:50:00 Looking for more will give you the energy to do more. 返信する The level of a goal is determined by the height of the ambition.If you keep ambition low, you will only wither. (TCF-Bangladesh(Md. Fakharuddin Shah)) 2019-11-18 12:35:22 If your goal is high then outcome also high. 返信する The level of a goal is determined by the height of the ambition. If you keep ambition low, you will only wither. (TCF Bangladesh (MAHBUB)) 2019-11-18 20:36:15 We can measure people by their level of goal.but not at wish. 返信する The level of a goal is determined by the height of the ambition. If you keep ambition low, you will only wither. (TCF Bangladesh (Md. Jamiul Karim)) 2019-11-25 12:36:17 The target should be big to achieve big. 返信する Unknown (TCF Bangladesh (Riad)) 2019-11-29 03:36:53 The level of a goal is determined by the height of the ambition. If you keep ambition low, you will only wither.We should set up a goal which reach able. 返信する The level of a goal is determined by the height of the ambition. If you keep ambition low, you will only wither. ((TCF Bangladesh-Mahabub Ibn Hannan)) 2019-11-29 12:31:57 Goal should be higher than you can able to do. Unless we don't get enjoyment after achieving part of targeted goal. 返信する Unknown (TCF Bangladesh ( Md. Showkat Akber)) 2019-12-03 14:26:24 Setting a high goal to achieve minimum efficiency. 返信する The level of a goal is determined by the height of the ambition (TCF Bangladesh (Mohammed Faruqe)) 2019-12-06 12:21:58 In life, we have to set up our ambition in very high and this is will be our goal. 返信する コメントをもっと見る 規約違反等の連絡 コメントを投稿 goo blogにログインしてコメントを投稿すると、コメントに対する返信があった場合に通知が届きます。 ※コメント投稿者のブログIDはブログ作成者のみに通知されます 名前 タイトル URL ※名前とURLを記憶する コメント ※絵文字はJavaScriptが有効な環境でのみご利用いただけます。 ▼ 絵文字を表示 携帯絵文字 リスト1 リスト2 リスト3 リスト4 リスト5 ユーザー作品 ▲ 閉じる コメント利用規約に同意の上コメント投稿を行ってください。 コメント利用規約に同意する 数字4桁を入力し、投稿ボタンを押してください。 コメントを投稿する
Yes, goal will be higher then we can achieve near about, but not so high. Goal must be (SMART) .
We should set up a goal which reach able.