久野康成公認会計士事務所/株式会社東京コンサルティングファーム(TCF)の 【国際化支援ブログ】



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If you want to keep growing, reject the idea that you are already complete. (TCF Bangladesh (MAHBUB))
2019-03-24 13:27:20
Growth comes from new & exceptional thinking!
If you want to keep growing, reject the idea that you are already complete. (TCF Bangladesh (Jasim Uddin))
2019-03-24 21:28:54
A filled cup can not be filled anymore. so if one thinks that he know everything, he can not grow anymore.
If you want to keep growing, reject the idea that you are already complete. (TCF Bangladesh (Nurul Kabir))
2019-03-29 14:05:57
If you want to keep growing, reject the idea that you are already complete.

I don't agree with this quote, We cannot reject the idea get already, we could modify & add value.
Unknown (TCF Bangladesh (Riad))
2019-03-31 03:31:09
Any problem can be resolved if it is placed higher up in the order priority.

Keep growing continue by creativity and positive think.
If you want to keep growing, reject the idea that you are already complete. (TCF Bangladesh (Md. Jamiul Karim))
2019-03-31 12:47:48
New idea and new thinking helps us to grow up. We cannot grow up by thinking only what we did or thinking what our old idea was.
If you want to keep growing, ((TCF Bangladesh-Mahabub Ibn Hannan))
2019-04-01 21:41:20
New idea is essential for keep growing,
If you want to keep growing, reject the idea that you are already complete (TCF Bangladesh (Mohammed Faruqe))
2019-04-07 16:28:32
For growing in corporate life, we have to think for new innovation.
If you want to keep growing, reject the idea that you are already complete. (TCF Bangladesh-Iqbal)
2019-04-08 16:34:19
Update the ideas ensure growth.
