


2018-04-20 10:58:06 | 英語特許散策

"1. A method of fabricating a liner for a refrigeration apparatus insulated cabinet wherein the insulation is foamed-in-place(現場発泡), comprising the steps of: providing a liner sheet having an inner surface and an outer surface; adhering(接合)a laminated film to said liner sheet outer surface, said film comprising(から成る)in laminated sequence(積層順でみて)an inner adhesive film layer for adhering to said liner sheet outer surface, a film of high elongation material(高伸び率材), an additional adhesive film layer, and an outer barrier film layer to prevent diffusion of insulation foam blowing agents and for adhering to insulation foamed-in-place thereagainst; and forming said liner sheet with said laminated film thereon into a liner configuration with said barrier film layer disposed outwardly to provide a stronger bond between the barrier film layer and insulation subsequently foamed-in-place thereagainst than between said liner outer surface and said inner adhesive film layer to both prevent stress cracking of the liner and diffusion of insulation foam blowing agents from insulation to said liner sheet."

"One conventional method of forming a refrigeration apparatus cabinet is to provide an inner liner wall and an outwardly spaced outer cabinet wall. Insulation is provided in the space between the two walls by foaming in place(現場発泡させる)a foam insulation material, such as polyurethane. A problem arises in conventional such cabinet constructions in that the foam-in-place insulation tends to adhere to the liner wall. The liner wall is conventionally formed of(形成される)a synthetic resin, such as high impact polystyrene (HIPS) or acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS), etc. resins. The adhesion of the foam-in-place insulation to the synthetic liner wall can cause stress cracking thereof as a result of the differential thermal expansion(熱膨張差)of the insulation and liner wall plastic material." 

"The present invention relates generally to biodegradable polymer blends. More particularly, the present invention relates to blends of two or more biopolymers, such as biodegradable polyesters and polyester amides, in order to yield(得る)sheets and films having improved physical properties such as flexibility and elongation(伸び率). The biodegradable polymer blends may be suitable for a number of applications, such as in the manufacture of disposable wraps, bags and other packaging materials or as coating materials. 

2. The Relevant Technology. 

As affluence grows(豊かになると), so does the ability to purchase and accumulate more things. 

Never before in the history of the world has their been such a large number of people with such tremendous buying power. The ability to purchase relatively inexpensive goods, such as books, tools, toys and food, is a luxury enjoyed by virtually all levels of society, even those considered to be at the poorer end of the spectrum(貧困の末端の範囲). Because a large percentage of what is purchased must be prepackaged, there has been a tremendous increase in the amount of disposable packaging materials that are routinely discarded into the environment as solid waste. Thus(*したがって), as society becomes more affluent, it generates more trash. 

In many cases, packaging materials are intended for only a single use, such as boxes, cartons, pouches and wraps used to package many, if not most, commodities(商品)purchased from wholesale and retail outlets(店舗). Even the advent of computers and "paperless"transactions has not stemmed the rising tide of(傾向を止める)packaging wastes. Indeed, the onset of"e-commerce"has spawned(引き起こす;*生み出す、生じる)a great mail-order fad, thus increasing, instead of decreasing, the amount of packaging materials being used as products must now be individually packed in boxes suitable for shipping."

"[0003] Numerous applications are known(多くの用途が公知)in which a gas and vapor barrier film is incorporated(組み込まれ)in articles to prevent the transmission(透過)of gases and vapors to thereby control or prevent the loss of freshness and flavor and/or the escape(漏出)of aroma(芳香)or odor(臭気). In some applications, including medical and health care applications, microbial activity with concurrent microbial growth can lead to malodorous(悪臭)gases and vapors and possible infection from the related articles. Articles that involve microbial activity usually employ a passive gas and vapor barrier film to contain malodorous gases and vapors. Venting of built up gases and vapors is required in some of these articles, such as for example ostomy pouches. 

[0004] Silver ions are highly effective as an antimicrobial agent(抗菌剤). However, compounds containing such ions are also relatively expensive. Most antimicrobial technologies using silver ions are limited by the amount of silver ion that can reach the surface of a polymeric film for exposure to microbes. Higher concentrations of silver ions in a polymeric film have limited effects, as the ions tend to block each other and prevent exposure of additional ions below the surface. Accordingly, a need exists for(要求;*必要)a strategy(方法)by which the antimicrobial efficacy of silver ion along a face of a film can be increased."

"[0087] The core layer, in an embodiment of this invention, comprises at least one elastomeric organic polymer. The elastomeric organic polymer can provide both flexibility with quietness and strength to the core layer and the inventive film. In an embodiment the elastomeric organic polymer is elastic and has an ASTM D 882 elongation at break(破断時伸び)of greater than(超える)200%, 400%, or 600%."

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