


2022-09-02 10:45:07 | 英語特許散策

[0002] In optical space communication, spatial light propagating in space is transmitted and received without using a medium such as an optical fiber.

In order to receive signal light spreading and propagating in space, as large a condensing lens as possible is required.

Further, a low-capacitance photodiode is required for performing high-speed communication in optical space communication.

In conventional optical spatial communications, it is known that information can be transmitted by the blinking light of light emitting diodes or laser diodes (hereinafter referred to as light emitting elements).


In optical spatial communications, the optical intensity attenuates more conspicuously in relation to the transmission distance than in communications through an optical transmission line such as an optical fiber.

Therefore, optical spatial communications are limited to use for short distance communications.

[0004] Optical space communication is known as a technique capable of dealing with such an increase in transmission capacity.

The optical space communication is a technique for communicating by propagating signal light used in optical fiber communication through free space instead of the inside of an optical fiber, and is able to acquire a communication capacity equivalent to that of the optical fiber communication from an idealistic viewpoint.

Furthermore, the optical space communication is able to suppress spatial spread of signal light further than that of a microwave, by using signal light having a wavelength in a near-infrared region.

Thus, the optical space communication is able to increase the density of a transmission path, which can also increase a communicable data capacity.

Further, since signal light has high directivity, an improvement of communication confidentiality is also expected by using the optical space communication.


[0007] Note that an antenna that transmits and receives signal light may be referred to as an “optical antenna” or a “telescope” in the optical space communication.

Further, an antenna that transmits signal light may be referred to as a “transmission telescope”, and an antenna that receives signal light may be referred to as a “reception telescope”.

Communication links within the network can involve various digital or an analog communication media such as fiber optic cables, free-space optics, waveguides, electrical conductors, wireless links, antennas, radio-frequency communications, and so forth.
ネットワーク内の通信リンクは、光ファイバーケーブル、光空間通信(free-space optics)、導波路、導電体、ワイヤレスリンク、アンテナ、無線周波数通信等、様々なデジタル又はアナログ通信媒体を伴うことができる。

[0003] One proposed solution to some of the issues described above is to employ optical communication between circuit boards.

For example, each board may include an array of light emitters and detectors that can communicate with one another.

The present inventors have determined that such optical communication between boards may be challenging.

For example, mechanical misalignment during installation, the operation of hard disk drive, and the air turbulence associated with cooling can result in circuit board vibrations that adversely effect free space optical links or require the use of costly mechanical coupling components.

Also, free space optical communication can be adversely effected by the dust associated with air cooling and can require strenuous optics or dynamic steering of the beam to compensate for the board to board spacing and vibration.
また、自由空間光通信(free space optical communication:光無線通信、光空間通信)は、空気冷却に関連する埃によって悪影響を受ける可能性があり、基板間の間隔及び振動を補償するために難しい光学系(strenuous optics)又はビームの動的操向を必要とし得る。

[0002] The subject matter described herein relates to free-space optical (FSO) wireless transmission including optical communications, remote-sensing, power beaming, etc., and more particularly, to 
  本明細書に説明される主題は、光通信、リモートセンシング、パワービーミング(power  beaming)などを含む自由空間光(FSO)無線伝送に関し、より詳細には、

enhanced optical transport efficiencies that can be realized for wavelength propagation using

ultra-short-pulse-laser (USPL) sources for beam propagation through optically impaired atmospheric conditions due to factors that can include without limitation fog, clouds (i.e water aerosols), atmospheric beam wander, scintillation effects, and the like.



[0005] Utilizing current state-of-the art fiber-optic components, free-space optical data links can be fully integrated into current short-haul and long-haul high-speed optical networks.

Free-space data links can fully attain current synchronous optical networking (SONET) system architectures, such as for example SONET OC-48 architectures utilizing current 1550 nm wavelength optical technology platforms. 
自由空間データリンクは、SONET  OC-48アーキテクチャなどの、例えば現在の1550nm波長光技術プラットフォームを活用する同期光ネットワーキング(SONET)システムアーキテクチャを完全に達成することができる。


Faced with all of the above unsubstantiated results and subsequent contradiction and controversy, it is not surprising the growth of FSO communications has been limited and that there has not yet been a single commercial system produced that is based on the claims in the expired Motorola patent (U.S. Pat. No. 6,043,920).

Clearly, it would be beneficial to establish once-and-for all if using ultra-short laser pulses would substantially improve terrestrial free space optical communications under inclement conditions.

And if the result were positive, this would represent a major breakthrough and have a substantial favorable impact on the future adoption of FSO communications.

[0002] Communication terminals may transmit and receive optical signals through free space optical communication (FSOC) links.

In order to accomplish this, such terminals generally use acquisition and tracking systems to establish the optical link by pointing optical beams towards one another.

For instance, a transmitting terminal may use a beacon laser to illuminate a receiving terminal, while the receiving terminal may use a position sensor to locate the transmitting terminal and to monitor the beacon laser.

Steering mechanisms may maneuver the terminals to point toward each other and to track the pointing once acquisition is established.

A high degree of pointing accuracy may be required to ensure that the optical signal will be correctly received.

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