


2018-05-25 10:50:46 | 英語特許散策

"[0002] In general, an electric motor vehicle is configured to capture electric power from an overhead wire(架線)with a current collector(集電装置)and drive, using the captured electric power, an electric motor with a power converting apparatus such as an inverter to travel."

"Consequently, it is possible to suppress a collected current(集電電流)of the current collector 2, in particular, when the electric vehicle is stopped or traveling at low speed. Therefore, it is possible to suppress a temperature rise in the current collector 2 and a contact section of the overhead wire 1 and the current collector 2."

"1. A current collector(集電)strip for a sliding contact device biased against a contact wire, said collector strip comprising: 

a sliding strip arranged on a sliding strip carrier, and having a contact surface and a carbon molding(成形品); and
at least one metallic conducting device connected to the sliding strip carrier and extending in a slot formed in the carbon molding to the contact surface of the sliding strip the at least one conducting device extending transversely to a sliding direction and in a direction of a biasing force."

Current collector, Wikipedia
"Electric current collectors(*集電装置)are used by trolleybusestramselectric locomotives or EMUs to carry electrical power from overhead lines or electrical third rails to the electrical equipment of the vehicles. Those for overhead wires are roof-mounted devices, those for third rails are mounted on the bogies."

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