


2018-05-16 23:12:00 | 英語特許散策

"1. A pump element of a hydraulic unit for a vehicle brake system, configured to deliver brake fluid via a piston mounted so as to reciprocate(往復動可能に)in a cylinder,
wherein the piston has a first and a second active surface(*複数の同一名称の部材;第一、第二の;複数なのに単数の謎), of which the first active surface is configured to cause brake fluid to be discharged from the cylinder during forward movement of the piston and the second active surface is configured to cause brake fluid to be discharged from the cylinder during backward movement of the piston."

"1. A rotary valve internal combustion engine having a piston connected to a crankshaft and reciprocatable(往復動可能)in a cylinder, a combustion chamber being defined in part by the piston, and a rotary valve rotatable in a valve housing fixed relative to the cylinder, the rotary valve having a valve body containing a volume defining, in part, the combustion chamber and further having in a wall part thereof(壁部に有し;*所有される部材の特定前におけるその場所の特定;includingでも使えるか?)a port giving, during rotation of the valve, fluid communication successively to and from the combustion chamber via inlet and exhaust ports in the valve housing"

"2. An internal combustion engine comprising: 
a plurality of combustion cylinders having opposed ends, at least one inlet port, at least one exhaust port, first and second intermediate ports, and a jumper interconnecting said inlet and intermediate ports; and 
a pair of opposed pistons reciprocally positioned往復動可能に搭載)within each of said combustion cylinders, said pair of opposed pistons comprising an exhaust piston and an intake piston, each piston having facing combustion surfaces, a body and a rear side, said pistons being adapted to reciprocate between top dead center and bottom dead center, said pistons defining a combustion chamber between said combustion surfaces"

"5. The electrically boosted vehicle brake system of claim 1, wherein the master cylinder housing further includes a second bore having a second piston reciprocably(往復動可能)disposed therein and defining in conjunction therewith second and third variable volume chambers, one on either side of the second piston, the second piston responsive to operator brake pedal force to decrease the volume of the second chamber and apply fluid pressure to other wheel brake actuators different from said certain ones of the wheel brake actuators."

"1. A variable displacement swash plate compressor comprising:
a cylinder block in which a plurality of cylinder bores are formed;
a front housing assembled to a front side of the cylinder block to define a crank chamber;
a rear housing attached to a rear side of the cylinder block, in which a suction chamber and a discharge chamber are formed;
pistons arranged in respective cylinder bores of the cylinder block so as to reciprocate(往復動可能に);
a shaft supported by the front housing and the cylinder block so as to rotate freely;
a swash plate rotating integrally with the shaft and attached to the shaft so that a tilt angle is variable; and
shoes interposed between a peripheral edge portion of the swash plate and the pistons so as to slide, converting a rotating motion of the swash plate into a reciprocating motion of the pistons"

"1. A piston and cylinder assembly of a positive displacement machine, the assembly comprising a piston reciprocably(*摺動可能に)disposed within a cylinder having an axis, a cylindrical bearing surface and a uniform diameter, the piston comprising: 
a bearing surface having an axial length and defining a diametrical clearance with the cylindrical bearing surface of the cylinder of up to about two percent of the diameter of the cylinder, the diametrical clearance defining a lubrication gap and a hydrodynamic seal between the piston and the cylinder; and
alternating crests and valleys defined in a nominally cylindrical shape of the bearing surface of the piston, the crests and valleys being oriented and spaced on the bearing surface to define a wavy surface form along the entire axial length of the bearing surface, the wavy surface form defining a crest-to-crest frequency and a crest-to-valley amplitude, the crests and valleys creating hydrodynamic buildup of pressure within the valleys and between the crests that decreases power losses in the positive displacement machine."

「シリンダ内を往復動可能に配置されたピストン」→ A piston reciprocably arranged in a cylinder.

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2018-05-16 18:41:20 | 英語特許散策

"Systems and methods are shown for electrically controllably transmitting power(動力)from a motor involving electrically controllably coupling the first input hub to a shuttle so that power is transmitted from the first input hub to the shuttle, providing for one-way rotation between the shuttle and a stationary chassis, and coupling the shuttle to an output hub with a spring such that energy is stored and released from the spring as the output hub rotates. Examples are shown that include controlling engaged and disengaged time intervals of the first input hub and shuttle to maintain a torque level at the output hub, such as by utilizing(用いる)pulse width modulation or pulse frequency modulation. Examples are also shown involving electroadhesively(電気吸着で)coupling the first input hub to the shuttle."

"1. A power extraction(動力抽出)system (200) comprising: a forward fan stage (52) configured to pressurize an airflow (1); an aft(後部)fan stage (60) located axially aft from(軸方向後方)the forward fan stage (52), the aft fan stage (60) having a tip-fan (70) configured to pressurize a first portion (3) of a pressurized air flow (2) from the forward fan stage (52) wherein the aft fan stage (60) is driven by a second portion (4) of the pressurized airflow (2); and a power drive system (210) adapted to supply power from the aft fan stage (60)."

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2018-05-16 18:19:45 | 英語特許散策

"1. An integrated system, comprising: 
a gas turbine system having a first combustion chamber configured to stoichiometrically combust(化学量論的に燃焼)a first compressed oxidant and a first fuel in the presence of(存在下)a compressed recycle stream, wherein the combustion chamber directs(差し向ける)a first discharge stream to an expander(膨張機)to generate a gaseous exhaust stream and at least partially drive a main compressor;

an exhaust gas recirculation system, wherein the main compressor compresses the gaseous exhaust stream and thereby generates the compressed recycle stream, the compressed recycle stream acting as a diluent configured to moderate(加減する;*緩和)the temperature of the first discharge stream;

a CO2 separator fluidly coupled to(流体結合)the compressed recycle stream via a purge stream; and

a gas expander fluidly coupled to the CO2 separator via a residual stream consisting primarily of(主として成る)nitrogen-rich gas derived from the CO2 separator."

"1. A process for removing carbon dioxide from a synthesis gas feed stream in a cryogenic separation plant that comprises either a single cryogenic separation stage or at least two cryogenic separation stages arranged(配置)in series, with the stages in the series being designated stage 1 through stage N, the letter N representing the number of stages in the series, the single stage or each stage of the series comprising the steps of (a) condensing carbon dioxide from the synthesis gas by cooling the synthesis gas by non-contact heat exchange with an external refrigerant to produce liquefied carbon dioxide, and (b) separating the liquefied carbon dioxide from the synthesis gas, with the single separation stage discharging a liquefied carbon dioxide product stream and a hydrogen enriched synthesis gas stream or, with each of the stages in the series cooling the synthesis gas to a successively lower temperature as the synthesis gas progresses from stage 1 to stage N, thereby separately removing a liquefied carbon dioxide product stream from each of the stages, with stage N discharging a hydrogen enriched synthesis gas vapour stream, characterized in that(において): 
(i) the synthesis gas feed stream comprises 40 to 65 mole %(モル%)hydrogen and is fed to the single stage or the first stage of the series at a pressure in the range of(の範囲;*定冠詞)46 to 76 bar absolute;

(ii) the single stage or stage N of the series is operated at a temperature in the range of −53 to −48° C. and a pressure in the range of 44 to 74 bar absolute such that the single stage or the combined stages of the series remove 70 to 80% of the total moles of carbon dioxide in the synthesis gas feed stream; and
(iii) the liquefied CO2 product stream(s) discharged from the stage(s) of the cryogenic separation plant is sequestrated and/or used in a chemical process."

"11. A process as claimed in claim 1 wherein the hydrogen enriched synthesis gas vapour stream that exits the separator of the single cryogenic separation stage or that(*関係代名詞の繰り返し)exits stage N of the series of cryogenic separation stages is passed through a channel of the multichannel heat exchanger in heat exchanger relationship with the synthesis gas feed stream and is then cooled by expansion to lower pressure in a first turboexpander(ターボ膨張機)before being fed to a further channel in the multichannel heat exchanger and the hydrogen enriched vapour stream is optionally cooled by expansion to a lower pressure in a second turboexpander before being fed to a further channel of the multichannel heat exchanger thereby pre-cooling the synthesis gas feed stream to a temperature in the range of −15 to −35° C."

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