


2018-05-06 22:00:39 | 英語特許散策

"7. The hybrid vehicle drive system according to any one of claims 1 to 6, wherein 
the disk portion of the rotor support plate has weight-reduction holes(肉抜き孔)formed in an area extending from the portion fixed to the front cover to the internal diameter portion."

"6. The screen moving device in a saddle-ride-type vehicle according to claim 1, wherein a wall thickness reducing hole(肉抜き孔)is formed in the grip."

「肉抜き孔」"meat vent"
「冷却ファンは肉抜き孔を有する」:"The cooling fan has a lightening hole."

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2018-05-06 16:30:55 | 英語特許散策

「~が内側に配設される」において、内側と非接触の場合、"disposed on the inside of"だと接触を示して不適切ではないか?

"11. The method as claimed in claim 10, comprising feeding the lubricating fluid from a separate lubricating system to a bearing space in the body, and inside which bearing space(軸受空間(16)の内側には・・・回転可能に配設)the rotating sleeve is bearing mounted rotationally; and lubricating by means of the lubricating fluid at least one bearing of the rotating sleeve."

interior of

"FIG. 7 shows the frame members 22disposed interior of the shroud 38 and coupled to the shroud 38 by adhesive bonding."

(シュラウド38をフレーム部材22で内側からテントのように支える靴構造。図7では22はシュラウド38の内側なので見えない。必ずしも内側での非接触を示している訳ではなさそうなので、結局on the inside ofと同じか?)

追記 8MAY2018
"On the outside, this type of resolver may look like a small electrical motor having a stator and rotor. On the inside, the configuration of the wire windings makes it different." ("Resolver", Wikipedia)

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2018-05-06 14:48:17 | 英語特許散策

"1. A brake hydraulic pressure controller comprising:
a base body that is formed with a channel for a hydraulic fluid therein, wherein
a first banjo with a first end, to which a brake pipe is connected, is fixed to a first port of the channel by a banjo bolt, and
a second end of the first banjo, to which the brake pipe is not connected, is inserted in a bottomed hole有底孔)that is perforated in specified depth on an outer surface of the base body and into which the hydraulic fluid does not flow in an entire region of the specified depth, or extends to the outside of a side of the base body and is locked to an edge on the side of the base body."

"25. The electric power steering apparatus according to claim 16, wherein:
a non-output end bearing that rotatably supports said output shaft is disposed on a central portion of said heat sink;
said power module, said holder, and said controlling circuit board that are stacked sequentially from said heatsink are sealed by a case that has a plane of a cylindrical cup shape有底筒状)that has an end surface that is placed in contact with an outer circumferential edge portion of said heat sink; and

a connector that is electrically connected to said control unit, and that extends so as to be parallel to said output shaft, is disposed within said plane of said case."

"[0094] Because the connectors 16 and 17, which are electrically connected to the control unit 1 and extend parallel to the output shaft 23, are disposed on the upper surface of the cylindrical cup-shaped有底筒状の)cover 19, which is a flat surface, radial dimensions of the electric power steering apparatus will not be increased by the connectors 16 and 17."

"5. The brake device of the fluid pressure motor according to claim 2, wherein
the holding portion is a bottomed hole formed in correspondence to the coil spring, and
by engaging an outer peripheral surface of the one end portion with an inner peripheral surface of the bottomed hole(有底孔), the coil spring is held by the holding portion."

"1. An impact tool which drives a tool bit in a longitudinal direction of the tool bit and performs a predetermined operation, comprising:
a motor which includes a motor shaft,
a driving mechanism which is driven by the motor and drives the tool bit,
a main housing which houses the driving mechanism,
a handle which includes a grip portion extending in a cross direction crossing the longitudinal direction of the tool bit, the handle being configured to be moved with respect to the main housing,
a biasing member which is arranged between the main housing and the handle and applies biasing force on the handle, and
a weight which is housed in the main housing and movable with respect to the main housing,
wherein the driving mechanism comprises a motion converting mechanism which converts rotation of the motor shaft into a linear motion in the longitudinal direction of the tool bit, and a hammering mechanism which includes a bottomed cylinder(有底筒状)member, a driving element slidably housed within the cylinder member and a hammering element driven by the driving element and hammering the tool bit, the cylinder member being configured to be driven linearly by the motion converting mechanism and arranged coaxially with the tool bit"

"The stand-off 10, of FIGS. 1 through 3 has a metallic base or socket 12, preferably formed as a rivet with shank 14 and a head 16, which has an inwardly extending undercut at 18, has wall or tube 20 which extends outwardly from the top of the head to form a socket area between the inside walls 22 and the top 24 of the head. The lip 26 of the socket is preferably enlarged or raised. A rigid insert 28 is made from a material that has good insulation properties; thus, it may be made from plastics such as, but not limited to, glass reinforced nylon. The lower part 30 of the insert is shaped to fit into the socket. A ledge or shoulder 32 extends around the periphery of the insert and is located to be contiguous to the lip of the socket when the insert is fully bottomed(*底に達した)in the socket."

"1. A cell comprising:
a closed-end tubular(有底筒状)case for accommodating a power generation element;
a lid for the case;
a terminal electrode disposed outside of the case and used for connection with another cell;
an extraction electrode passing through the lid and used to extract electric power from the power generation element to the outside of the case; and
a stepped connection electrode disposed outside of the case, the stepped connection electrode having a first flat portion to which the terminal electrode is connected and a second flat portion which is located at a level different from a level of the first flat portion and to which the extraction electrode is connected, wherein
the first and second flat portions have regions overlapping each other as viewed in a direction orthogonal to a direction of a thickness of the first and second flat portions."

"3. The valve mechanism for an internal combustion engine according to claim 1, wherein the lost motion mechanism includes:
a housing shaped like a cylinder having a closed end(片側有底筒状), the housing accommodating the lash adjuster in a slidable manner;

an engagement member capable of engaging the housing and the lash adjuster with each other; and
a supply passage that applies hydraulic pressure to the engagement member such that the hydraulic pressure acts on the engagement member in a direction for cancelling an engagement state between the housing and the lash adjuster,
wherein the switch portion is a switch valve provided in the supply passage to switch supply modes of the hydraulic pressure to the engagement member."

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