I Love Nature


ヴァンダ・ミス・ジョァキム Vanda Miss Joaquim

2005年12月29日 | 植物のお話

シンガポール植物園のホームページを覗いてみると、そこにはアグネス・ジョァキム(Agnes Joaquim)という女性の名前の他に、ヘンリー・ニコラス・リドリー(Henry Nicholas Ridley)という男性の名前を見つけることができました。



This flower is "Vanda Miss Joaquim" which is the national flower of Singapore.

Who is Miss Joaquim?

Miss Joaquim was an actual person. She was an Aermenian(←I misunderstood that she was an American. Let me correct my mistake!) and her name was Agnes Joaquim. She found this flower for the first time in 1893 and told the then director of the park, Henry N Ridley about the beautiful orchid. He confirmed that the flower was a new orchid hybrid, and it was registered as "Vanda Miss Joaquim" in the same year. It became Singapore's national flower in 1981, 88 years after it was discovered first. Please look at the home page of Singapore Botanic Gardens if you want to get more information!

人面虫!? Man Face Beatle

2005年12月29日 | 海外のお話


実はこれ、昆虫なんです。シンガポールの最南端にあるセントーサ島のバタフライ・パークで発見しました。あまりにもユニークだったので、思わず接写モードで撮影してしまいました英語名はMan Face Beatle。まさに「人面虫」です。この写真は標本ですが、動いている姿はもっとキュートです。


This is the picture of a kind of insect. When I found it at the Butterfly Park in Sentosa Island, I thought it looked like a Japanese sumo wrestler's face! The name of this insect is "MAN FACE BEATLE." It has very unique design on its back. Can you imagine it moving around? It's very cute!

There are lots of specimens of butterfly from all over the world including Blue Morpho in the Butterfly Park. You can also see the moment a butterfly emerging from a chyrsails. If you are interested in insect, you will certainly have a great time in the park!

シンガポールの国花 Singapore's National Flower

2005年12月29日 | 植物のお話


チャンギ空港に着くとたくさんの蘭の花が出迎えてくれるので、シンガポールに行けば自ずとその答えが分かります。蘭と言えば日本でもおなじみの花ですが、蘭にはたくさんの種類があり、厳密に言うとその中のヴァンダ・ミス・ジョァキム(The Vanda Miss Joaquim)というピンク色の蘭が国花とされているようです。長い名前ですね~。一体ミス・ジョァキムって誰なんでしょう?なぜこの花が国花となったでしょうか?


The national flower of Japan is Cherry Blossoms, Sakura in Japanese. What is the national flower of Singapore? Can you guess?

That is Orchid! You can see a lot of orchid flowers in Changi Airport. Orchid has so many sorts, so, strictly speaking, the national flower is "the Vanda Miss Joaquim." Who is Miss Joaquim? Why did it become Singapore's national flower?

The answer seems to be concerned with the history of "Singapore Botanic Garden" in this picture. Next time I will tell you about it!