版画草子 All That Print Work


「個展」を考える 2 Thinking about the exhibit (2)

2007-11-28 18:07:22 | 作品 Works

現在 都心で 自費で個展を開くと

多くの人を動員し 経費を上回る売り上げが可能な作家は
(経費は画廊が負担してくれますが 売り上げの半分程は

あるいはどうしても多くの人に 多くの自作を見てもらうため
赤字覚悟で 無理して自費で個展を開くケースが多いと思います。

しかし かかる費用と反響・効果のバランスはかなり厳しいものがあります。


-From an economic aspect-
Holding a show in the center of Tokyo for six days,
you have to pay 200,000 to 300,000yen as a rent for the gallery.
In addition, the expense of invitation cards, their postage,
framing, shipping and so on are needed.
It may add up to 300,000 to 500,000yen.
Artists who have many audiences and whose sales are more than expenses
can mostly get their show produced by galleries.
(In this case, the cost above is on the gallery,
but around a half of sales goes to them)

Artists who manage to stay out of red after withdrawing the cost,
or who strongly want many people to see their works,
even if deficits are produced, hold a show at their own expense.

Striking a balance between the expense and the effect is really difficult.

ある春の日に 210×150mm ED 70 2007年制作
In a Spring Day

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