版画草子 All That Print Work


スクリーン版画の出来るまで(8)The process of Silkscreen(8)

2007-07-16 10:17:31 | 作品 Works
Now, start printing.
(the work posted today is different from
the design shown on June 24)

1 刷る紙の位置を決め
2 スキージでインクを版上に広げます。

1. Fix the frame on the printing table.
Place paper beneath the frame
and decide the position of the paper.
2. Spread ink on the screen with a squeegee.

3 スキージを下に押し付けるように引くと
4 下の紙にインクが刷り込まれます。

3, Pull the squeegee, then it forces ink
through the screen.
4, The ink forms images or letters on the paper below.
( My daughter demonstrated )

何かご質問がありましたら どうぞお寄せ下さい。
Any question and comment will be welcomed.
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