

ドイツ(Germany 🇩🇪): 8-year-old takes car

2019-08-22 17:35:09 | 日記
2019年8月22日(Thu.) チョット信じられないニュースですが、事実のようです。 ( ニュースソース: DWーDE 8月21日発 )

Germany: 8-year-old takes car for high-speed autobahn joyride
The child halted his trip after beginning to feel unwell. Police said no one was hurt by the boy's 140 kilometer/hour trip down an autobahn near Dortmund.
ドイツ: 8歳の少年がアウトバーン(注: 高速道路)で暴走運転をしました。(意訳)

The A44 German highway where the youngster abandoned his journey after reaching speeds of up to 140 km/h (87 mph)

An 8-year-old boy went for a 140 km/h (87 mph) joyride on a German autobahn in the early hours of Wednesday morning, police confirmed.
Authorities were alerted by the child's mother at about 12:25 a.m. local time, before she found her son, unscathed, in a lay-by, an hour later. He had put the hazard lights on and placed a warning triangle behind the parked vehicle.

When police arrived on the scene the tearful boy said: "I just wanted to drive a little."

(超抜粋) これは水曜日の朝のことでした。 警察は、この少年の母親からの通報を受けたのですが、1時間ほど後に、高速道路の待避所( lay-by )にいるところを発見されました。
現場に警察が到着した時、泣きながら少年は、“ チョット運転したかっただけ” と言ったそうです。

German police wrote on Facebook: "I just wanted to drive a little bit,' an 8-year-old said to our colleagues."

The child was found on the A44 heading in the direction of Dortmund having driven off in an automatic Volkswagen Golf from the family home in the western town of Soest, Germany's dpa news agency reported.
He abandoned his journey eight kilometers in as he began to feel unwell, despite having experience of bumper cars and go-karts.
No one was injured by the boy's trip and no damage to the family's or other vehicles or property was reported.

(超抜粋) 少年が運転したのはVWゴルフでした。 彼は気分が悪くなって8km走行してやめたのです。ただ、彼はゴーカートなどを運転したことがあると言うことです。


8歳の少年が、何故運転出来たのかは、最後の文面で理解出来ました。 それにしても、前方が良く見えたものです。


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