

ドイツ(Germany 🇩🇪): Most Germans support

2019-08-03 22:49:58 | 日記
2019年8月3日(Sat.) 今日も暑い暑い1日でしたが、ピークは越えつつあるようです(だといいんですが)。

さて、ドイツでは、こうした話題が取り上げられているようです。 ( ニュースソース: DWーDE 8月1日発 )

Most Germans support drastic climate change measures
As climate change concerns grow, a new survey has found most Germans support raising flight prices and other measures to protect the planet. The Greens are currently polling on par with Angela Merkel's conservatives.

A majority of people in Germany support taking drastic steps to combat climate change, according to a survey published on Thursday.
More than 70% of participants in the Deutschlandtrend opinion poll for public broadcaster ARD by Infratest dimap said they think raising prices on flights makes sense.
Some 60% said they support getting rid of combustible engines in cars, while 97% backed expanding renewable energy.
But there still appears to be strong resistance to introducing a carbon tax, with only 35% of participants behind the measure.

(超抜粋) 木曜日の調査結果によると、ドイツの多くの人が、気候変動と戦う劇的な手段を支持しています。

(以下、転載省略。 原文サイトはこちら


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