

アイスランド(Iceland 🇮🇸): Higher Temps or Tourists?

2019-08-19 17:30:22 | 日記
2019年8月19日(Mon.) やや気温が下がって来た感がありますが、まだエアコンはほぼ24時間運転です(愛知県平野部)。 それにしても、体にこたえます。

地球温暖化の影響は、アチコチに現れているようです。(ニュースソース: iceland monitor 8月18日発 )

Higher Temps or Tourists?
高い気温? それとも旅人?

Pilot whales on Löngufjörur beach. Photo/David Schwarzhans (注: ゴンドウクジラ)

Warmer ocean temperatures, due to global warming, may explain why pilot whales have been spotted more often around Iceland in recent years, according to Gísli Víkingsson, whale specialist at Iceland’s Marine and Freshwater Institute, mbl.is reports.

There are indications, he states, that other whale species as well have traveled farther north than before. The ocean temperature, however, doesn’t affect the whales themselves, but has instead led capelin and mackerel – on which the whales feed – to seek colder seas.

(超抜粋) 専門家によると、地球温暖化による海温上昇で、近年、アイスランド周辺でのゴンドウクジラの目撃が増加しています。
その他の種類のクジラも、以前に比べて北の地域に現れているようです。海洋の温度がクジラそのものに影響すると言うよりも、彼らのエサとなる魚( capeline= シシャモ、mackerel=サバ )が冷たい海域を求めているのです。

“Therefore, this increased number of arrivals of pilot whales may have to do with them being more common than before around the country. Their population, however, is very large, counting 600,000-800,000 in the Atlantic Ocean, and we are, so to say, on the northern edge of their habitat, but that northern edge may have moved farther north,” Gísli remarks.

An increased number of tourists may affect how many reports we receive of pilot whales in the ocean around Iceland, he speculates. Places that used to be rarely visited are now visited by tourists, making reports of beached whales more common. “People travel much more than before, and such reports are more common than they used to be.”

Pilot whales may very well have beached in remote areas before and nature taken care of getting rid of the carcasses without our knowledge. When dozens of pilot whales beached in a remote area on the Snæfellsnes peninsula this summer, they were discovered by tourists who flew over in a helicopter.

“That was far from any inhabited area and may otherwise never have been discovered,” he states. Relatively shortly after being discovered, nature had covered the carcasses in sand on the beach.

In the fall, scientists from NAMMCO, the North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission, will meet in the Faroe islands, where pilot whales are common. Gísli is curious to know whether data will reveal a declining number of pilot whales there, which would support the idea that they have indeed moved farther north.

(超抜粋) 専門家によると、ゴンドウクジラの大西洋に於ける生息数は600,000〜800,000頭で、その生息北限域は遥かに北へ移動していると言います。
そして、この秋には、関係する科学者がこれらの課題について議論することになっています。(注: 原文を流し読みして下さい。 原文サイトはこちら


地球温暖化による影響の一つでしょう。 二酸化炭素排出削減など、喫緊の課題です。 日本は、本当にボーッとしているのでしょうね。 悪質なアオリ運転犯罪者も絶対に許せませんが、マスコミは、もっと重大な問題にスポットを当てるべきです・・・。 (流されやすい日本人、島国根性日本)

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