
死ぬまで毎年IRONMAN HAWAIIに出るのが目標!体育2のironmaniaのroad to KONAな日々です!

Don't irritate me!

2014-02-05 01:51:16 | Weblog
2/3/2014 All off

I have English class on every Monday evening.
Everytime I have many unknown English words.
And everytime I want to check the meaning by English-Japanese dictionary.
But the teacher prohibits it and describes them by English.
However, I can't understand not only original words but also the other words which describes the meaning of original one.
So my frustration goes up by degree!!!

If I live in the US to learn English, it's good study for me.
But I don't live to learn English. I live here to do work!
English is just only one tool for me to do work.
So I think it's waste of time...
I think it's important to understand the meaning first.
And then, if I want, I'm better to understand it by English.

After the class, I have about 30 minutes to do exercise.
But yesterday, I didn't want to do anything because of my frustration...


にほんブログ村 トライアスロンブログランキングに上場中!
にほんブログ<em></em>村 その他スポーツブログ トライアスロンへにほんブログ村>


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