
死ぬまで毎年IRONMAN HAWAIIに出るのが目標!体育2のironmaniaのroad to KONAな日々です!

Bike ride at countryside

2014-03-12 21:56:59 | road to KONA
Bike 71.6km2:26

It exceeded 50 degrees! Snow is gone! So I rode bike at country side.
This course is almost flat and countryside, so we can ride almost all by TT form!
But my next Ironman is Lake Placid in July. It has hill climb bike course. So this course isn't good for me...

The picture is Plesant Cafe at Plesant Plain, a small village in Ohio.
It's village Christian school, but it looks like to open a cafe on weekend.

The village is very quiet and I guess it's one of American old style cafe.
But we can see a bunch of car there on weekend... I wanna go there at least one time, if possible with cute lady...


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