
Merci Antonio

2006年09月29日 16時19分34秒 | Cockpitから
I am happy to tell you that this time I got an E-mail from Antonio in Spain.
Here is his message to you all.
Bonjour monsieur, bonjour madame:
I am a Spanish admirer of Barbara and my name is Antonio.
Here in Spain Barbara is absolutely unkown...
I have just discovered your page and I was shocked and marvelled:
a japanese page for Barbara! What a wonderful thing!
I encourage you and give you my best regards!
It is a pity I cannot read your language, that I love so much (Santoka Taneda is my all times favourite poet, and Mizoguchi and Ozu, I simply love them)
See you!
We are all very happy to receive you on this PLANETE BARBARA. ANTONIO,thank you very much for your contact. (Bruxelles)

Mitterrand et BARBARA

2006年09月16日 18時20分35秒 | Barbara関連情報
Mitterrand a Toulouse 06/05/1988  2分39秒
