


2020-02-18 15:28:35 | 日記
Airlines refuse to take passengers from cruise ship in Cambodia

PHNOM PENH -- Passengers and crew of a luxury cruise ship that had been turned away from at least five ports in Asia over coronavirus fears are now stranded in Cambodia after all airlines have refused to carry them.


refuse:拒否する passenger:乗客 crew:乗組員 luxury:豪華な turn away:拒否する  fear:不安 strand:立往生させる



プノンペン -- コロナウィルスの不安からアジアの少なくとも5つの港から拒否された豪華なクルーズ船の乗客と乗り組み員たちが今、すべての航空会社が彼らを運ぶことを拒否した後、カンボジアで立ち往生させられている。



「Airlines refuse to take passengers」

「from cruise ship in Cambodia」



「Passengers and crew of a luxury cruise ship」


「that had been turned away from at least five ports in Asia」

「over coronavirus fears」


「are now stranded in Cambodia」

「after all airlines have refused to carry them」


2020-02-17 15:32:40 | 日記
42 runners taken to hospital during cold, rainy southwest Japan marathon

KUMAMOTO -- Some 42 runners were reportedly sent to hospital during the Kumamoto Castle Marathon held in this southwestern Japan city on Feb. 16. The runners are believed to have suffered hypothermia and other health problems due to the continuous rain on race day.

reportedly:伝えられるところによると suffer:苦しむ hypothermis:低体温症 due to:~のために continuous:途切れない



熊本 -- 伝えられるところによると2月16日のこの南西日本の町で開かれた熊本城マラソンの間に、およそ42人のランナーが病院に送られた。ランナーたちはレース当日の途切れない雨のために低体温症とほかの健康障害を引き起こしたと思われた。



「42 runners 《are》 taken to hospital」

「during cold, rainy southwest Japan marathon」


「Some 42 runners were reportedly sent to hospital during the Kumamoto Castle Marathon」

「held in this southwestern Japan city on Feb. 16」


「The runners are believed to have suffered」

「hypothermia and other health problems」

「due to the continuous rain on race day」


2020-02-14 16:44:17 | 日記
'We don't know': Source of new virus infection in east Japan murky

The Chiba Prefectural Government held a news conference on the evening of Feb. 13 after it was learned that a man in his 20s in the prefecture east of Tokyo had been infected with the new coronavirus, but local health crisis response officials were unable to pinpoint the source of his infection.


source:源 infection:感染 murky:はっきりしない prefectural:県の
news conference:記者会見 local:地元の crisis:危機 response:対応






「We don't know」

「Source of new virus infection in east Japan 《is》 murky」


「The Chiba Prefectural Government held a news conference on the evening of Feb. 13」

「after it was learned that」


「a man in his 20s in the prefecture east of Tokyo had been infected with the new coronavirus」

「but local health crisis response officials were unable to pinpoint the source of his infection」


2020-02-13 17:47:49 | 日記
Next-gen shinkansen prototype train pulls into Hokkaido for harsh winter tests

A lucky group was given a fast look at a Feb. 12 predawn test run of East Japan Railway Co.'s long-nosed next-generation shinkansen bullet train, set to be introduced to the northernmost prefecture of Hokkaido. The train, known as the ALFA-X is the first test train to be deployed in the prefecture.


next-generation:次世代 prototype:試作車両 pull in:到着する harsh:厳しい predawn:夜明け前 bullet:弾丸 set to:~ことになっている introduce:導入する prefecture:県 deploy:配備する






「Next-gen shinkansen prototype train pulls into Hokkaido」

「for harsh winter tests」


「A lucky group was given a fast look」

「at a Feb. 12 predawn test run of East Japan Railway Co.'s long-nosed next-generation shinkansen bullet train」

「set to be introduced to the northernmost prefecture of Hokkaido」


「The train, known as the ALFA-X」

「is the first test train to be deployed in the prefecture」


2020-02-12 22:10:09 | 日記
US, Germany got secrets via encryption devices sold to 120 nations

WASHINGTON -- U.S. and German intelligence agencies for decades obtained foreign secrets through rigged encryption devices sold to more than 120 countries including their allies via a Swiss company they secretly owned, the two countries' media said Tuesday.


via:~を経由して encryption:暗号化 device:装置 intelligence:諜報 agency:機関 decade:10年 obtain:入手する rig:不正に仕組む ally:同盟国



ワシントン -- アメリカとドイツの諜報機関は数十年の間、彼らが密かに所有していたスイスの会社を通じて、同盟国を含む120以上の国へ売られた不正操作された暗号化装置を通して外国の秘密を入手していたと、2国のメディアが火曜日に伝えた。



「US, Germany got secrets via encryption devices」

「sold to 120 nations」



「U.S. and German intelligence agencies for decades obtained foreign secrets」

「through rigged encryption devices」

「sold to more than 120 countries including their allies」


「via a Swiss company」

「they secretly owned」

「the two countries' media said Tuesday」