


2022-04-19 15:54:44 | 日記

Fact check: Japanese word 'Ginbura' not from 'drinking Brazilian coffee in Ginza district'

A theory widespread on the internet and elsewhere postulates that the Japanese word "Ginbura" derives from "drinking Brazilian coffee in Ginza and even the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has introduced this explanation on its website. But investigations indicate that this is wrong.  Correctly, the term stands for "Ginza o burabura suru." 

district:地区 theory:説 postulate:示す derive form:~に由来する ministry:省 introduce:紹介する investigation:調査 correctly:正しくは term:言葉 stand for:表す






「Fact check」

「Japanese word 'Ginbura' 《is》 not from 'drinking Brazilian coffee in Ginza district'」

「A theory widespread on the internet and elsewhere postulates」

「that the Japanese word "Ginbura" derives from "drinking Brazilian coffee in Ginza」

「and even the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has introduced this explanation」

「on its website」

「But investigations indicate that this is wrong」

「Correctly, the term stands for "Ginza o burabura suru."」
