


2016-07-01 11:46:52 | 米国特許散策

arithmetic unit?

computing unit?
computation unit?
operational unit?

processor unit?

演算装置:arithmetic and logic unit (機械用語大辞典、日刊工業)

"Pixel arithmetic and logical(算術論理)units for rendering pixels in graphics systems. Circuits for performing arithmetic operations(算術演算)on raster scan data are provided. The circuits comprise opcode registers for selecting an arithmetic function which transforms pixel value data corresponding to graphics primitives, multiplication circuits interfaced with the opcode registers for multiplying graphics operators with graphics data to obtain transform pixel value data, combining circuits interfaced with the multiplication circuits for adding transform pixel value data to existing pixel value data and processing circuitry interfaced with the combining circuitry for storing overflow data from the combining circuitry when adding transform pixel data overflows the combining circuitry."

"7. The data storage device recited in(記載)claim 6 wherein the arithmetic operating means is adapted to(適合、するよう)perform arithmetic operations on pixel value data one pixel at a time."

Computer, Wikipedia
"A computer is a general purpose device that can be programmed to carry out a set of arithmetic(算術)or logical(論理)operations automatically."

"The requested operation may include an arithmetic operation(算術演算)(e.g., add, subtract, multiply, divide) or a logic operation(論理演算)(e.g., XOR, AND, MAX, MIN) on one or more source images."

"In an emulation environment, a host computer includes, for instance, a memory to*いつも違和感を感じるto不定詞の形容詞的用法store instructions and data; an instruction fetch unit to obtain instructions from memory and to optionally, provide local buffering for the obtained instruction; an instruction decode unit to receive the instruction fetched and to determine the type of instructions that have been fetched; and an instruction execution unit to execute the instructions. Execution may include loading data into a register for memory; storing data back to memory from a register; or performing some type of arithmetic or logical operation, as determined by the decode unit. In one example, each unit is implemented in software. For instance, the operations being performed by the units are implemented as one or more subroutines within emulator software."

"12. A system of creating passwords, said system comprising: at least one processing unit to(to不定詞の形容詞的用法): obtain an image; and create a password based on the obtained image, wherein to create the password, the at least one processing unit: compares the obtained image with another image to determine one or more random differences between the obtained image and the another image; and combines the one or more random differences determined from comparing the obtained image and the another image to create the password."

クレームにおけるmeans+function表現を避けるためにconfigured to等の表現が生み出されたようで、90年代半ばから急増したと、
PatentlyOに記事がある(Jan. 22, 2014)。


"a computation unit that computes the speed of ..."

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