


2021-07-21 16:27:43 | 英語特許散策

[0068] In one embodiment, as discussed above, an IVD device is configured to upload data to one or more database servers.

The database servers may be configured to archive test results, aggregate test results into summary reports, or analyze test results for spatial, temporal, or other correlations.

These database servers may additionally be configured to perform other analyses on the data, as appropriate, depending upon the type of data uploaded and the goals of the parties managing and implementing the database servers.

The ability of IVD devices to upload data directly to database servers via the disclosed connectivity modules results in a number of advantages of the disclosed system. 

First, patient care facilities can obtain test results from database servers through secure Internet or other network connections and store the retrieved results in their own databases (e.g., their own HIS or LIS databases).

In addition, the aggregated test reports available due to the processing of the database servers are of value to public health agencies like the CDC, FDA, and WHO.
また、データベースサーバの処理(*データベースサーバが実行する、内で実行される、処理。サーバが結果を報告に集約する。processing by the serverの方が明確では?)によって利用可能になる集約的検査報告は、CDC、FDA及びWHOのような公衆衛生当局にとっても有益である。

Such reports can be provided in real-time due to the ability of the disclosed IVD devices to directly and automatically communicate diagnostic test result data to database servers.

[0173] As with the appliance 200 of FIGs. 2A and 2B, the virtual appliance 450 may provide functionality for availability, performance, offload and security.

For availability, the virtual appliance may perform load balancing between layers 4 and 7 of the network and may also perform intelligent service health monitoring.

For performance increases via network traffic acceleration, the virtual appliance may perform caching and compression.

To offload processing of any servers, the virtual appliance may perform connection multiplexing and pooling and/or SSL processing.

For security, the virtual appliance may perform any of the application firewall functionality and SSL VPN function of appliance 200.
セキュリティに関して、仮想アプライアンスは、アプライアンス200のアプリケーションファイアウォール機能性およびSSL  VPN機能のうちのいずれかを行ってもよい。

[0072] In several embodiments, a multilayer server can be connected with a multilayer hybrid game and can implement a multilayer module to coordinate the activities of a multilayer hybrid game.

A multilayer module can execute as part of a multilayer server to coordinate the gameplay impact from player actions applied to players and/or player classes at various gameplay layers within a multilayer hybrid game.

In numerous embodiments, a multilayer server can be part of a distributed system where processes of a multilayer server(*既出だが不定冠詞;定冠詞でもOKでは?)occur across different multilayer servers of a multilayer server system.

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