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「泣きいや料理集 その3」腹黒豆腐 Stuffed- Fried Tofu

2007-10-26 14:45:37 | 食品 Food
From my partner's cook book named "unwillingly cooked dishes"(3)

「腹黒豆腐」 手前は「ミズヤの新生姜」(自家製生姜酢漬け)
Haraguro Tofu and home-made pickled ginger
(hara...belly, guro...black, means evil-minded)

豆腐半丁 海苔半帖で 1人前です。

水切りした豆腐の真ん中をスプーンで 凹状にくり抜きます。
ちぎった海苔に醤油 辛子をよく混ぜます。
それを穴に詰め くり抜いた時にでた豆腐で蓋をします。
小麦粉をまぶし 揚げます。

水を切ったり 詰め物をしたりと 珍しく手が込んでますが

本当は切るだけの冷や奴か 湯豆腐で済ませたいところですが....

Ingredients (serves1)
1/2 cake ”cotton” regular (about300g) tofu.
oil for deep-frying
chopped naga-negi onion for condiment.
1/2sheet toasted Nori seaweed
Japanese mustard paste 1tpsp
soy sauce 1tpsp
mix them well beforehand

1. Cut the tofu in half. Wrap in kitchen paper, and place something heavy on it.
Let stand for 20 min. to remove excess water.
2. Make a hole (2.5cm in diameter and depth) on the center of the tofu with a teaspoon.
3. Stuff the filling*
4. Mash the tofu scooped out from the hole. Cover it on the hole for the lid.
5. Coat thinly with flour and place the tofu with the lid side up in preheated oil.
6. Oil has not to be much enough to submerge the tofu.
Pour hot oil onto the tofu several times with a spoon so that the lid is glued.
7. When lower half of tofu turns light brown, turn it over gently.
8. When the lid side half turns light brown, take out of the pan and drain on a tray.

Deforming the tofu, eat with the filling. Please enjoy it !

城山公園 紅葉はまだ先のようです。
near by Shiroyama Park. Foliage is still green.

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