版画草子 All That Print Work


閑話二題 Mantis and Locusts

2008-10-07 10:26:47 | その他 Other

This leaf story is still going on, but let’s take a break today.

仕事場の外に置いてあるシルクの版に おおかまきりが来ました。
かまきりの三角の顔って 実にユニークで 愛嬌があって私は好きです。
両手の鎌を手入れする仕草は 猫にも似て ずっと見ていても飽きません。

虫も好かれる虫もいれば 嫌われる奴もいてなかなか大変です。

A mantis visited my studio.
It was settling on a frame of silkscreen leaned against the wall outside.
I love their unique charming triangular faces.
Their gesture taking care of the sickle- shaped forelegs is like that of cats, which I ‘m never tired of watching.
Insects' life is tough like ours、 some are welcomed,and some are not.


下が親で 上が子バッタか?
下が雌で 上が雄バッタか?
下がアメリカバッタで 上が日本バッタか?

下が転けたら 上も転けます.....

Built-up locusts I found on my walk.
The lower one a parent and the upper one is a child…
The lower one is a female and the upper one is a male…
The lower one is an American and the upper one is a Japanese… I wonder?
Anyway, if the lower falls, so does the upper.


I don't know the name of these flowers,which I saw on my walk as well.


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